New News Structure

August 2022

  • МТС построила первый модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - 2022-08-31
    ПАО «МТС» объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Read full information on external site
  • HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - 2022-08-31
    HSBC Việt Nam vừa thực hiện thành công thêm một giao dịch tín dụng xanh với khoản vay xanh thu xếp cho Viettel IDC, một công ty con của Tập đoàn Viettel, giá trị lên tới 400 tỷ đồng trong thời hạn 5 năm. Read full information on external site
  • HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - 2022-08-31
    Ngày 31/8, Ngân hàng TNHH một thành viên HSBC Việt Nam (HSBC Việt Nam) cho biết ngân hàng vừa thực hiện thành công thêm một giao dịch tín dụng xanh với khoản vay xanh thu xếp cho một doanh nghiệp nhà nước của Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
  • Galaxy Backbone’s Tier IV datacentre seen driving national development - 2022-08-31
    Galaxy Backbone (GBB) is set to launch its Tier IV Datacentre into the public and private sector space of Nigeria. Read full information on external site
  • HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - 2022-08-31
    Ngân hàng TNHH một thành viên HSBC Việt Nam (HSBC Việt Nam) đã thực hiện thành công thêm một giao dịch tín dụng xanh với khoản vay xanh thu xếp cho Viettel IDC, một công ty con của Tập đoàn Viettel. Read full information on external site
  • Viettel IDC vay 400 tỉ phát triển trung tâm dữ liệu ‘xanh’ - 2022-08-31
    Viettel IDC, công ty con của Tập đoàn Viettel hoạt động trong lĩnh vực hạ tầng dữ liệu, được tài trợ khoản tín dụng xanh lên tới 400 tỉ đồng kỳ hạn 5 năm. Read full information on external site
  • Burning up: Mitigation should sustain datacentre operations during extreme heat - 2022-08-31
    July’s temperature spike put headline heat on regional operations at Google and Oracle. Datacentre operators must side-step similar mistakes to avoid climate change-related collapse in future. Read full information on external site
  • Tencent Cloud partners with Helios to digitise Indonesian businesses - 2022-08-30
    Strategic collaboration to target cloud adoption challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Helios Collaborates with Tencent Cloud - 2022-08-30
    PT Helios Informatika Nusantara has announced its collaboration with Tencent to provide secure cloud offerings for various industries in Indonesia. Read full information on external site
  • Pantami Inspects ​Galaxy Backbone’s Kano Tier IV Data Centre; Facility Ready for Commissioning - 2022-08-30
    The Tier IV data centre built by the Federal Government of Nigeria which also houses Galaxy backbone’s North West Regional Office and Network Operating Centre. Read full information on external site
  • 朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力“双碳”战略 - 2022-08-30
    2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以“跨界融合,碳索未来”为主题,依托国家“双碳”战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就. Read full information on external site
  • Helios Informatika Nusantara Gandeng Tencent Cloud Atasi Tantangan Adopsi Cloud di Indonesia - 2022-08-30
    PT Helios Informatika Nusantara (Helios), penyedia solusi infrastruktur, cloud dan digital sekaligus anak perusahaan CTI Group mengumumkan kemitraan strategisnya dengan Tencent Cloud, bisnis cloud dari perusahaan teknologi global Tencent, untuk menyediakan penawaran cloud yang stabil dan aman untuk berbagai industri dan membantu bisnis dalam mengatasi tantangan perjalanan cloud di Indonesia. Read full information on external site
  • Galaxy Backbone to Launch Tier 1V Data Center - 2022-08-30
    As part of efforts to boost digital infrastructure, the Galaxy Backbone (GBB) will tomorrow launch its Tier IV Datacentre into the public and private sector space. Read full information on external site
  • BCM-News Daily Digest - 2022-08-30
    Electromagnetic pulse and its threat to data centers – Uptime Institute Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a rapid discharge of electromagnetic energy from a natural or artificial source. Read full information on external site
  • Galaxy Backbone To Launch Tier 1V Data Center - 2022-08-29
    As part of efforts to boost digital infrastructure, the Galaxy Backbone (GBB) will tomorrow launch its Tier IV Datacentre into the public and private sector space. Read full information on external site
  • Thames Water 将审查英国干旱期间数据中心用于冷却设施的饮用水量 - 2022-08-29
    摘要:8月中旬,英国大部分地区正式宣布干旱,包括伦敦及周边地区,“临时用水禁令”将于周三生效。周二,干旱扩大到西米德兰兹郡,因为环境署表示,明年将开始制定管理潜在水资源短缺的计划。Read full information on external site
  • Helios Gandeng Tencent Cloud Tambah Adopsi Cloud di Indonesia - 2022-08-29
    Jakarta: Helios Informatika Nusantara (Helios), penyedia solusi infrastruktur, cloud dan digital sekaligus anak perusahaan CTI Group mengumumkan kemitraan strategisnya dengan Tencent Cloud. Read full information on external site
  • Wie Nachhaltigkeit bei Google Cloud das Business treibt - 2022-08-29
    Für Google Cloud sind die Klimaziele des Konzerns ein Ansporn. Read full information on external site
  • Das moderne Zentrum, das neue Aussehen des Nationalparks und die Hochhäuser im Technopark - 2022-08-28
    Unser Land begrüßt den Jahrestag der Unabhängigkeit mit guten Nachrichten und guter Laune. Neue Strukturen und Einrichtungen werden vor Ort in Betrieb genommen. Read full information on external site
  • Обзор IT-Weekly: Dell ушла, «Яндекс» покупает Delivery Club, VK поглотит «Дзен», отечественный Twitch, аналог «Википедии» - 2022-08-28
    Корпорация Dell приостановила продажи в России и Украине в феврале, заявив, что будет следить за ситуацией, чтобы определиться со следующими шагами. Read full information on external site
  • Обзор IT-Weekly: Dell ушла, «Яндекс» покупает Delivery Club, VK поглотит «Дзен», отечественный Twitch, аналог «Википедии» - 2022-08-28
    Корпорация Dell приостановила продажи в России и Украине в феврале, заявив, что будет следить за ситуацией, чтобы определиться со следующими шагами. Read full information on external site
  • A single center for storing and processing data of the e-Government system launched - 2022-08-27
    The people of Uzbekistan are celebrating the anniversary of independence with good news and are in high spirits. New facilities are put into operation across the country. Read full information on external site
  • Preocupações com segurança da nuvem impulsionam soluções de dados offline - 2022-08-27
    Apesar de toda a efervescência em torno das discussões sobre a adoção de nuvens, também existe procura por oportunidades de uso estratégico de ambientes físicos protegidos. Read full information on external site
  • The people of Uzbekistan are celebrating the anniversary of independence with good news and are in high spirits. New facilities are put into operation across the country - 2022-08-27
    A single center for storing and processing data of the e-Government system launched. Read full information on external site
  • Das einheitliche Datenspeicher- und -verarbeitungszentrum des E-Government-Systems wurde in Betrieb genommen - 2022-08-27
    Unser Volk begrüßt den Jahrestag der Unabhängigkeit mit guten Nachrichten und guter Laune. Neue Bauten und Einrichtungen werden vor Ort in Betrieb genommen. Read full information on external site
  • Preocupações com segurança da nuvem impulsionam soluções de dados offline - 2022-08-26
    Apesar de toda a efervescência em torno das discussões sobre a adoção de nuvens, também existe procura por oportunidades de uso estratégico de ambientes físicos protegidos. Read full information on external site
  • Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - 2022-08-26
    El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • DCIM: Alive and kicking? - 2022-08-26
    What ever happened to data centre infrastructure management (DCIM)? Rewind the clock 10 years and DCIM was touted as the next big thing – a universal panacea for many of the data centre industry’s most pressing challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - 2022-08-26
    El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - 2022-08-26
    El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - 2022-08-26
    El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Grupo ZFB, primero en obtener la certificación Management & Operations Stamp of Approval (M&O) para su Data Center L38 - 2022-08-26
    El Grupo ZFB, líder en estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura para servicios y tecnología que transforman y potencian el avance del país y su economía, ha desarrollado cerca del 40% de los centros de datos certificados en Colombia por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • True IDC mở rộng kinh doanh tại Việt Nam nhằm hoàn thiện hạ tầng số - 2022-08-25
    Công ty True Internet Data Center (True IDC), nhà cung cấp dịch vụ Cloud và Trung tâm dữ liệu trung lập hàng đầu tại Thái Lan do ông Thanasorn Jaidee, Giám đốc điều hành và nhóm chuyên gia của công ty, đã đến thăm văn phòng chi nhánh tại Việt Nam và gặp gỡ ông Nguyễn Đình Hùng, Giám đốc điều hành cùng các nhân sự True IDC Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
  • 未来数据中心 绿色低碳 可持续发展2022深圳国际数据中心大会召开 - 2022-08-25
    当前,随着5G、云计算、人工智能等新一代信息技术快速发展,信息技术与传统产业加速融合,数字经济蓬勃发展,数据中心作为各个行业信息系统运行的物理载体,已成为经济社会运行不可或缺的关键基础设施,在数字经济发展中扮演至关重要的角色. Read full information on external site
  • Thames Water 将审查英国干旱期间数据中心用于冷却设施的饮用水量 - 2022-08-25
    8月中旬,英国大部分地区正式宣布干旱,包括伦敦及周边地区,“临时用水禁令”将于周三生效。周二,干旱扩大到西米德兰兹郡,因为环境署表示,明年将开始制定管理潜在水资源短缺的计划。Read full information on external site
  • Отказоустойчивая архитектура контентной платформы на 4 Тбит/с — опыт VK Видео - 2022-08-25
    Представьте идеальный мир с бесконечными ресурсами, в котором можно сколько угодно линейно масштабироваться под нагрузку: просто доставлять серверы, диски, видеокарты, как только потребуется больше мощностей. Звучит хорошо? Read full information on external site
  • Дата-центры Google. Как устроена самая технологичная сеть серверов, разбросанная по всему миру? - 2022-08-25
    Серверы в морских контейнерах, туалетная вода для охлаждения, ледяные батареи, почта на магнитной ленте, аллигаторы в пруду и 500 кг выбросов CO2 в секунду. Read full information on external site
  • "Khát vọng số" ở CMC - Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - 2022-08-25
    Trao đổi với báo chí sau buổi lễ khai trương Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuân, Chủ tịch CMC Nguyễn Trung Chính chia sẻ: Hiện nay, người Việt đang sử dụng rất nhiều nền tảng số của nước ngoài như Microsoft, Google...Read full information on external site
  • Отказоустойчивая архитектура контентной платформы на 4 Тбит/с — опыт VK Видео - 2022-08-25
    Представьте идеальный мир с бесконечными ресурсами, в котором можно сколько угодно линейно масштабироваться под нагрузку: просто доставлять серверы, диски, видеокарты, как только потребуется больше мощностей. Звучит хорошо? Read full information on external site
  • Дата-центры Google. Как устроена самая технологичная сеть серверов, разбросанная по всему миру? - 2022-08-25
    Серверы в морских контейнерах, туалетная вода для охлаждения, ледяные батареи, почта на магнитной ленте, аллигаторы в пруду и 500 кг выбросов CO2 в секунду. Read full information on external site
  • Trop de pannes qui s’étirent dans la durée - 2022-08-25
    Read full information on external site
  • Preocupações com segurança da Nuvem impulsionam soluções de Dados offline - 2022-08-25
    Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a Nuvem, como uma das colunas da Transformação Digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
  • De-Risk Your Business by Moving to Colocation Data Centers – A Modern Cloud Experience - 2022-08-25
    You can extend the public cloud-like benefits of a colocation model even further with the right partner. Read full information on external site
  • Без искр, теплового удара и безопасно: как будут жить 500 стоек в одном здании - 2022-08-24
    2022 год стал непростым для инфраструктурных проектов, но МТС не изменила план развития сети ЦОДов. Read full information on external site
  • 5 principles data center managers must consider while addressing the talent shortage - 2022-08-24
    A universal conversation is taking place in businesses across all industries about how to combat an unprecedented talent shortage. Read full information on external site
  • Без искр, теплового удара и безопасно: как будут жить 500 стоек в одном здании - 2022-08-24
    2022 год стал непростым для инфраструктурных проектов, но МТС не изменила план развития сети ЦОДов. В ближайшие годы появятся 4 больших дата-центра в Ростове, Туле, Екатеринбурге и Хабаровске, и еще 15 ЦОДов на подходе. Read full information on external site
  • МОДУЛЬНЫЙ ЦОД ЗА УРАЛОМ - 2022-08-24
    МТС открыли новый Центр обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске — первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
  • Les centres de données en difficulté face à leur usage en eau avec les fortes chaleurs - 2022-08-24
    Les centres de données sont de gros consommateurs d’électricité mais également d’eau. Read full information on external site
  • Understanding the true costs of resiliency - 2022-08-24
    Owen Rogers, Uptime Institute Research Director for Cloud Computing, discusses the findings of his recent report – Public Cloud Costs versus Resiliency: Stateless Applications, which outlines the importance of cloud service resiliency as it can impact on application availability. Read full information on external site
  • Understanding the true costs of resiliency - 2022-08-24
    Owen Rogers, Uptime Institute Research Director for Cloud Computing, discusses the findings of his recent report – Public Cloud Costs versus Resiliency: Stateless Applications, which outlines the importance of cloud service resiliency as it can impact on application availability. Read full information on external site
  • Involta upgrades its data center in the Cleveland market - 2022-08-24
    Involta has announced the development of its Independence data centre in the competitive Cleveland region, after strategic leadership changes and appointments. Read full information on external site
  • Без искр, теплового удара и безопасно: как будут жить 500 стоек в одном здании - 2022-08-24
    2022 год стал непростым для инфраструктурных проектов, но МТС не изменила план развития сети ЦОДов. В ближайшие годы появятся 4 больших дата-центра в Ростове, Туле, Екатеринбурге и Хабаровске, и еще 15 ЦОДов на подходе. Read full information on external site
  • Estratégias para superar a escassez de talentos nos Data Centers - 2022-08-24
    Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos Data Centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Read full information on external site
  • Galaxy Backbone’s Tier IV Datacentre: Game changer for accelerated national development - 2022-08-24
    With the remarkable achievements recorded in the last two to three years in the drive towards Nigeria becoming a fully digitized economy, the news that Nigeria is set to launch a world class and tastefully built Tier IV Datacentre is a welcome development. Read full information on external site
  • Game Changer For National Development - 2022-08-24
    Bashir Ibrahim Hassan writes that GBB’s Tier IV Datacentre will deepen digital services and improve efficiency and productivity. Read full information on external site
  • Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - 2022-08-23
