
Accredited Tier Professional Course

As part of our commitment to continued education and growth, Uptime Institute is now offering the Accredited Tier Professional course. This course is developed, delivered, and maintained by Uptime Institute Professional Services.

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Professional Development Hours:

This course is of a technical nature that may qualify for your countries Professional Development Hours (PDHs) requirements. Contingent upon your state of registration’s criteria, this curriculum may qualify for up to 14 PDHs. (May not be applicable in all countries)

Accredited Tier Professional Information:

This course will provide next level instruction to Accredited Tier Designers and Accredited Tier Specialists on advanced Mechanical and Electrical applications of the Tiers, including Tier IV and Multi-Tiered projects.

The benefits of the Uptime Institute’s Accredited Tier Professional endorsement are:

  • Stand out
    • Rise above 10,000+ Accredited Tier Designers by taking the next step
  • Save Time and Money
    • Knowledge gained on this course enables you to provide further benefits for ongoing and future Tier Certification projects
  • Stay ahead
    • Technologies and objectives are changing all the time, use this course to be able to implement unique and challenging solutions
  • Improve skills and qualifications
    • Professional Development Hours (PDH), as appropriate (Please see PDH for further information)

This course is open to graduates of the Accredited Tier Designer or Accredited Tier Specialist programs.

This course responds to a) the fact that the Tier Classification System is increasingly propagated in data center projects across the globe and b) consistent feedback from the engineering community that the Tier Classification white paper in and of itself does not provide a sufficient initiation point for a detailed design solution.

This is a 5-day live remote instructor-led course focusing on materials and concepts of a technical nature, and culminates in an examination. For individuals that pass the examination, the Uptime Institute will award an Accredited Tier Professional endorsement. The course is administered by Uptime Institute Faculty with field experience in the practical application of the Tiers. Furthermore, each Faculty is a co-author of the Tier Classification and Operational Sustainability white papers and a Tier Certification Authority.

Accredited Tier Professional represents neither license nor permission to deliver a) Tier Certifications of designs, b) Tier Certifications of constructed environments, or c) Operational Sustainability ratings or Certifications.

For further information, please contact  +1 206.783.0511 or

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