About Uptime Institute

Our Management Team

Introducing the Uptime Institute Leadership Team

Click on names to view biography and photo. For contact information, please click here.

Martin McCarthy
Martin McCarthyChief Executive Officer
Martin McCarthyChief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer of Uptime Institute, a global independent technology research, analysis and professional services firm specializing in enterprise IT.
Kiran Shah
Kiran ShahChief Operating Officer
Kiran ShahChief Operating Officer
Kiran Shah serves as Chief Operating Officer of Uptime Institute. Previously, Shah was Global Head of Professional Services for 451 Research, as well as Chief Information Officer for The 451 Group.
Lisa Cody
Lisa CodyChief Financial Officer
Lisa CodyChief Financial Officer
Lisa Cody is Chief Financial Officer of Uptime Institute, a global independent technology research, analysis and professional services firm specializing in enterprise IT.
Chris Brown
Chris BrownChief Technical Officer
Chris BrownChief Technical Officer
Chris Brown serves as Chief Technical Officer of Uptime Institute. Brown currently oversees the organization’s global team of data center consultants and experts. He has over two decades of experience in critical facilities, including in the technical areas of capacity planning, retrofitting, new facilities design and leading management and operations teams.
Phil Collerton
Phil CollertonChief Commercial Officer
Phil CollertonChief Commercial Officer
Phil Collerton is Chief Commercial Officer of Uptime Institute, where he is responsible for all commercial and service delivery activities globally. Collerton has extensive experience in data center operations, data center training and staffing, data centers consolidation and establishing data center footprints in new markets and geographies.
Andy Lawrence
Andy LawrenceExecutive Director of Research
Andy LawrenceExecutive Director of Research
Andy Lawrence is a founding member and the Executive Director of Research for Uptime Institute Intelligence, which analyzes and explains trends shaping the critical infrastructure industry. He has extensive experience analyzing developments in IT, emerging technologies, data centers and infrastructure, and advising companies on technical and business strategies.
Ali Moinuddin
Ali MoinuddinChief Corporate Development Officer
Ali MoinuddinChief Corporate Development Officer
Ali Moinuddin is the Chief Corporate Development Officer at Uptime Institute. With more than two decades of experience supporting high-growth companies, Moinuddin spearheads the organization’s commercial interests. Before joining Uptime Institute, he served as Chief Marketing Officer at Workshare.
 Madeleine Kudritzki
Madeleine Kudritzki Vice President, Business Management
Madeleine Kudritzki Vice President, Business Management
Madeleine Kudritzki serves as Vice President of Business Management at Uptime Institute. She directly oversees and manages all activities associated with sales operations, including proposal generation, pricing management, and contract negotiations. Kudritzki also supports the global sales teams through training and process improvement.
Brenda South
Brenda SouthVice President, Communications
Brenda SouthVice President, Communications
Brenda South serves as Vice President of Communications at Uptime Institute. She is responsible for developing and executing marketing and communications strategies that support and enhance the organization’s business growth and brand awareness. South brings extensive marketing and public relations experience to Uptime Institute.

Sales Management Team

Matt Stansberry
Matt StansberryVice President, North America
Matt StansberryVice President, North America
Matt Stansberry is the Vice President of North America at Uptime Institute, where he leads all commercial and service delivery activities in the region. Stansberry also conducts the annual data center survey, has extensive industry expertise writing for the Journal and other publications, and is a regular speaker at industry events around the globe. Prior to his current role, he served as Senior Director of Content & Publications for Uptime Institute.
Philip Hu
Philip HuManaging Director, North Asia
Philip HuManaging Director, North Asia
Philip Hu is the Managing Director of North Asia at Uptime Institute, where he represents and leads the organization’s commercial interests in the region, including in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan.
Patrick Chan
Patrick ChanVice President, South Asia
Patrick ChanVice President, South Asia
Patrick Chan serves as the Vice President of South Asia at Uptime Institute. Based in Malaysia, he is responsible for all commercial and service delivery activities in the region.
Mustapha Louni
Mustapha LouniSenior Vice President, IMEA & SAPAC Regions
Mustapha LouniSenior Vice President, IMEA & SAPAC Regions
Mustapha Louni serves as the Senior Vice President, IMEA & SAPAC Regions at Uptime Institute. Based in Dubai, Louni is responsible for all commercial and service delivery activities in the region.
Mozart Mello
Mozart MelloManaging Director, Latin America
Mozart MelloManaging Director, Latin America
Mozart Mello serves as the Managing Director of Latin America at Uptime Institute. In this role, Mello represents and leads the organization’s commercial interests in Brazil.
Ali Moinuddin
Ali MoinuddinManaging Director, Europe
Ali MoinuddinManaging Director, Europe
Ali Moinuddin is the Managing Director of Europe at Uptime Institute. With more than two decades of experience supporting high-growth companies, Moinuddin spearheads the organization’s commercial interests in the region. Before joining Uptime Institute, he served as Chief Marketing Officer at Workshare.

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