    En Chile, el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional ha puesto en marcha su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC). Se trata del centro de despacho de energía más moderno de Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • Insegurança com nuvem impulsiona soluções de dados offline - 2022-08-23
    Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a nuvem, como uma das colunas da transformação digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
  • CEN inauguró su Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía en Chile - 2022-08-23
    En Chile, el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional ha puesto en marcha su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC). Se trata del centro de despacho de energía más moderno de Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • Insegurança com nuvem leva à busca por soluções de dados offline - 2022-08-23
    Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a nuvem, como uma das colunas da transformação digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
  • Out with the old, in with the new – exploring the amendments to the Electronic and Postal Communications (Licensing) Regulations - 2022-08-23
    In recent months, Tanzania has published amendments to the Electronic and Postal Communications (Licensing) Regulations that introduce new licensing categories and restructure existing ones. Read full information on external site
  • Canicule : les centres de données à rude épreuve sur leur usage de l'eau - 2022-08-23
    Aux Pays-Bas, Microsoft a consommé quatre fois plus d'eau que prévu pour la climatisation d'un data center l'an dernier. Read full information on external site
  • МТС запустила в Новосибирске первый модульный центр обработки данных за Уралом - 2022-08-23
    Первый модульный центр обработки данных за Уралом запущен в Новосибирске. Проект стоимостью около 2 млрд рублей реализован компанией МТС. Read full information on external site
  • МТС построила модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - 2022-08-23
    ПАО "МТС" объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
  • МТС построила свой первый модульный ЦОД за Уралом. Финансовые услуги » Телекоммуникации - 2022-08-23
    МТС объявила об открытии нового центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric mejora su plataforma de formación para hacer frente a la escasez de talento - 2022-08-23
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Ресурсы облака увеличены - 2022-08-23
    На фоне растущего спроса на облачные сервисы провайдер Linxdatacenter увеличил мощности вычислительной инфраструктуры. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric cria plataforma de educação profissional para solucionar escassez de talento nos Data Centers - 2022-08-23
    A Schneider Electric University ajuda os profissionais de Data Centers a melhorar as suas competências, oferecendo orientação gratuita sobre a tecnologia mais recente, sustentabilidade e iniciativas de eficiência energética. Read full information on external site
  • Coordinador Eléctrico pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - 2022-08-23
    En 20 mil metros cuadrados construidos, se levantan dos edificios que albergarán al Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC) y el Edificio de Oficinas donde trabajarán los más de 340 profesionales que integran el organismo. Read full information on external site
  • Ресурсы облака Linxdatacenter увеличены в три раза - 2022-08-23
    На фоне растущего спроса на облачные сервисы провайдер Linxdatacenter увеличил мощности вычислительной инфраструктуры. Это позволит клиентам облака LinxCloud подключать дополнительные ресурсы без ограничений. Read full information on external site
  • МТС построила ЦОД в Новосибирске за 1,7 млрд руб - 2022-08-23
    НОтличие нового дата-центра, открытого в Калининском районе Новосибирска, — в его модульности. Его развернули за восемь месяцев, что в несколько раз быстрее, чем строительство классических дата-центров. Read full information on external site
  • Insegurança com nuvem leva à busca por soluções de dados offline - 2022-08-23
    Não há dúvidas de que a migração para a nuvem, como uma das colunas da transformação digital, segue sua marcha alcançando índices de crescimento constantes a cada mês. Read full information on external site
  • Coordinador pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - 2022-08-22
    En la comuna de Pudahuel se ubican las instalaciones del recinto desde el cual se controla la operación del sistema eléctrico a lo largo del país. Read full information on external site
  • Lessons to be learned from Google and Oracle's datacenter heatstroke - 2022-08-22
    This year's summer heatwaves aren't just making your average Brit's life a bit miserable, it also caused problems for some cloud providers and server admins trying to keep their gear running. Read full information on external site
  • МТС построила свой первый модульный ЦОД за Уралом - 2022-08-22
    МТС объявила об открытии нового центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
  • МТС развернула модульный ЦОД в Новосибирске - 2022-08-22
    Телекоммуникационная компания «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» (МТС) сообщила о вводе в эксплуатацию нового центра обработки данных в Новосибирске. Read full information on external site
  • Компания МТС построила первый модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - 2022-08-22
    ПАО «МТС» (MOEX: MTSS), ведущая российская компания по предоставлению цифровых, медийных и телекоммуникационных сервисов, объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Это первый модульный ЦОД МТС в восточной части России и тринадцатый в федеральной сети дата-центров компании. Read full information on external site
  • Компания МТС построила первый модульный Центр обработки данных за Уралом - 2022-08-22
    Новосибирск, РФ – ПАО «МТС» (MOEX: MTSS), ведущая российская компания по предоставлению цифровых, медийных и телекоммуникационных сервисов, объявляет об открытии нового Центра обработки данных (ЦОД) в Новосибирске. Read full information on external site
  • Рак молодеет: во всем мире резко растет число тех, кто заболевает онкологией в возрасте до 50 лет. Как уберечь себя? - 2022-08-22
    НРак давно стал частью человеческой истории. Но новое исследование показало, что кое-что в распространении мировой онкологии начало изменяться. Read full information on external site
  • «Озеленение» ЦОДов – утопия или ближайшее будущее? - 2022-08-22
    В последнее десятилетие экологические аспекты деятельности бизнеса набирали актуальность, достигнув пика в 2019 г. Но сегодня в условиях экономической и политической нестабильности бизнес озабочен в основном выживанием, что существенно ограничивает экологизацию производства. Read full information on external site
  • Top Tips on Enhancing IT Efficiency & Cutting Your Energy Bills - 2022-08-22
    In a conversation with Spiceworks, Uptime Institute’s research director of sustainability, Jay Dietrich, speaks on how companies can improve IT efficiency. He also shares some great ways to improve data centers’ ecological and sustainable friendliness. Read full information on external site
  • Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC), el más moderno de Latinoamérica - 2022-08-22
    En 9.000 metros cuadrados de terreno y 20 mil construidos, se levantan dos edificios que albergarán al Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC) y el Edificio de Oficinas donde trabajarán los más de 340 profesionales que integran el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional. Read full information on external site
  • Coordinador pone en operación su nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - 2022-08-22
    En 9.000 metros cuadrados de terreno y 20 mil construidos, se levantan dos edificios que albergarán al Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC) y el Edificio de Oficinas donde trabajarán los más de 340 profesionales que integran el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional. Read full information on external site
  • Inauguran Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía - 2022-08-22
    Con 29.000 m2, un edificio antisísmico, equipamiento sustentable y tecnologías y certificaciones que garantizan la confiabilidad y seguridad de las operaciones, el Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional inauguró el nuevo Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC). Emplazado en Pudahuel, Chile, es el Centro de Despacho más moderno de Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • Econ4.0: Is your forecast cloudy? - 2022-08-22
    Here’s a corny corporate story: On a late Friday evening when the office was deserted, an engineer saw the company’s CEO standing next to the new office shredder. The engineer walked up. “Can I help, sir?” Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - 2022-08-21
    La falta de personal especializado es una realidad que afecta a todos los tipos de centros de datos, desde las instalaciones de borde hasta las empresariales y de hiperescala. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - 2022-08-21
    La falta de personal especializado es una realidad que afecta a todos los tipos de centros de datos, desde las instalaciones de borde hasta las empresariales y de hiperescala. Read full information on external site
  • Schenider Electric apuesta por la la formación para hacer frente a la escasez de talento - 2022-08-21
    Schneider Electric líder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - 2022-08-21
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros - 2022-08-19
    Schneider Electric líder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros - 2022-08-19
    Schneider Electric líder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
  • ‘Khát vọng số’ ở CMC: Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - 2022-08-19
    Trải qua không ít khó khăn trong giai đoạn Covid-19 ở TP. HCM năm vừa qua, CMC đã khai trương thành công Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận. Đầu tiên xin được hỏi, cảm xúc của ông lúc này ra sao? Read full information on external site
  • ‘Khát vọng số’ ở CMC: Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - 2022-08-19
    Trải qua không ít khó khăn trong giai đoạn Covid-19 ở TP. HCM năm vừa qua, CMC đã khai trương thành công Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận. Đầu tiên xin được hỏi, cảm xúc của ông lúc này ra sao? Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - 2022-08-19
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
    Строить собственную серверную — долго, дорого и бессмысленно: придется найти помещение, подумать об инженерных системах и нанять целый штат ИТ-специалистов. И даже после этого, надежность вашей серверной вряд ли сравнится с современным дата-центром. Поэтому компании, которым необходима гарантированная доступность, размещают свое оборудование в коммерческих центрах обработки данных. Read full information on external siteSchneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - zaragoza24horas 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
    Строить собственную серверную — долго, дорого и бессмысленно: придется найти помещение, подумать об инженерных системах и нанять целый штат ИТ-специалистов. И даже после этого, надежность вашей серверной вряд ли сравнится с современным дата-центром. Поэтому компании, которым необходима гарантированная доступность, размещают свое оборудование в коммерческих центрах обработки данных. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos - 2022-08-19
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centre Review E-Newsletter: Friday Edition | 19 August 2022 - 2022-08-19
    Energy costs can account for more than 50% of the total operating expenses of a data centre, so it’s no surprise that data centre operators, manufacturers, and suppliers are looking for ways to reduce energy bills. One solution is to continuously improve energy efficiency through the use of cost-effective infrastructure and equipment. Read full information on external site
  • 朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力“双碳”战略 - 2022-08-18
    全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就。Read full information on external site
  • 朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力“双碳”战略 - 2022-08-18
    2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以“跨界融合,碳索未来”为主题,依托国家“双碳”战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就。Read full information on external site
  • Arctic Stream a configurat infrastructura IT în cel mai mare centru de date din CEE - 2022-08-18
    Arctic Stream, integrator de infrastructură şi securitate IT, companie listată la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti sub simbolul AST, a jucat un rol important în construirea infrastructurii de date, constând în instalarea şi configurarea echipamentelor hardware şi a soluţiilor software de virtualizare de ultimă generaţie, pentru ClusterPower, centru de date din Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est, potrivit unui comunicat de presă remis Redacţiei. Read full information on external site
  • Sustainability laws set to drive real change - 2022-08-18
    Nearly 15 years ago – in 2008 – Uptime Institute presented a paper titled, The Gathering Storm. The paper was about the inevitability of a big struggle against climate change, and how that might play out for the power-hungry data centre and IT sector. The title echoed Winston Churchill’s book describing the lead up to World War II. Read full information on external site
  • ‘Khát vọng số’ ở CMC: Cách nào đưa Việt Nam trở thành Digital Hub của khu vực? - 2022-08-18
    Trải qua không ít khó khăn trong giai đoạn Covid-19 ở TP. HCM năm vừa qua, CMC đã khai trương thành công Trung tâm dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận. Đầu tiên xin được hỏi, cảm xúc của ông lúc này ra sao? Read full information on external site
  • 朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 以全方位低碳绿色创新助力“双碳”战略 - 2022-08-18
    2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以“跨界融合,碳索未来”为主题,依托国家“双碳”战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就。朝亚上海区总经理孙文铮先生在大会现场接受采访发表对朝亚数据中心的节能减排、未来布局等话题的看法,并围绕数据中心绿色发展分享了朝亚的深入见解和领先洞察。Read full information on external site
  • 朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 - 2022-08-18
    以全方位低碳绿色创新助力双碳战略 2022年8月11日-13日,由CDCC主办的第三届数据中心绿色能源大会于南京国际博览中心举办,本次大会以跨界融合,碳索未来为主题,依托国家双碳战略背景,聚焦数据中心未来能源发展及数据中心绿色能源供给,朝亚受邀参展,全方. Read full information on external site
  • Arctic Stream a configurat infrastructura IT în cel mai mare centru de date din CEE - 2022-08-18
    Arctic Stream, integrator de infrastructură şi securitate IT, companie listată la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti sub simbolul AST, a jucat un rol important în construirea infrastructurii de date, constând în instalarea şi configurarea echipamentelor hardware şi a soluţiilor software de virtualizare de ultimă generaţie, pentru ClusterPower, centru de date din Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est, potrivit unui comunicat de presă remis Redacţiei. Read full information on external site
  • Arctic Stream a configurat infrastructura IT în cel mai mare centru de date din CEE - 2022-08-18
    Arctic Stream, integrator de infrastructură și securitate IT, companie listată la Bursa de Valori București sub simbolul AST, a jucat un rol important în construirea infrastructurii de date, constând în instalarea și configurarea echipamentelor hardware și a soluțiilor software de virtualizare de ultimă generație, pentru ClusterPower, cel mai mare centru de date din Europa Centrală și de Sud-Est. Read full information on external site
