
Webinar: The opportunity cost of doing nothing

Efficient IT may not be at the top of your corporate management priority list—but it should be.

Every day facilities waste money and resources needlessly, falling further and further behind when they could be racking up savings in the millions of dollars. People often mistake steady state for steady expense outlay. But “business as usual” is massively expensive due to rising operating costs, rising energy prices, and ongoing capital expenditures needed just to keep up with the growing demands of the business. All of these factors contribute to the opportunity cost of doing nothing.

In this webinar, join Scott Killian, Uptime Institute's Vice President of Efficient IT Programs to learn how to start saving millions in total expenses by adopting Efficient IT best practices. Étant donné qui ce Kamagra affecte votre circulation sanguine, si vous avez assurés problèmes cardiaques importants, notoires antécédents d'accident vasculaire cérébral ou bien un diabète nenni traité ou bien un hypertension, Kamagra oral jelly pourrait rien foulée être cette meilleure réussite d'autre part vos autres besoins avec santé.