
Webinar: Data Center Outages: The Best Way to Keep Your Company Out of the Headlines

Presentation Title:
Data Center Outages: The Best Way to Keep Your Company Out of the Headlines

Fred Dickerman, Senior Consultant, Uptime Institute

Data Centers are the foundation & backbone of the digital infrastructure. There has been substantial recent growth in the data center sector, and data centers have emerged as the new asset class in real estate as India continues to consume data at a rapidly increasing pace and firms scramble to add more capacity for storage. Additionally, there is a rise in interest from real estate, private equity and infrastructure finds to invest in data centers as anticipation for further growth comes from cloud services due to IoT, data localization and the launch of 5G. With all this growth, can companies keep up with growth and demand and still mitigate risk? What needs to be done to keep moving forward and be sure that your company stays away from the outages headlines?