  • Atasi Kekurangan Tenaga Kerja Data Center , Schneider Electric Hadirkan Platform Edukasi Gratis - 2022-08-17
    Kebutuhan tenaga kerja pada bidang data center (pusat data) terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Read full information on external site
  • 記録的な猛暑でデータセンターまでダウン。温暖化の影響を回避する現実的な対策とは? - 2022-08-17
    欧州が記録的な猛暑に襲われるなか、グーグルやオラクルのデータセンターが冷却装置の故障により相次いで停止する“事件”が起きた。温暖化による気温の上昇が続くなか、生活のインフラでもあるデータに影響が出ないようにするには、どのような対策が求められているのか。Read full information on external site
  • 提高数据中心冷却效率的六个步骤 - 2022-08-17
    摘要:曾几何时,数据中心的能源效率似乎只是一个可有可无的东西。但现如今就大大不同了。如果您的数据中心很冷的话,会给人们留下很深的印象。这一迹象被认为是表明您在防止服务器过热方面做了很好的工作。较低的机架密度,电力花费更低,也就不会有人特别关注电费账单了。Read full information on external site
  • 数据中心管理软件的演变 | 专家视点 - 2022-08-17
    在不断增长的互联经济中,新的需求要求现代组织重新思考如何有效管理数据中心环境。除了围绕云的新要求之外,围绕边缘计算的架构也给业务和技术领导者带来了新的压力。在一个持续连接的世界中——性能、效率、正常运行时间和基础设施可见性成为领导者围绕其数字基础设施做出决策的核心要素。Read full information on external site
  • 数据中心管理软件的演变 - 2022-08-17
    为了支持新的数据中心管理要求,数据中心专业人员需要为团队领导者配备最好的工具。但是当太多信息开始产生问题时会发生什么? Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric donosi rješenje za nedostatak stručnjaka za podatkovne centre - 2022-08-17
    Schneider Electric je najavio niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Dostupna na 14 svjetskih jezika, platforma za profesionalni razvoj nudi svojim dionicima iz industrije mogućnost profesionalnog usavršavanja kako bi bili u toku s najnovijim tehnologijama, ali i inicijativama za održivost i energetsku učinkovitost podatkovnih centara. Read full information on external site
  • Airedale appoints Adrian Trevelyan as data centre lead - 2022-08-17
    Airedale by Modine, the critical cooling specialists, today announced Adrian Trevelyan as the director of its Cloud Services Business Unit. Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Mr Trevelyan will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business as it accelerates its growth strategy. Read full information on external site
  • Estratégias Para Superar A Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers - 2022-08-17
    Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos data centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Enquanto em 2016 os data centers armazenaram estimados 870 exabytes (EB) de dados, para 2021 esse valor é projetado para 2.300 EB, de acordo com relatórios da Statista. Read full information on external site
  • Estratégias Para Superar A Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers - 2022-08-17
    Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos data centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Enquanto em 2016 os data centers armazenaram estimados 870 exabytes (EB) de dados, para 2021 esse valor é projetado para 2.300 EB, de acordo com relatórios da Statista. Read full information on external site
  • Estratégias Para Superar A Escassez De Talentos Nos Data Centers - 2022-08-17
    Em todas as regiões do mundo, a capacidade dos data centers está se expandindo rapidamente. Enquanto em 2016 os data centers armazenaram estimados 870 exabytes (EB) de dados, para 2021 esse valor é projetado para 2.300 EB, de acordo com relatórios da Statista. Read full information on external site
  • Khai trương Trung tâm Dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận chuẩn quốc tế hàng đầu khu vực - 2022-08-16
    Trung tâm Dữ liệu CMC Data Center Tân Thuận tại Q.7 (TP.HCM) đã được Tập đoàn Công nghệ CMC chính thức khai trương vào ngày 15-8-2022. Chủ tịch nước Nguyễn Xuân Phúc đã đến dự lễ khai trương. Đây là trung tâm dữ liệu hiện đại và an toàn bậc nhất Việt Nam và khu vực Đông Nam Á. Read full information on external site
  • Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - 2022-08-16
    Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
  • Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - 2022-08-16
    Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
  • Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - 2022-08-16
    Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric donosi rješenje za nedostatak stručnjaka za podatkovne centre - 2022-08-16
    Schneider Electric, predvodnik u digitalnoj transformaciji upravljanja energijom i automatizaciji, najavio je niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric crea una plataforma de formación profesional para hacer frente a la escasez de talento en los centros de datos. - 2022-08-16
    SchneiderElectriclíder en la transformación digital de la gestión de la energía y la automatización, ha anunciado una serie de actualizaciones de su plataforma de educación digital, Schneider Electric University, independiente del proveedor y con acreditación CPD. Read full information on external site
  • Không có hạ tầng số sẽ không có chủ quyền số - 2022-08-16
    Bộ trưởng Bộ TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng khẳng định Việt Nam cần chủ động xây dựng hạ tầng số để có được chủ quyền số. Read full information on external site
  • Six Essentials for Protecting Cloud and Kubernetes Applications - 2022-08-16
    Organizations need to establish a fresh approach to data protection to protect cloud and Kubernetes applications without limiting their agility and business-critical benefits. Read full information on external site
  • Važnost znanja ključ uspjeha izgradnje i održavanja podatkovnih centara - 2022-08-16
    Schneider Electric najavio je niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
  • เอสทีที จีดีซี ประเทศไทย’ รุกบริการดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ระดับไฮเปอร์สเกล - 2022-08-15
    เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) หรือ “เอสทีที จีดีซี ประเทศไทย” จากการร่วมทุนระหว่างบริษัท เฟรเซอร์ส พร็อพเพอร์ตี้ ประเทศไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) และบริษัท เอสที เทเลมีเดีย โกลบอล ดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ จำกัด (เอสทีที จีดีซี) จากสิงคโปร์ รุกบริการดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ระดับไฮเปอร์สเกลในประเทศไทย ประกาศแผนการลงทุน 16,000 ล้านบาท มาพร้อมนานามาตรฐานระดับบนรายแรกของประเทศ. Read full information on external site
  • 辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - 2022-08-15
    “东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
  • 辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - 2022-08-15
    “东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
  • 辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - 2022-08-15
    能源新闻网讯“东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
  • 思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - 2022-08-15
    摘要:8月12日,以“数据中心之‘变’与‘辩’”为主题的施耐德电气2022年数据中心行业峰会即将在云端开启,就碳中和目标下的数据中心之变与发展思路展开思辩,携手行业专家共探数据中心高可用、高效、可持续发展之径。Read full information on external site
  • AMD计划提高服务器芯片效率 - 2022-08-15
    摘要:芯片设计师高级微器件(AMD)通过专注于节能服务器芯片,成功挑战了英特尔在数据中心处理器领域的主导地位。Read full information on external site
  • 辨前行方向 赋未来发展 2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会成功举办 - 2022-08-15
    “东数西算”和“西电东送”的相互连接,“算力”与“能源”的融合发展,绘就了碳中和目标下数据中心的前进之路。施耐德电气认为,在“数字经济”与“绿色经济”的共同作用下,数据中心在场景、运维,以及与能源的关系上已经发生根本变化。Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - 2022-08-15
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, para 2021 esta cifra había aumentado a 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Ante este aumento exorbitante, ¿tenemos el talento para centros de datos suficiente? Read full information on external site
  • How Data Centers are Used by Bosch, PayPal, Groupon, Orange, and Suez: Case Studies - 2022-08-15
    Data centers allow companies to increase their compute, storage, and networking infrastructure. Read full information on external site
  • 朝亚亮相中国数据中心绿色能源大会 - 2022-08-14
    朝亚受邀参展第三届数据中心绿色能源大会,全方位展示了朝亚在数据中心绿色节能的先进理念,以及数据中心设计建造与运维上的实践与成就。Read full information on external site
  • Faltan talentos para centros de datos - 2022-08-13
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
  • Predstavljeno rješenje za nedostatak stručnjaka za podatkovne centre - 2022-08-13
    Schneider Electric, predvodnik u digitalnoj transformaciji upravljanja energijom i automatizaciji, najavio je niz ažuriranja svoje platforme za digitalno obrazovanje Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
  • Airedale Appoints Adrian Trevelyan as Data Centre Lead - 2022-08-12
    Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Adrian will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business. Read full information on external site
  • Airedale Appoints Adrian Trevelyan as Data Centre Lead - 2022-08-11
    Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Adrian will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business. Read full information on external site
  • Data center equipment shortages may ease soon — but not for good reasons - 2022-08-11
    As consumer electronics demand weakens, suppliers can shift to producing infrastructure components. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Аэропорт Шереметьево получил сертификат от Uptime Institute на проект ЦОДа Moscow SVO Hub Data Center 1 - 2022-08-11
    Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового центра обработки данных на соответствие требованиям стандарта Tier III. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric wspiera rozwój kompetencji z obszaru data center - 2022-08-11
    Firma modernizuje dotychczasową platformę edukacyjną i wprowadza bezpłatne szkolenia dla specjalistów z obszaru data center. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric University Hadir untuk Atasi Kekurangan Tenaga Kerja di Data Center - 2022-08-11
    Schneider Electric mengumumkan serangkaian pembaruan untuk Schneider Electric University, sebuah platform pendidikan digital vendor-agnostic dan terakreditasi CPD. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute: сервисы в облаках можно сделать значительно устойчивее к сбоям, но в этом случае они обойдутся намного дороже - 2022-08-11
    Uptime Institute опубликова результаты исследования согласно которому компании могут добиться большей отказоустойчивости при использовании облачных сервисов. Правда, повышение надёжности обернётся резким увеличением расходов — до +111 % по сравнению с базовыми расценками. Read full information on external site
  • Аэропорт Шереметьево получил сертификат от Uptime Institute на проект ЦОДа Moscow SVO Hub Data Center 1 - 2022-08-11
    Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового центра обработки данных на соответствие требованиям стандарта Tier III. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Understanding cloud reliability is complicated - 2022-08-11
    Executives can’t rely on any one metric to understand if cloud reliability is getting better or worse. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar costos) - 2022-08-11
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • 글로벌 칼럼 | 클라우드의 회복 탄력성을 높이는 데 필요한 비용은 얼마일까 원문보기 - 2022-08-10
    클라우드 서비스 업체는 사용자에게 회복 탄력성을 높일 수 있는 기능을 별도로 제공한다. 비용만 투자하면 얼마든지 회복 탄력성을 높일 수 있는데, 사실 적절한 비용을 알기 쉽지 않다. Read full information on external site
  • Strategies for Retailers to Weather the Storm this Hurricane Season - 2022-08-10
    Hurricane Season 2022 is underway, and with it comes the looming threat of outages and downtime for retailers. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - 2022-08-10
    Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - 2022-08-10
    Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
  • Airedale Appoints Adrian Trevelyan as Data Centre Lead - 2022-08-10
    Airedale by ModineTM, the critical cooling specialists, today announced Adrian Trevelyan as the director of its Cloud Services Business Unit. Responsible for one of Airedale’s most significant commercial operations, Adrian will be accountable for a worldwide territory (excluding US), leading the data centre cooling arm of the Airedale by Modine business as it accelerates its growth strategy. Read full information on external site
  • Informe: Los servicios en la nube pueden ser más resistentes, pero a un precio elevado - 2022-08-10
    Las empresas tienen opciones para hacer que los servicios en la nube sean más resistentes, pero con un sobreprecio de hasta el 111% respecto al precio base de los servicios que no ofrecen protección, según un estudio del Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric tworzy profesjonalną platformę edukacyjną, aby uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną w obszarze Data Center - 2022-08-10
    Schneider Electric™, lider cyfrowej transformacji zarządzania energią i automatyki, ogłosił serię aktualizacji swojej niezależnej od dostawców i akredytowanej przez CPD (Continuing Professional Development) cyfrowej platformy edukacyjnej Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric chce uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną w obszarze Data Center - 2022-08-10
    Schneider Electric znalazło sposób, by przygotować pracowników w tak deficytowym obszarze, jakim jest Data Center. Read full information on external site
  • Les modèles premium des offres de résilience cloud analysés - 2022-08-10
    Pour vérifier les apports des solutions premium en matière de résilience dans le cloud, Uptime Institute a réalisé un test sur AWS avec plusieurs configurations de sauvegarde. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos - 2022-08-10
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
  • Global Column | What is the cost of making the cloud more resilient? - 2022-08-10
    Cloud service providers separately offer users the ability to increase resilience. You can increase your resilience by investing only the cost, but it is not easy to know the appropriate cost. Meanwhile, consulting firm Uptime Institute has published an interesting study, stating that increasing resilience to basic services without protection could cost up to 111%. Read full information on external site
  • Les modèles premium des offres de résilience cloud analysés - 2022-08-10
    Pour vérifier les apports des solutions premium en matière de résilience dans le cloud, Uptime Institute a réalisé un test sur AWS avec plusieurs configurations de sauvegarde. Read full information on external site
  • HUB787 facility lands TIER III certification from Uptime Institute - 2022-08-10
    The HUB Advanced Networks, LLC data center, better known as HUB787, received the UI TIER-III certification that it said “positions it as the only building in Puerto Rico to obtain this classification,” which guarantees its customers the highest level of design in the infrastructure of a data center in Puerto Rico. Read full information on external site
  • Incident at Google Data Center Highlights Risks of Arc Flash - 2022-08-10
    The importance of electrical safety in data centers has been reinforced by an incident at a Google data center in which three workers were injured. It’s a reminder that even the most professionally run data centers must stay vigilant about worker safety related to arc flash, a type of electrical explosion. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - 2022-08-10
    Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - 2022-08-10
    Enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
  • UK data centres should withstand ‘organised blackouts’ but now’s the time to check - 2022-08-09
    The UK faces 'organised blackouts' this winter in a "reasonable worst case scenario", a report claims. Read full information on external site
  • Data Center Fire: Google Suffers 'Electrical Incident,' 3 Injured - 2022-08-09
