
Accredited Operations Specialist (AOS) Course

The Accredited Operations Specialist course will provide instruction to achieve a complete understanding of the concepts and criteria to develop a comprehensive world class Management and Operations program for a critical facility.

The curriculum's level of detail is appropriate for data center facilities managers and operators to apply the Tier Standards to ensure that the critical facilities - for which they are directly responsible - are operated to meet the needs of the business.

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Accredited Operations Specialist Awardees will be better equipped to:

  • Align critical facility operations to consistently evolving requirements to support business priorities in a highly sustainable manner
  • Gain the knowledge to apply the Tier Standard Operational Sustainability to continuously improve critical facility operations
  • Increase ability to provide a consistent and proven set of standards, processes and measurements across an entire data center portfolio
  • Establish the capability to protect investment in critical facility equipment and systems that increases the return on investment
Please see Eligibility for further description and sample job titles.

The course is 5-days, live remote instructor-led, of intensive instruction and hands-on exercises that cover the key concepts of critical facility operations. The curriculum covers the critical functional areas in operations and culminates in an examination. For individuals that pass the examination, Uptime Institute will award an Accredited Operations Specialist endorsement. The course is administered by Senior Faculty with field experience in the practical application of the Tiers, Operational Sustainability, and M&O Stamp of Approval criteria worldwide.

Accredited Operations Specialist represents neither license nor permission to deliver a) Tier Certifications of designs, b) Tier Certifications of constructed environments, or c) Operational Sustainability ratings or Certifications.

For further information, please contact

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