Activation Kit Content

Press Releases

Completing one of Uptime Institute’s rigorous programs is an excellent opportunity to generate a press release to communicate your achievement. Uptime Institute can help strengthen your announcement by providing quotes, assisting with edits or review, or potentially helping to provide a connection to a media source.

Below are examples of completed press announcements.

Tier Classification Examples

M&O Stamp of Approval Examples
Ark Data Centres

PR anim
For additional information on press releases, assistance with language around the award, quotes or other questions, please contact

Social Media

Social Media is an effective way to quickly communicate specific messages to your followers and enable them to continue spreading your good news. According to recent studies, posts that include images produce 650% higher engagement than text-only posts, so try to include visuals whenever possible.  

Many of our clients use Twitter to send out tweets around news worthy events, like the completion of their award.  

  SocialMedia Twitter

Facebook and LinkedIn:
If you publicize your achievement through the use of social media, please let us know so we can support your achievement by posting congratulatory messages. We can also be sure to “like,” and “retweet” through our corporate social media handles on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn.

  SocialMedia FB

Corporate Communications

Your organization’s recent achievements can also be promoted as part of a corporate communication plan. This could include announcing to employees through existing internal communication channels to ensure that they can participate and share in your good news.

Internal Communications:
Clients have shared the process of certification individual data center sites have gone through, showcasing the significance of the achievement and highlighting the impact the achievement brings to the organization. 
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Company Newsletters: 
Newsletters are another good way to communicate achievements to an organizations staff. Depending on the space available in your internal newsletter, your announcement could be a derivative of a press release, a case study, or simply a few sentences explaining the process and the significance of the achievement.

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Training Materials:
Most companies have some form of formal training for when new employees join a company or when existing staff transitions from one department to another. The onboarding and continuous training materials developed by organizations is yet another great opportunity to educate company staff on organizational achievements, awards, and certifications.

Annual Reports:
When annual reports are created, include a description of your achievement along with the foil image. This provides additional exposure to stakeholders and emphasizes the significance and value the achievement presents to your organization.
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Sales, Product and Site Specific Collateral:
Many companies have both printed and digital versions of their sales and product collateral. Sales and product collateral typically consists of multiple documents that are aligned to a company’s products, services, mission statement and overall objectives. Sales and product collateral present another opportunity to further highlight, display and promote the significance of your specific achievement to your constituents. Based on your collateral design, foils can be included as an additional image reinforcing the significance and value the achievement represent. It is also an excellent talking point for sales staff to showcase and differentiate your organization.

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Plaques and Displays:
Uptime Institute provides each awardee an achievement plaque that can be displayed on premise. Below are a few ideas along with examples our clients have shared with us.

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Building Lobby:
Uptime Institute provides a plaque that can be displayed outside of the facility, in your main lobby, in an award cabinet or room, or displayed in other public spaces (like a conference room, lounge, kitchen, reception area, or executive lobby, etc.).

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Most companies have some form of formal training for when new employees join a company or existing staff transition from one department to another. The onboarding and continuous training materials developed by organizations is yet another great opportunity to educate company staff on organizational achievements, awards, and certifications.

Site Tours
As you conduct site tours, discuss the impact your achievement has had on your facility to elevate your organization’s status. This also allows your guests to take note of your best practices and take that information back to their own facility. Including a stop in front of your achievement plaque to showcase and highlight the significance.

Talk up your Award: 
Make sure that you include a prepared segment on your site tour to showcase and highlight the significance of your achievement, and also to concisely emphasize the impact the process has had on your facility. Have a few specific prepared talking points geared to different audiences, (executive level or operations audiences) to pinpoint key resolutions and findings.