    News of yet another data center fire in just two years: OVH in 2021 and now Google. Here’s how to make sure you’re not next. Read full information on external site
  • 思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - 2022-08-09
    摘要:8月12日,以“数据中心之‘变’与‘辩’”为主题的施耐德电气2022年数据中心行业峰会即将在云端开启,就碳中和目标下的数据中心之变与发展思路展开思辩,携手行业专家共探数据中心高可用、高效、可持续发展之径。Read full information on external site
  • Brand in Google datacenter - 2022-08-09
    Drie mensen hebben maandag 8 augustus ernstige brandwonden opgelopen na een "elektrisch incident" in het Google datacentrum in Council Bluffs (Iowa). Read full information on external site
  • Los servicios 'cloud' resilientes cuestan un 111% más que los que no ofrecen protección - 2022-08-09
    Un estudio de Uptime Institute afirma que las empresas deben tener cuidado porque aunque algunas arquitecturas de servicios en la nube pueden parecer más resilientes, en realidad ofrecen pocas garantías de mayor disponibilidad, a no ser que se pague mucho más. Read full information on external site
  • Is loadbank testing necessary for containerised data centres? - 2022-08-09
    Paul Brickman, Commercial Director for Crestchic Loadbanks, a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art loadbank technologies, questions whether loadbank testing is necessary for containerised data centres. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric tworzy profesjonalną platformę edukacyjną, aby uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną - 2022-08-09
    Schneider Electric™, lider cyfrowej transformacji zarządzania energią i automatyki, ogłosił serię aktualizacji swojej niezależnej od dostawców i akredytowanej przez CPD (Continuing Professional Development) cyfrowej platformy edukacyjnej Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
  • Le rapport coût/performance des offres de résilience dans le cloud étudié - 2022-08-09
    Pour vérifier les apports des solutions premium en matière de résilience dans le cloud, Uptime Institute a réalisé un test sur AWS avec plusieurs configurations de sauvegarde. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric tworzy profesjonalną platformę edukacyjną, aby uzupełnić lukę kompetencyjną w obszarze Data Center - 2022-08-09
    Schneider Electric™, lider cyfrowej transformacji zarządzania energią i automatyki, ogłosił serię aktualizacji swojej niezależnej od dostawców i akredytowanej przez CPD (Continuing Professional Development) cyfrowej platformy edukacyjnej Schneider Electric University. Dostępna bezpłatnie online w 14 różnych językach, dedykowana platforma rozwoju zawodowego bezpośrednio uzupełnia lukę w umiejętnościach sektora specjalistów ds. centrów danych, pomagając zainteresowanym podmiotom z branży w podnoszeniu kwalifikacji i byciu na bieżąco z najnowszymi technologiami, zrównoważonym rozwojem i inicjatywami z zakresu efektywności energetycznej wpływającymi na ten sektor. Read full information on external site
  • Airedale appoints Adrian Trevelyan as data centre lead - 2022-08-09
    Airedale has announced the appointment of Adrian Trevelyan as Director of its Cloud Services Business Unit. Read full information on external site
  • Шереметьево сертифицировал проект ЦОД от Uptime Institute. - 2022-08-09
    Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового Центра обработки данных. Read full information on external site
  • The Gathering Storm: Developing a Digital Infrastructure Sustainability Strategy - 2022-08-08
    Nearly 15 years ago - in 2008 - Uptime Institute presented a paper titled “The Gathering Storm.” The paper was about the inevitably of a big struggle against climate change and how that might play out for the power-hungry data center and IT sector. Read full information on external site
  • 思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - 2022-08-08
    作为数字经济新征程的核心基础设施,数据中心既是推动创新发展的动力引擎,也是促进社会经济节能减碳的重要抓手。Read full information on external site
  • 思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - 2022-08-08
    作为数字经济新征程的核心基础设施,数据中心既是推动创新发展的动力引擎,也是促进社会经济节能减碳的重要抓手。Read full information on external site
  • 思辨行业未来,2022年施耐德电气数据中心行业峰会即将开启 - 2022-08-08
    作为数字经济新征程的核心基础设施,数据中心既是推动创新发展的动力引擎,也是促进社会经济节能减碳的重要抓手。Read full information on external site
  • Шереметьево сертифицировал проект ЦОД от Uptime Institute. - 2022-08-08
    Международный аэропорт Шереметьево прошел сертификацию Uptime Institute проектной документации нового Центра обработки данных. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos (sin duplicar los costos) - 2022-08-08
    Escribe Mariela Misiano, Gerente de la Oferta de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • erhält ISO 14001-Zertifizierung - 2022-08-08, Anbieter von sicheren Rechenzentrums- und Cloud-Diensten, hat die Zertifizierung seines Umweltmanagementsystems erfolgreich abgeschlossen und die Erfüllung der Norm ISO 14001:2015 nachgewiesen. Read full information on external site
  • Report: Cloud services can be made more resilient but at a premium - 2022-08-08
    Uptime Institute says enterprises should beware that some cloud service architectures may appear more resilient but actually provide few guarantees of better availability. Read full information on external site
  • Der Klimawandel bedroht die Wolkenstabilität - 2022-08-07
    Knickende Straßen und stark überhitzte Menschen waren nicht die einzigen Opfer der epischen Hitzewelle, die Großbritannien und den Rest Europas im Juli dieses Jahres heimsuchte. Mindestens zwei von Google und Oracle betriebene Rechenzentren gingen offline, als das Thermometer ein Allzeithoch von 104,4 Grad Fahrenheit erreichte. Read full information on external site
  • El cambio climático amenaza la estabilidad de las nubes - 2022-08-07
    Carreteras torcidas y personas con sobrecalentamiento severo no fueron las únicas víctimas resultantes de la épica ola de calor que azotó el Reino Unido y el resto de Europa en julio de este año. Read full information on external site
  • Centra danych stoją w obliczu kryzysu klimatycznego. Grozi nam wszystkim odcięcie od internetu? - 2022-08-06
    Gdy pod koniec lipca Wielką Brytanię nawiedziły rekordowe upały, centra danych Google Cloud w Londynie przestały działać na jeden dzień z powodu awarii chłodzenia. Read full information on external site
  • Grupos electrógenos para data centers: cómo garantizar la disponibilidad de los datos de manera eficiente - 2022-08-05
    Los cortes en el suministro de la red eléctrica son escenarios temidos en múltiples aplicaciones. Read full information on external site
  • Climate Change Threatens Cloud Stability - 2022-08-05
    As climate change accelerates, and extreme events occur more frequently -- from hurricanes and floods to soaring temperatures and water shortages -- resiliency concerns are growing. Read full information on external site
  • IT Sustainability Think Tank: How partnerships can help enterprises reach their green goals - 2022-08-05
    It takes a village to build a credible and robust IT sustainability strategy, so who should enterprises be collaborating with to make their green IT goals a reality? Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - 2022-08-05
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Aunque en 2016 los centros de datos almacenaron un estimado de 870 exabytes (EB) de datos, se espera que, para 2021, la cifra sea de 2300 EB, según los informes de Statista. Read full information on external site
  • Platform Ini Bisa Membantu Mengatasi Kekurangan Tenaga Kerja Data Center - 2022-08-05
    Sebuah platform pendidikan digital vendor-agnostic dan terakreditasi CPD ini tersedia dalam 14 bahasa dan dapat diakses gratis secara daring. Read full information on external site
  • Desde los sensores (IoT) a los centros de datos, asegurando el suministro de energía en todo el ciclo de vida de tus datos - 2022-08-05
    Según Juniper Research, la cantidad de dispositivos de Internet de las cosas (IoT) en 2021 alcanzó los 46.000 millones, un aumento del 200% si se compara con 2016. Estos dispositivos producen una enorme cantidad de datos que se tienen que almacenar, a menudo de forma remota en la nube, y luego procesar y analizar. Read full information on external site
  • IPM Sistemas cresce e cria 150 novos empregos em 2022 - 2022-08-05
    A IPM Sistemas, empresa de Rio do Sul especializada no desenvolvimento de tecnologia nativa web para gestão pública de cidades inteligentes, conquistou 82 novos clientes entre Prefeituras, autarquias, Câmaras de Vereadores e outros órgãos municipais apenas no primeiro semestre de 2022. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - 2022-08-05
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento para centros de datos sin duplicar costos - 2022-08-04
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad del centro de datos está creciendo rápidamente. Este crecimiento genera una lista de desafíos para los operadores de centros de datos. Sin embargo, uno de los de mayor preocupación se relaciona con las personas y no con la tecnología. Read full information on external site
  • Despite Confidence From Industry Giants, Small Data Center Operators Worry About Losing Tenants - 2022-08-04
    Small data center operators are worried that rising energy prices and rents could cause them to lose tenants, a concern that their large, publicly traded competitors don't have. Read full information on external site
  • Emerging Tech to Help Guard Against the Malevolence of Cloud Outages - 2022-08-04
    From the outermost edge of extreme networks to the center of the energy vortex, emerging technologies are set to permanently end cloud outages. Will they eventually eradicate the clouds, too? Read full information on external site
  • Greater Noida’s Great Leap Forward: A data centre revolution with around Rs 8,000 crore investment - 2022-08-04
    Greater Noida is all set to attract an investment of around Rs 8,000 crore dedicated to data centres, with Rs 7,000 crore coming from Hiranandani Group’s Yotta Infrastructure and Rs 1,000 crore from Japan’s NTT Global. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - 2022-08-04
    Companies are racing to cool down their servers as energy prices and temperatures soar. And the worst is yet to come. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta Launches EdUniverse - An Integrated University Management Solution - 2022-08-04
    From the outermost edge of extreme networks to the center of the energy vortex, emerging technologies are set to permanently end cloud outages. Will they eventually eradicate the clouds, too? Read full information on external site
  • A hőség miatt leállt a Google adatközpontja: egy szempillantás alatt elveszhetnek az emberiség adatai? - 2022-08-04
    Aszály, kiszáradó vízterületek, csökkenő mezőgazdasági terméshozamok. Ezek az idei nyár állandó rémei, amelyek vélhetően még sokáig kísértenek minket az elkövetkezendő évek elviselhetetlen hőhullámai közepette. Read full information on external site
  • Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - 2022-08-04
    O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
  • Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - 2022-08-04
    O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
  • Public cloud costs versus resiliency - 2022-08-03
    Users must architect cloud-native applications to reduce the impact of cloud outages. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta launches EdUniverse - An integrated university management solution - 2022-08-03
    Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with Mumbai-based Education Management Solutions startup iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
  • 기고ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응의 해법 - 2022-08-03
    지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다. Read full information on external site
  • ColumnㅣDigital Twin and Chaos Engineering: How to Response to Data Center Failures - 2022-08-03
    Over the past year, digital transformation has accelerated at a tremendous pace, and remote work has proliferated. But the IT infrastructure had to meet unprecedented demands. Read full information on external site
  • 칼럼ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응 해법 - 2022-08-03
    지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta launches EdUniverse -An integrated university management solution - 2022-08-03
    Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with Mumbai-based Education Management Solutions startup iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta launches EdUniverse -An integrated university management solution - 2022-08-03
    Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership with Mumbai-based Education Management Solutions startup iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
  • Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - 2022-08-03
    O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
  • Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing - 2022-08-03
    O ecossistema de Data Centers está evoluindo em todos os níveis, com as atividades fortemente focadas na Nuvem, no Edge da rede e, cada vez mais, em recursos no Edge. Read full information on external site
  • Insatiable data centres’ power consumption at risk when the next heatwave hits - 2022-08-03
    As temperatures rise, data centres need new high-energy cooling systems. However, their present energy demands are already causing problems for city-dwellers. Read full information on external site
  • Insatiable data centres’ power consumption at risk when the next heatwave hits - 2022-08-03
    The Met Office and other institutions have warned that scorching temperatures, like those experienced in July in the UK, will become more commonplace. This is bad news for data centres, which have air. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric creates professional education platform to address the data centre skills gap - 2022-08-03
    Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
  • Como construir um modelo de referência para a moderna (e futura) infraestrutura de Edge Computing 2022-08-03
    O meio ambiente é um assunto que tem sido discutido com cada vez mais frequência em todo o mundo. Read full information on external site
  • ‘More investments needed to boost Internet services in Sarawak’ - 2022-08-03
    Sarawak needs a lot more investments to boost its internet services so as to bridge the digital divide between the state’s urban and rural areas, says irix chief executive officer Dr Jonathan Smith. Read full information on external site
  • Tier 3 internet data centre launched in Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City - 2022-08-03
    Felicity IDC, a tier 3, PCI-DSS certified internet data centre (IDC) has recently been launched at the Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City in Kaliakoir of Gazipur. Read full information on external site
  • 글로벌 칼럼ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응 해법 - 2022-08-03
    지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다. Read full information on external site
  • Windstream Wholesale Connects to DC BLOX Data Center in Birmingham - 2022-08-02
    Windstream Wholesale, a leading provider of fast and flexible solutions, announced that it has connected to its second DC BLOX data center at 433 6th St. South in Birmingham, Alabama. Windstream Wholesale is now taking orders at the location for diverse Wave Services, Ethernet Solutions, and Dedicated Internet Access. Read full information on external site
  • Emerging Tech to Help Guard Against the Malevolence of Cloud Outages - 2022-08-02
    From the outermost edge of extreme networks to the center of the energy vortex, emerging technologies are set to permanently end cloud outages. Will they eventually eradicate the clouds, too? Read full information on external site
  • Windstream Wholesale Connects to DC BLOX Data Center in Birmingham - 2022-08-02
    Windstream Wholesale, a leading provider of fast and flexible solutions, announced that it has connected to its second DC BLOX data center at 433 6th St. South in Birmingham, Alabama. Windstream Wholesale is now taking orders at the location for diverse Wave Services, Ethernet Solutions, and Dedicated Internet Access. Read full information on external site
  • Windstream Wholesale Connects to DC BLOX Data Center in Birmingham - 2022-08-02
    Windstream Wholesale confirms that it has connected to its second DC BLOX data centre in Birmingham, Alabama. Read full information on external site
  • Мировые дата-центры оказались не готовы к климатическому кризису - 2022-08-02
    Лето 2022 года показало, что инфраструктура не готова к изменению климата. Read full information on external site
  • 世纪互联开启ESG新篇章:重磅推出“SHIELD”可持续发展管理体系 - 2022-08-02
    作为中国领先的第三方中立数据中心服务提供商,世纪互联积极响应国家“双碳”和共同富裕等目标,主动融入国际可持续发展倡议组织,为推动构建人类命运共同体不断努力。 Read full information on external site
  • Yotta Launches EdUniverse - An Integrated University Management Solution - 2022-08-02
    Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta Launches EdUniverse - An Integrated University Management Solution - 2022-08-02
    Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta Infrastructure Launches Integrated University Management Solution EdUniverse - 2022-08-02
    Yotta Infrastructure, in partnership iWeb Technology Solutions, has launched an integrated suite of Academic & Administrative Enterprise solutions for educational institutions. Read full information on external site
  • Public cloud costs versus resiliency: stateless applications - 2022-08-02
    A new report from the Uptime Institute quantifies the costs, levels of resiliency, and outage compensation of different stateless cloud application architectures. Read full information on external site
  • Chaleurs extrêmes, comment les gérer ? - 2022-08-02
    Pannes D’un Nouveau Genre dans Les Data Centers. En cause, Les Chaleurs Êxtremes que nous Connaissons Cet ÉTÉ. L’avis de Daniel Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Demand and Speculation Fuel Edge Buildout - 2022-08-01
    Demand for private and shared edge data centers is starting to grow from low numbers. Certain edge workloads, the strategies of large cloud providers, and the speculative deployments of supporting 5G networks are fueling edge data center buildouts. However, the complexity of edge business cases and other factors threaten to suppress demand. Read full information on external site
  • Data Mərkəz “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - 2022-08-01
    Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
  • “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - 2022-08-01
    Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
  • “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - 2022-08-01
    Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
  • “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - 2022-08-01
    Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
  • Data Mərkəz “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı aldı - 2022-08-01
    Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
  • “AzInTelecom”un yeni inşa etdiyi Data Mərkəzi “TİER III” infrastruktur sertifikatı alıb - 2022-08-01
    Dünya Bankının maliyyə dəstəyi ilə Ədliyyə Nazirliyi və “AzInTelecom” MMC-nin əlaqəli fəaliyyəti nəticəsində Bakı şəhərində yeni yaradılmış məlumat mərkəzi “Uptime İnstitute” tərəfindən “TİER III” Beynəlxalq dayanıqlılıq və etibarlılıq keyfiyyət standartları üzrə sertifikatlaşdırılıb. Read full information on external site
  • VNPT không ngừng tiên phong trên hành trình chuyển đổi số - 2022-08-01
    Sở hữu hạ tầng số hàng đầu với 6 IDC lớn, có tính ổn định cao trên toàn quốc, trong đó có các IDC tiêu chuẩn Tier III tại Hà Nội và TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Tập đoàn Bưu chính Viễn thông Việt Nam VNPT đã và đang giúp sức đồng bộ, hoàn thiện hạ tầng số quốc gia, hướng tới mục tiêu Việt Nam trở thành trung tâm lưu trữ và xử lý dữ liệu của khu vực và quốc tế. Read full information on external site
  • «شنايدر إلكتريك».. منصة تعليمية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - 2022-08-01
    أعلنت شنايدر إلكتريك إطلاق سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر إلكتريك، المنصة التعليمية CPD. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - 2022-08-01
    Companies are racing to cool down their servers as energy prices and temperatures soar. And the worst is yet to come. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud-Anwendungen: Die Kosten der Ausfallsicherheit - 2022-08-01
    Wer Cloud-Anwendungen ausfallsicher betreiben möchte, muss sich Gedanken über ihre Architektur machen. Eine Studie untersucht verschiedene … Read full information on external site
  • Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - 2022-08-01
    There were cooling failures that caused the data centers in London to go offline. The impact wasn't limited to those near the center: That particular location services customers in the US and Pacific region. Read full information on external site
  • شنايدر إلكتريك تبتكر منصة تعليمية احترافية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - 2022-08-01
    اكشفت شنايدر إلكتريك عن سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر الرقمية لتكون متوفرة بـ 14 لغة مختلفة، ويمكن الوصول إليها مجانًا عبر الإنترنت من مختلف أنحاء العالم، بهدف معالجة نقص المهارات في قطاع مركز البيانات، ما يساعد العاملين في القطاع على الارتقاء بالمهارات والبقاء على اطلاع حول أحدث مبادرات التكنولوجيا والاستدامة وكفاءة الطاقة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على القطاع. Read full information on external site
  • شنايدر إلكتريك تبتكر منصة تعليمية احترافية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - 2022-08-01
    اكشفت شنايدر إلكتريك عن سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر الرقمية لتكون متوفرة بـ 14 لغة مختلفة، ويمكن الوصول إليها مجانًا عبر الإنترنت من مختلف أنحاء العالم، بهدف معالجة نقص المهارات في قطاع مركز البيانات، ما يساعد العاملين في القطاع على الارتقاء بالمهارات والبقاء على اطلاع حول أحدث مبادرات التكنولوجيا والاستدامة وكفاءة الطاقة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على القطاع. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - 2022-08-01
    When record temperatures wracked the UK in late July, Google Cloud’s data centers in London went offline for a day, due to cooling failures. The impact wasn’t limited to those near the center: That particular location services customers in the US and Pacific region, with outages limiting their access to key Google services for hours. Read full information on external site
  • شنايدر إلكتريك تبتكر منصة تعليمية احترافية لمعالجة نقص المواهب في قطاع مراكز البيانات - 2022-08-01
    اكشفت شنايدر إلكتريك عن سلسلة من التحديثات لمنصة جامعة شنايدر الرقمية لتكون متوفرة بـ 14 لغة مختلفة، ويمكن الوصول إليها مجانًا عبر الإنترنت من مختلف أنحاء العالم، بهدف معالجة نقص المهارات في قطاع مركز البيانات، ما يساعد العاملين في القطاع على الارتقاء بالمهارات والبقاء على اطلاع حول أحدث مبادرات التكنولوجيا والاستدامة وكفاءة الطاقة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على القطاع. Read full information on external site
  • Centros de dados estão passando por super aquecimento - 2022-08-01
    As temperaturas altíssimas no Reino Unido batem recorde e em Londres, os centros de dados do Google Cloud chegaram a ficar offline por um dia, já que não suportam o calor e apresentaram problemas ao tentar resfriar o sistema. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centers Are Facing a Climate Crisis - 2022-08-01
    When record temperatures wracked the UK in late July, Google Cloud’s data centers in London went offline for a day, due to cooling failures. The impact wasn’t limited to those near the center: That particular location services customers in the US and Pacific region, with outages limiting their access to key Google services for hours. Read full information on external site
  • Linxdatacenter – в топ-10 крупнейших поставщиков услуг ЦОД - 2022-08-01
    Провайдер Linxdatacenter вошел в топ-10 рейтинга «CNews Analytics: крупнейшие поставщики услуг ЦОД в России 2021». Компания заняла шестую строчку с более чем 2 тыс. стойко-мест на конец 2021 года. У Linxdatacenter 2 ЦОДа на территории РФ, их совокупная площадь составляет 4 430 кв м. Read full information on external site
  • جامعة شنايدر إلكتريك تقدم مليون دورة تدريبية لأكثر من 650,000 من مستخدمي مراكز البيانات- 2022-08-01
    شنايدر إلكتريك تنشئ منصة تعليمية احترافية للعملية حتى الآن ، قدمت جامعة شنايدر إلكتريك أكثر من مليون دورة تدريبية إلى أكثر من 650 ألف مستخدم لمركز البيانات ، مع مستخدمين من أكثر من 180 دولة حول العالم. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric creates professional education platform to address the data centre skills gap - 2022-08-01
    Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, the Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site

September 2022

  • The Industry Is Not Prepared': Report Finds Many Data Center Firms Unaware Of Looming Emissions Rules - 2022-09-30
    Many data center operators in the U.S., Europe and Asia will soon be required to report greenhouse gas emissions and other sustainability metrics. Read full information on external site
  • Растет команда облачных инженеров - 2022-09-30
    Сервис-провайдер Linxdatacenter, оказывающий услуги на базе двух собственных ЦОДов в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, вдвое увеличил команду специалистов, обеспечивающих работоспособность и развитие облачной платформы LinxCloud. Read full information on external site
  • Компания Nubes открывает новый ЦОД Tier III в Москве - 2022-09-30
    Облачный провайдер Nubes запускает в эксплуатацию новый ЦОД уровня TIER III. Дата-центр обеспечит бизнес ИТ-инфраструктурой для развертывания отказоустойчивых облаков на базе VMware. Read full information on external site
  • Galaxy Backbone’s Target to Connect 36 States, FCT on Course, says Chidi Okpala - 2022-09-30
    The ICT company has already connected 22 States in Nigeria with digital infrastructure and hopes to expand to the remaining States before the end of 2023. Read full information on external site
  • About a third of cloud users need to learn resiliency lessons from Ian - 2022-09-30
    While the Florida hurricane damage has your attention, it's time to plan for and implement redundant cloud and on-prem network infrastructure and strengthen backup and recovery capabilities. Read full information on external site
  • Linxdatacenter вдвое увеличил команду облачных инженеров - 2022-09-30
    Сервис-провайдер Linxdatacenter, оказывающий услуги на базе двух собственных ЦОДов в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, вдвое увеличил команду специалистов, обеспечивающих работоспособность и развитие облачной платформы LinxCloud.. Read full information on external site
  • Электроэнергия и дата центры - 2022-09-29
    Как получить точные данные об использовании энергетических ресурсов — и почему они нам так важны. Read full information on external site
  • Recepta na kryzys energetyczny - 2022-09-29
    Nowością XV Dni Światła jest dyskusja panelowa. Udział w niej potwierdzili przedstawiciele liderów branży: Exatel, Orange, Grupy Play, Akamai Technologies. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-29
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-29
    As mulheres representam ainda uma parte relativamente pequena no setor de data centers, mas há projetos para que esse número cresça mais a cada dia. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-29
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-09-28
    Escribe Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute reports three key sustainability elements in data center design: Water, Circularity, and Siting - 2022-09-28
    Data centers and IT operators need a comprehensive sustainability strategy to reduce their environmental impact. Read full information on external site
  • Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-28
    Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-28
    Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • Data centre stock in India to double by 2024 - 2022-09-28
    Read full information on external site
  • Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-28
    Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • Data Centre stock in India to double by 2024; USD 20 billion investments estimated by 2025 - 2022-09-28
    CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. According to the report, Data Centre (DC) investments in India are expected to surpass USD 20 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centre stock in India to double by 2024; USD 20 billion investments estimated by 2025 - 2022-09-28
    CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. According to the report, Data Centre (DC) investments in India are expected to surpass USD 20 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
  • El grupo de ingeniería IDP también construirá data centers - 2022-09-28
    Una nueva compañía de ingeniería, IDP, se ha sumado a la creciente oleada de empresas constructoras que crean su propia división dedicada a centros de datos, gracias a una alianza con Ingenium, que ya cuenta con una dilatada experiencia en este sector. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-28
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Mesmo o sexo feminino representando a maioria da população brasileira, com 52% segundo o IBGE. Read full information on external site
  • Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic seeks Tier III certification - 2022-09-27
    The ITS project is critical for the Czech Republic because it delivers critical communications services upon which the police, fire brigade, and rescue services depend. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centre stock in India to double by 2024; USD 20 billion investments estimated by 2025 - 2022-09-27
    CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. According to the report, Data Centre (DC) investments in India are expected to surpass USD 20 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
  • Het is goed dat datacenters over het milieu moeten rapporteren - 2022-09-27
    Het Uptime Institute beantwoordt in een recent artikel de vraag waarom datacenters steeds meer met het milieu te maken krijgen. Read full information on external site
  • «Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-27
    «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • «Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-27
    «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • «Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-27
    «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • 2022 Global Data Center Survey: sustainability struggles and staffing shortages - 2022-09-27
    The findings of Uptime Institute’s latest annual Global Data Center Survey indicate that while the industry is growing, it’s still grappling with sustainability reporting, staffing shortages, supply chain delays and outages. Read full information on external site
  • билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-27
    The findings of Uptime Institute’s latest annual Global Data Center Survey indicate that while the industry is growing, it’s still grappling with sustainability reporting, staffing shortages, supply chain delays and outages. Read full information on external site
  • Mit Linuxone 4 verspricht Big Blue mehr Energie-Effizienz und Klimaschutz - 2022-09-27
    билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • «Билайн бизнес» и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-27
    «Билайн бизнес» (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • India’s data capacity getting doubled, to attract USD 20 billion investments by 2025 - 2022-09-27
    CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd, India’s leading real estate consulting firm, has announced the findings of its latest report, “Data Centres in India: Powering Up Real Estate in a ‘Data-High’ Era”. Read full information on external site
  • Biznet Data Center dan Merkle Innovation Luncurkan Solusi Implementasi Private Cloud Lintas Perangkat - 2022-09-27
    PT Dinamika Raya Prima (Biznet Data Center), penyedia infrastruktur data center dan layanan kolokasi di Indonesia berkolaborasi dengan Merkle Innovation untuk meluncurkan solusi implementasi infrastruktur private cloud terlengkap yang menyasar transformasi digital berbagai industri. Read full information on external site
  • Data centre business to double by 2024, demand to help real estate: Reports - 2022-09-27
    Investments in data centres expected to surpass $20 billion by 2025, with smaller cities gaining too Read full information on external site
  • Centres de données et RSE : les fournisseurs doivent revoir leurs indicateurs d’efficacité énergétique - 2022-09-27
    Le marché des centres de données est en bonne santé, mais la pression écologique d’une consommation énergétique plus efficace appelle des mesures plus précises de l’efficacité énergétique, ce que ne proposent pas les indicateurs actuels, notamment le PUE (Power usage effectiveness). Read full information on external site
  • Sustainable Digital: It is time for ICT to embrace environmental practices! - 2022-09-27
    Climate change is popping into any conversation and companies’ development plans as the impacts of its change become more evident. Since 2016, all sectors of the global economy must then keep their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. Read full information on external site
  • Data centre business to double by 2024, demand to help real estate: Reports - 2022-09-27
    Investments in data centres expected to surpass $20 billion by 2025, with smaller cities gaining too. Read full information on external site
  • डेटा सेंटर बिजनेस में होगी दोगुनी बढोतरी : रिपोर्ट - 2022-09-27
    अगले ढाई वर्षों में 70.8 लाख वर्ग फुट जमीन की मांग बढ़ेगी Read full information on external site
    Climate change is popping into any conversation and companies’ development plans as the impacts of its change become more evident. Read full information on external site
  • билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-27
    билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-26
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell lanceert Data Center Suite - 2022-09-26
    Honeywell lanceert Data Center Suite. Dit portfolio resultaatgerichte software-oplossingen helpt beheerders en eigenaren van datacenters bij het optimaliseren van uptime, productiviteit van werknemers, onderhoud van belangrijke activa en operationele kosten. Ook zorgen de oplossingen voor een beter inzicht in KPI's op het gebied van duurzaamheid. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell presenta Data Center Suite, pensata per ottimizzare l'uptime e la produttività - 2022-09-26
    La nuova soluzione offre un’esperienza utente innovativa, aumenta la resilienza delle operation, migliora la produttività dei lavoratori e fornisce visibilità sui KPI critici di sostenibilità. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell presenta Data Center Suite, pensata per ottimizzare l'uptime e la produttività - 2022-09-26
    La nuova soluzione offre un’esperienza utente innovativa, aumenta la resilienza delle operation, migliora la produttività dei lavoratori e fornisce visibilità sui KPI critici di sostenibilità. Read full information on external site
  • Colo providers looking to clean energy alternatives: hydrogen and nuclear - 2022-09-26
    Driven by pressure from customers, regulators, and shareholders major colocation providers are increasingly looking for clean energy alternatives to power their data centers. Read full information on external site
  • Is cloud technology the right choice for your business? - 2022-09-26
    Cloud technology offers an open, connected experience for businesses and their customers. But how can you tell if the technology is necessary for your organisation? Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-26
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-26
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-26
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-26
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • How Galaxy Backbone is driving e-government processes in Nigeria - 2022-09-26
    The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is critical for efficient governance and a key driver of national development. BENJAMIN SAMSON in this report examines how Galaxy Backbone is driving e-government progression in Nigeria. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-26
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • A importância da representatividade feminina no setor de data centers - 2022-09-26
    No setor de tecnologia, as mulheres estão em uma crescente, porém ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos desafios a serem vencidos, principalmente a quebra de estereótipo de gênero, já que ouvimos muitas vezes que as mulheres não estão aptas a trabalhar no setor. Read full information on external site
  • Is it time to increase your data center’s power management IQ? - 2022-09-26
    The data center market is under increasing pressure to meet growing consumer demands while maintaining uptime and optimizing efficiencies. Read full information on external site
  • Az adatközpontok nincsenek felkészülve a bővülő fenntarthatósági követelményekre - 2022-09-25
    Sokan még mindig nem követik nyomon a kritikus környezetvédelmi mérőszámokat. Read full information on external site
  • Шесть мифов о public cloud - 2022-09-25
    SПока одни компании давно и успешно перенесли свою ИТ-инфраструктуру в публичные облака, другие выбирают более дорогие и сложные решения — гибридные и частные облака. Несмотря на это, именно с помощью public cloud бизнес может эффективно и оперативно решать свои задачи: запускать новые приложения в среде для разработки, увеличивать вычислительные ресурсы на время всплеска продаж и оптимизировать затраты на ИТ. Read full information on external site
  • Шесть мифов о public cloud - 2022-09-25
    SПока одни компании давно и успешно перенесли свою ИТ-инфраструктуру в публичные облака, другие выбирают более дорогие и сложные решения — гибридные и частные облака. Несмотря на это, именно с помощью public cloud бизнес может эффективно и оперативно решать свои задачи: запускать новые приложения в среде для разработки, увеличивать вычислительные ресурсы на время всплеска продаж и оптимизировать затраты на ИТ. Read full information on external site
  • 持続可能なデータセンターへの要求の高まりに備える~Uptime Institute - 2022-09-24
    Uptime Instituteは、第12回年次グローバルデータセンター調査(12th Annual Global Data Center Survery)を発表しました。この調査により、業界は成長し、ダイナミックで、ますます回復力が高まっている一方で、持続可能性の進捗と報告に対する圧力の高まり、継続する人材不足、サプライチェーンの遅延、費用のかかる停電、その他の複雑な課題に対処していることが明らかになりました。Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey reveals gains in resilience and reliability, but challenges with sustainability and outages - 2022-09-23
    Global digital infrastructure authority Uptime Institute has just announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. Read full information on external site
  • Píldoras MCPRO ( CXLX): Multicloud, OPPO, Fastlys - 2022-09-23
    Las empresas serán multicloud o no serán. Este es el mensaje que con más insistencia se repite últimamente en la industria tecnológica. Read full information on external site
  • Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta 76 % fallos y cortes eléctricos en data center - 2022-09-23
    Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación del 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. La creciente presión de los clientes por enfoques más ecológicos ha llevado a los centros de datos a implementar estrategias "holísticas" que contemplan la reducción de su huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
  • Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta 76 % fallos y cortes eléctricos en data center - 2022-09-23
    Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación del 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. La creciente presión de los clientes por enfoques más ecológicos ha llevado a los centros de datos a implementar estrategias "holísticas" que contemplan la reducción de su huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
  • Perú | Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta 76% fallos y cortes eléctricos en data center - 2022-09-23
    Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación del 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. La creciente presión de los clientes por enfoques más ecológicos ha llevado a los centros de datos a implementar estrategias "holísticas" que contemplan la reducción de su huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new data centre software to beat sustainability scrutiny - 2022-09-23
    Honeywell, a provider of connected buildings, launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of solutions that help data centre managers optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs Read full information on external site
  • Нетера откри втора дейта център сграда в София - 2022-09-23
    Тя е близо до първия център за данни на компанията в столицата и ще използва цялата вече изградена мрежа и инфраструктура Read full information on external site
  • Las centrales nucleares concitan la atención de los centros de datos por la crisis energética - 2022-09-23
    Las posturas en Europa y Estados Unidos difieren, con una postura mucho más favorable en Norteamérica al uso de la energía nuclear. Read full information on external site
  • Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - 2022-09-22
    Data center outages can cause havoc for businesses, but they may at least be becoming less common according to a report by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Recrutement, pannes et environnement, des casse-têtes pour les datacenters - but are costing more - 2022-09-22
    Les opérateurs de datacenters s'efforcent d'accroître la fiabilité de leurs infrastructures informatiques dans un contexte de débauchage des talents clés et du challenge à respecter les réglementations environnementales. Read full information on external site
  • Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - 2022-09-22
    Data center outages can cause havoc for businesses, but they may at least be becoming less common according to a report by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • The trouble with data center energy figures - 2022-09-22
    Here’s how to get reliable energy data - and why we badly need it. Read full information on external site
  • 可持续发展推动数据中心行业强劲增长文章链接:智能制造网 - 2022-09-22
    导读:数据中心行业正在成长、充满活力且更具弹性,但仍在努力解决可持续发展和报告方面日益增加的压力、持续的人员短缺、供应链延迟、代价高昂的中断和其他复杂挑战 Read full information on external site
  • Data centres under pressure to meet new sustainability laws - 2022-09-22
    Many data centre operators are unprepared for mounting sustainability requirements and regulations, according to the latest survey released by Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Ausfall-Teuerung trifft Knowhow-Defizit - 2022-09-22
    Betreiber und Nutzer von Rechenzentren sind aktuell und in Zukunft mit zahlreichen, kostenintensiven Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Das verdeutlicht ein Blick auf eine aktuelle Studie des Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Enquête annuelle mondiale sur les centres de données (datacenters) 2022 de l’Uptime Institute - 2022-09-22
    Read full information on external site
  • Исследование Uptime Institute подтвердило динамичный рост отрасли ЦОД и указало на проблемы - 2022-09-22
    Uptime Institute объявил о выходе Annual Global Data Center Survey — своего 12-го ежегодного исследования рынка ЦОД. Его результаты говорят о динамичном росте и повышении устойчивости отрасли, несмотря на влияние продолжающегося дефицита квалифицированных кадров, проблем в цепочке поставок, дорогостоящих сбоев и других сложностей. Read full information on external site
  • Kostnaden för avbrott i datacenter ökar dramatiskt då världen blir allt mer digital - 2022-09-22
    Avbrott i datacenter blir allt mer kostsamma ju mer digitaliserad världen blir. Read full information on external site
  • Vesimpex: Fabrika za (blisku) budućnost – Industrijska revolucija 4.0 u praksi - 2022-09-22
    Moj prvi posao nije imao nikakve veze sa IT sferom: bila je to čista industrija. Read full information on external site
  • "가동 중단 문제와 구인난 여전히 심각" 데이터센터 관련 동향 6가지 원문보기: - 2022-09-22
    데이터센터는 물리적 인프라의 회복탄력성을 개선하고 큰 비용을 수반하는 가동 중단을 방지하고 치열한 구인 시장에서 숙련된 인력을 채용하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그러나 지속가능성과 관련한 요구사항이 임박하고 있음에도 불구하고 주요 환경 관련 지표에 관심을 두지 않는 데이터센터가 아직 많다. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell optimiert Betriebszeit und Produktivität von Rechenzentren - 2022-09-22
    Innovatives Benutzererlebnis, erhöhte Ausfallsicherheit im Betrieb, verbesserte Mitarbeiterproduktivität und Einblick in wichtige KPIs der Nachhaltigkeit. Read full information on external site
  • Kostnaden för avbrott i datacenter ökar dramatiskt då världen blir allt mer digital - 2022-09-22
    Kostnaden för avbrott i datacenter ökar dramatiskt då världen blir allt mer digital. Read full information on external site
  • Minder storingen in datacenters maar ze kosten wel meer - 2022-09-22
    Datacenters wereldwijd ervaren minder storingen dan de voorbije jaren. Maar de gemiddelde kost van een downtime is wel gestegen, vaak tot meer dan een miljoen dollar. Read full information on external site
  • Global Data Center Survey shows that resilience is increasing - 2022-09-22
    Uptime Institute has released its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is becoming increasingly resilient, but still working to address complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • "가동 중단 문제와 구인난 여전히 심각" 데이터센터 관련 동향 6가지 - 2022-09-22
    데이터센터는 물리적 인프라의 회복탄력성을 개선하고 큰 비용을 수반하는 가동 중단을 방지하고 치열한 구인 시장에서 숙련된 인력을 채용하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그러나 지속가능성과 관련한 요구사항이 임박하고 있음에도 불구하고 주요 환경 관련 지표에 관심을 두지 않는 데이터센터가 아직 많다. Read full information on external site
  • 6 Trends Related to Data Centers “The Downtime Problem and the Job Crisis Still Severe” - 2022-09-22
    Data centers are striving to improve the resilience of their physical infrastructure, avoid costly outages, and hire skilled workers in a fierce job market. Read full information on external site
  • Open Access Data Centre Confirms Rollout of three new EDGE Data Centres in South Africa - 2022-09-22
    An African data centre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced the deployment of three new OADC EDGE datacentres in South Africa. Read full information on external site
  • A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos Data Centers - 2022-09-22
    Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
  • Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - 2022-09-22
    Factors like inflation are pushing outage costs upFactors like inflation are pushing outage costs up. Read full information on external site
  • Data center outages are now less disruptive - but are costing more - 2022-09-22
    Factors like inflation are pushing outage costs up. Data center outages can cause havoc for businesses, but they may at least be becoming less common according to a report by the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • RZ-Ausfälle kosten schnell mal mehr als 1 Million Dollar - 2022-09-22
    Eine internationale Studie zeigt, dass die Betreiber auch im nachhaltigen Umgang mit Strom und Wasser noch Verbesserungs­potenzial aufweisen. Read full information on external site
  • Quantum Loophole Discusses How Technology Is Shaping Sustainable Data Centers - 2022-09-22
    There is a lot of buzz about how technology is shaping sustainable data centers these days but what exactly does that mean, what does it look like, and how does it affect our lives? Read full information on external site
  • Quantum Loophole Discusses How Technology Is Shaping Sustainable Data Centers - 2022-09-22
    There is a lot of buzz about how technology is shaping sustainable data centers these days but what exactly does that mean, what does it look like, and how does it affect our lives? Read full information on external site
  • Nextdc opens S3 data centre in Sydney - 2022-09-22
    Data centre as a service provider Nextdc has opened S3, which it claims to be the largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
  • Operators brace for expanding sustainability requirements - 2022-09-21
    The Uptime Institute have released their 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey, which reveals an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Data centre operators brace for sustainability - 2022-09-21
    Strong industry growth as operators brace for expanding sustainability requirements. Read full information on external site
  • Datacenter outages costing more, $1m+ failures now common - 2022-09-21
    Datacenter operators worldwide are largely unprepared for sustainability requirements, despite the industry anticipating new regulations in many regions. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute Forecasts: Strong Global Data Center Industry Growth - 2022-09-21
    The 12th annual Global Data Center Survey released by Uptime Institute reveal a sector that is expanding, dynamic, and becoming more robust, but is nevertheless battling with issues like persistent workforce shortages, supply chain delays, expensive outages, and other difficult problems. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute Forecasts: Strong Global Data Center Industry Growth - 2022-09-21
    The 12th annual Global Data Center Survey released by Uptime Institute reveal a sector that is expanding, dynamic, and becoming more robust, but is nevertheless battling with issues like persistent workforce shortages, supply chain delays, expensive outages, and other difficult problems. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute's 2022 Global Data Center Survey Results - 2022-09-21
    Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. Read full information on external site
  • Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic seeks Tier III certification - 2022-09-21
    The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic is a government department responsible for the state’s public administration, public and internal security, citizenship, identity cards and social security numbers, border protection, immigration control and more. Its ICT Operations Department (OPITK) drives the strategy, management, and development of key government projects, of which ITS (a secure optical network) and PEGAS (a secure cellular network for integrated surveillance services) are most critical. Read full information on external site
  • La Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta un 76% de fallos y cortes eléctricos en los data centers - 2022-09-21
    Según Vertiv, el tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Datacenter outages are costing more, $1m+ failures now common - 2022-09-21
    Datacenter operators worldwide are largely unprepared for sustainability requirements, despite the industry anticipating new regulations in many regions. Meanwhile, outages are becoming increasingly costly, and progress on energy efficiency is stuck. Read full information on external site
  • Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centres - 2022-09-21
    Data centre operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
  • Betreiber von Rechenzentren werden aufgefordert, ihre Berichterstattung über CO2-Emissionen und Wasserverbrauch zu verschärfen - 2022-09-21
    Die Betreiber von Rechenzentren sind immer noch nicht in der Lage, die Umweltauswirkungen ihrer Einrichtungen im Auge zu behalten, da die meisten die von ihren Einrichtungen emittierten CO2-Emissionen und den Wasserverbrauch nicht im Auge behalten. Read full information on external site
  • Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centres - 2022-09-21
    Data centre operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
  • Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centres - 2022-09-21
    Data centre operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
  • NextDC opens $1B Sydney data centre - 2022-09-21
    Intended to provide 80MW of capacity. Read full information on external site
  • Informe de Uptime Institute muestra los retos para los centros de datos - 2022-09-21
    Los centros de datos se esfuerzan por mejorar la resistencia de su infraestructura física, evitar cortes cada vez más costosos, y contratar personal cualificado en un mercado laboral competitivo. Read full information on external site
  • NEXTDC opens $1b+ next gen sovereign data centre in Sydney - 2022-09-21
    Australian data centre as a service provider has officially opened S3, its largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
  • NEXTDC opens $1b+ next gen sovereign data centre in Sydney - 2022-09-21
    Australian data centre as a service provider has officially opened S3, its largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
  • NEXTDC opens $1b+ next gen sovereign data centre in Sydney - 2022-09-21
    Australian data centre as a service provider has officially opened S3, its largest Sydney development to date. Read full information on external site
  • How to protect data centre operations in extended periods of hot weather - 2022-09-21
    With the world this summer experiencing hot weather conditions, it has become crucial to safeguard the daily operations we previously took for granted. Read full information on external site
  • NextDC opens $1b S3 data centre in northern Sydney - 2022-09-21
    Data centre company NextDC has officially opened its $1 billion S3 data centre development in Sydney's north. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - 2022-09-21
    Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - ejaraine 2022-09-21
    Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • 可持续发展推动数据中心行业强劲增长 - 2022-09-21
    Uptime Institute 最近的调查结果表明,整个数据中心行业对实现有意义的效率提升、发展可持续发展报告实践、防止代价高昂的停机等方面日益增长的需求。 Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - 2022-09-21
    Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • La competencia por el mejor talento impacta en los centros de datos - 2022-09-21
    Desde hace muchos años, el Uptime Institute es una referencia a la hora de evaluar el estado de «salud» de los centros de datos en todo el mundo. Read full information on external site
  • билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-21
    билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • OADC confirms rollout of three new EDGE datacentres in SA - 2022-09-21
    Pan-African datacentre company Open Access Data Centres (OADC) has announced the deployment of three new OADC EDGE datacentres in South Africa. Read full information on external site
  • Global data centre survey reveals stong industry growth - 2022-09-21
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Strong data centre industry growth - 2022-09-21
    Uptime Institute has released its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de da - 2022-09-21
    Archivado en: Tecnología · tecnología de la IA.IA · Francisco Sales · Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • Datacenter outages are costing more, $1m+ failures now common - 2022-09-21
    Datacenter operators worldwide are largely unprepared for sustainability requirements, despite the industry anticipating new regulations in many regions. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Reveals Data Center Operators Brace for Sustainability Pressures - 2022-09-21
    The Uptime Institute released its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show a growing, dynamic and resilient industry, that still needs to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, staffing shortages, supply chain delays outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Global data centre survey reveals stong industry growth - IT-Online - 2022-09-21
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute finds datacenter outages are costing more - 2022-09-21
    Datacenter outages costing more, $1m+ failures now common. Read full information on external site
  • Datacenter outages costing more, $1m+ failures now common - 2022-09-21
    And operators not getting any better at saving power – or watching the water their bit barns drink. Read full information on external site
  • Storage news ticker – September 21 - 2022-09-21
    Data catalog and data intelligence supplier Alation has announced a partnership with data integrator Fivetran that is intended to enable joint customers to find and understand the full context of their data. Read full information on external site
  • Strong data centre industry growth - 2022-09-20
    Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Data Center Survey findings highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and more. Read full information on external site
  • Das Uptime Institute gab heute die Veröffentlichung seines 12. - 2022-09-20
    Der Global Data Center Survey 2022 des Uptime Institute zeigt starkes Wachstum der Branche auf; Rechenzentrumsbetreiber stellen sich auf wachsende Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen ein. Read full information on external site
  • Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centers - 2022-09-20
    Data center operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
  • Inteligencia Artificial genera ahorros operativos y energéticos en centros de datos - 2022-09-20
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric Establishes a Professional Education Platform to Address Data Center Talent Shortage - 2022-09-20
    Schneider Electric™, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has announced a series of updates to its vendor-agnostic and CPD-accredited digital education platform, Schneider Electric University. Read full information on external site
  • Coolgradient sluit zich aan als partner bij de Dutch Data Center Association - 2022-09-20
    Coolgradient, de allereerste roof-to-room datacenter optimisation suite, is nu partner van de Dutch Datacenter Association (DDA). Read full information on external site
  • Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская" и оператор "большой четверки" стали партнерами на рынке телеком-услуг Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-20
    Резидент ТОР «Надеждинская», компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) и структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом» – Билайн Бизнес – приняли решение о расширении стратегического партнерства в рамках реализации проекта по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
  • Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская" и оператор "большой четверки" стали партнерами на рынке телеком-услуг Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-20
    Резидент ТОР «Надеждинская», компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) и структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом» – Билайн Бизнес – приняли решение о расширении стратегического партнерства в рамках реализации проекта по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
  • Data center sector unprepared for expanding sustainability requirements - 2022-09-20
    The latest Annual Global Data Center survey from the Uptime Institute shows an industry that remains strong but is working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting. Read full information on external site
  • Data center sector unprepared for expanding sustainability requirements - 2022-09-20
    The latest Annual Global Data Center survey from the Uptime Institute shows an industry that remains strong but is working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting. Read full information on external site
  • Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская" и оператор "большой четверки" стали партнерами на рынке телеком-услуг Дальнего Востока. - 2022-09-20
    Резидент ТОР "Надеждинская", компания "Кей Поинт" (бренд Key Point) и структурное подразделение ПАО "ВымпелКом" – Билайн Бизнес – приняли решение о расширении стратегического партнерства в рамках реализации проекта по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
  • Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion y el Gobierno Vasco crean “Atlantic Data Infrastructure” para apoyar la transformación digital - 2022-09-20
    La creación de esta nueva infraestructura tecnológica de proceso de datos de última generación posibilitará la proliferación de un ecosistema de empresas digitales, con el consiguiente “impacto económico y social en la zona”. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - 2022-09-20
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - 2022-09-20
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - 2022-09-20
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - 2022-09-20
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - 2022-09-20
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - 2022-09-20
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
  • Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion Y El Gobierno Vasco Crean atlantic Data InfrastructurePara Apoyar La Transformación Digital - 2022-09-20
    La creación de esta nueva infraestructura tecnológica de proceso de datos de última generación posibilitará la proliferación de un ecosistema de empresas digitales, con el consiguiente impacto económico y social en la zona. Read full information on external site
  • Why AIM Solutions Are Important in IT and BFSI Sectors - 2022-09-20
    The rise of the Internet of Everything, a new wave of computing powered by the rise of next-gen technologies like IoT, Industry 4.0, and the cloud, has changed the way IT infrastructure operates in the modern world, writes Saloni Walimbe, Team lead – Content at Global Market Insights. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute’s data centre survey reveals strong industry growth - 2022-09-20
    Uptime Institute has announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Centre Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute survey reveals strong industry growth as operators prepare for sustainability demands - 2022-09-20
    Findings from Uptime Institute’s recent survey highlight the growing, industry-wide need to achieve meaningful efficiency gains, evolve sustainability reporting practices, prevent costly outages and much more. Read full information on external site
  • OVHcloud, un nuovo datacenter da 30 milioni a Strasburgo - 2022-09-20
    Il sito SBG5, realizzato nel campus dell’incendio del 2021, è il primo progettato secondo i principi del piano di “hyper-resilience” dell'operatore francese. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute's 2022 Global Data Center Survey Reveals Strong Industry Growth as Operators Brace for Expanding Sustainability Requirements - 2022-09-20
    Uptime Institute announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-09-20
    билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion y el Gobierno Vasco crean “Atlantic Data Infrastructure” para apoyar la transformación digital - 2022-09-20
    Euskaltel, Grupo Teknei, Dominion y el Gobierno Vasco, han creado “Atlantic Data Infrastructure” (ADI) un gran centro de datos de primer nivel orientado al sector privado y público de la zona atlántica. Read full information on external site
  • Datacentre operators urged to tighten up their carbon emissions and water usage reporting - 2022-09-20
    The 12th annual Global Data Center Survey from resiliency think tank Uptime Institute suggests the industry has work to do to improve its reporting on sustainability, as regulation looms large. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute Releases Its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey - 2022-09-20
    Uptime Institute today announced the release of its 12th Annual Global Data Center Survey. The findings show an industry that is growing, dynamic and increasingly resilient, but still working to address increasing pressure for sustainability progress and reporting, continuing staffing shortages, supply chain delays, costly outages and other complex challenges. Read full information on external site
  • Auge y crecimiento en el sector CPD, pero con el reto de la sostenibilidad - 2022-09-20
    Uptime Institute desvela los resultados de su última Encuesta Global de Centros de Datos 2022, augurando un prometedor futuro para la industria, pero que aún trabaja para abordar la creciente presión de la sostenibilidad, la continua escasez de personal, los retrasos en la cadena de suministro, las interrupciones costosas y otros desafíos complejos. Read full information on external site
  • Das Uptime Institute gab heute die Veröffentlichung seines 12 - 2022-09-20
    Der Global Data Center Survey 2022 des Uptime Institute zeigt starkes Wachstum der Branche auf; Rechenzentrumsbetreiber stellen sich auf wachsende Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen ein. jährlichen Global Data Center Survey, einer weltweit durchgeführten Umfrage über Rechenzentren, bekannt. Read full information on external site
  • Survey: Outages, staffing challenge data centers - 2022-09-20
    Data center operators are working to increase IT infrastructure reliability, keep key talent from being poached, and stay ahead of environmental regulations, Uptime Institute reports. Read full information on external site
  • A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos data centers - 2022-09-19
    Con estudios de ingeniería electrónica en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas y un MBA del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Daniel tiene una trayectoria de 14 años en Vertiv. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions For Data Centres - 2022-09-19
    Honeywell has launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Ingeteam celebra su 50 aniversario con un homenaje a sus fundadores - 2022-09-19
    Hoy ha tenido lugar la celebración del 50 aniversario de Ingeteam, en el Palacio Euskalduna de Bilbao, con un emotivo homenaje a las cuatro familias que fundaron la empresa. Read full information on external site
  • How To Leverage AI/ML For Predictive Incident Management - 2022-09-19
    Digital technologies have led to the application of new-age technologies that operate with minimal human intervention. Read full information on external site
  • How to Leverage AI/ML for Predictive Event Management - 2022-09-19
    Digital technologies have inspired the application of new age technologies that work with minimum human intervention. Read full information on external site
  • 300 000 ₽ бонусом на виртуальную ИТ-инфраструктуру IaaS или подключение услуги Colocation - 2022-09-19
    Не всегда решение о миграции в облако дается быстро. Поэтому мы продлили акцию – заказчики могут получить 300 000 бонусных рублей для запуска ИТ-инфраструктуры до 31 октября включительно. 1 бонусный рубль = 1 рублю. Не является офертой. Read full information on external site
  • A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos datacenters - 2022-09-19
    Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
  • A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos datacenters - 2022-09-19
    Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
  • Internet Availability Threats Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine - 2022-09-19
    Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks impacting availability have been rising. Read full information on external site
  • ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - 2022-09-18
    Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-09-17
    Amplía el ahorro energético en toda la red, ya que puede analizar enormes volúmenes de datos, pero además permite la detección de fallos y la predicción de cortes eléctricos. Read full information on external site
  • Inteligencia artificial: su rol en los centros de datos modernos - 2022-09-17
    "El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos", sostienen desde Vertiv Latinoamérica Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-09-17
    La IA puede ser una valiosa herramienta para lograr el mantenimiento con base en el análisis de datos y para detectar los problemas potenciales en el equipo incluso antes de que se conviertan en un problema. Read full information on external site
  • Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - 2022-09-17
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud, doanh nghiệp Việt cần chiến lược tối ưu từ nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” giúp doanh nghiệp “lên mây”. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions To Help Optimise Data Centre Uptime And Productivity - 2022-09-16
    Honeywell (Nasdaq: HON), a global leader in connected buildings, today launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • «Ростелеком» организует точку присутствия в дата-центре Key Point - 2022-09-16
    Компании «Ростелеком» и «Кей Поинт» в рамках ВЭФ обсудили условия организации точки присутствия крупнейшего российского интегрированного провайдера цифровых услуг и решений в создаваемом на ТОР «Надеждинская» дата-центре Key Point, имеющем сертификат Tier III. Read full information on external site
  • Cómo manejar la escasez de talento del centro de datos a través de la subcontratación (sin duplicar los costos) - 2022-09-16
    En todas las regiones del mundo, la capacidad de los centros de datos se está expandiendo rápidamente. Read full information on external site
  • Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - 2022-09-16
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud, doanh nghiệp Việt cần chiến lược tối ưu từ nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” giúp doanh nghiệp “lên mây”. Read full information on external site
  • Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - 2022-09-15
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” để đồng hành với doanh nghiệp “lên mây”... Read full information on external site
  • Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, 5 Eylül'de yaşananları tamamen ortaya çıkarttı - 2022-09-15
    Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, sosyal ağ devinin 5 Eylül tarihinde yaşadıklarını ortaya koyuyor. Read full information on external site
  • Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực' của nhà cung cấp Việt - 2022-09-15
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao 'nội lực' để đồng hành với doanh nghiệp 'lên mây'... Read full information on external site
  • Critical Insight 2022 | Speaker Spotlight: Ali Moinuddin, Uptime Institute - 2022-09-15
    This summer, we all felt the uncomfortable effects of global warming as UK temperatures soared to over 40°C – the hottest on record. Read full information on external site
  • Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - 2022-09-15
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Trong bối cảnh đó, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” đồng hành với doanh nghiệp “lên mây”. Read full information on external site
  • CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - 2022-09-15
    Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: 'Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp'. Read full information on external site
  • CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - 2022-09-15
    Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: 'Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp'. Read full information on external site
  • Twitter-datasenter slått ut av hetebølge - 2022-09-15
    ÔEkstrem varme slo tidligere denne måneden ned et Twitter-datasenter i California. Ekstreme temperaturer er en økende trussel mot datasentre, ifølge rapport. Read full information on external site
  • ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - 2022-09-15
    Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
  • OVHcloud eröffnet neues Rechenzentrum in Straßburg - 2022-09-15
    Aus dem spektakulären Brand des alten Rechenzentrums in Straßburg hat OVHcloud Konsequenzen gezogen: SBG5 ist das erste Rechenzentrum des Anbieters, dass nach den Vorgaben des intern entwickelten „Hyper-Resilienz-Plans“ ausgeführt wurde. Read full information on external site
  • Twitter datacenter melted down in Labor Day heat. - 2022-09-15
    Earlier this month extreme heat downed a Twitter datacenter in California over the Labor Day weekend, leaving the website and app working on bare-bones infrastructure. Read full information on external site
  • CDS Launches Data Center Modernization Assessment Service, Built on Industry-First Comparison & Reporting Engine - 2022-09-15
    Assessment Engine Can Identify 20-50%+ Savings on Maintenance of Data Center Infrastructure, Unlocking Budget For Strategic Modernization Initiatives. Read full information on external site
  • Twitter çalışanları deşifre oldu. Şirketten bir not sızdı - 2022-09-15
    Twitter şirketinin binasından sızdırılan bir notta 5 Eylül'de çalışan işçilerin listesi yayınlandı. Çalışanların ismini kimin sızdırdığı şu an için açıklanmadı. Read full information on external site
  • ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - 2022-09-15
    Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Data Centre Suite optimises operations and productivity - 2022-09-15
    Multinational conglomerate company Honeywell launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health, and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, 5 Eylül'de yaşananları tamamen ortaya çıkarttı - 2022-09-15
    Twitter'dan sızan bir şirket içi not, sosyal ağ devinin 5 Eylül tarihinde yaşadıklarını ortaya koyuyor. Read full information on external site
  • Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư “nội lực” của nhà cung cấp Việt - 2022-09-15
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Read full information on external site
  • Multi Cloud và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực' của nhà cung cấp Việt - 2022-09-15
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, doanh nghiệp Việt cần những chiến lược chuyển đổi tối ưu nhất từ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ. Read full information on external site
  • CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư ‘nội lực’cho chiến lược đa đám mây - 2022-09-15
    Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: “Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp”. Read full information on external site
  • CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - 2022-09-15
    Ông Lê Anh Vũ, Giám đốc sáng tạo của CMC Telecom cho hay: 'Là Advanced Tier Services Partner của AWS, Premier Partner của Google Cloud và Gold Partner của Microsoft, chúng tôi ghi nhận nhu cầu về Cloud rất lớn của các doanh nghiệp'. Read full information on external site
  • CMC Telecom và những bước đầu tư 'nội lực'cho chiến lược đa đám mây - 2022-09-15
    Bắt nhịp xu hướng Multi Cloud với thế giới, CMC Telecom đã có nhiều động thái nâng cao “nội lực” để đồng hành cùng các doanh nghiệp Việt như mở rộng hạ tầng kết nối quốc tế, bổ sung nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao… Read full information on external site
  • Why Isn't There More Young Talent in the Data Center Industry? - 2022-09-15
    The unique perspective of a young professional thriving in the data center world. Read full information on external site
  • Twitter-datasenter slått ut av hetebølge - 2022-09-15
    Ekstrem varme slo tidligere denne måneden ned et Twitter-datasenter i California. Ekstreme temperaturer er en økende trussel mot datasentre, ifølge rapport. Read full information on external site
  • ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве - 2022-09-15
    Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «ФИЛАНКО» создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Read full information on external site
  • OVHcloud eröffnet neues Rechenzentrum in Straßburg - 2022-09-15
    Aus dem spektakulären Brand des alten Rechenzentrums in Straßburg hat OVHcloud Konsequenzen gezogen: SBG5 ist das erste Rechenzentrum des Anbieters, dass nach den Vorgaben des intern entwickelten „Hyper-Resilienz-Plans“ ausgeführt wurde. Read full information on external site
  • Twitter çalışanları deşifre oldu. Şirketten bir not sızdı - 2022-09-15
    Twitter şirketinin binasından sızdırılan bir notta 5 Eylül'de çalışan işçilerin listesi yayınlandı. Çalışanların ismini kimin sızdırdığı şu an için açıklanmadı. Read full information on external site
  • Новости энергетики - 2022-09-15
    ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Data Centre Suite optimises operations and productivity - 2022-09-15
    Multinational conglomerate company Honeywell launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health, and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • La Inteligencia Artificial reduce hasta un 76% los fallos y cortes eléctricos en los data centers - 2022-09-15
    Las herramientas de ahorro energético alimentadas por la Inteligencia Artificial puede generar ahorros operativos del 5% al 7% y reducir costos energéticos en un 5%. Read full information on external site
  • Software improves data centre visibility - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell has launched its Data Centre Suite, a portfolio of outcome based software solutions that help data centre managers optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
  • "ФИЛАНКО" выведет ФСК в "ЛИДЕР" - 2022-09-14
    Груп­па ком­па­ний ФСК сов­мес­тно с опе­рато­ром свя­зи "ФИ­ЛАН­КО" соз­даст ИТ-тех­но­парк "ЛИ­ДЕР". Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - 2022-09-14 Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches Data Center Suite for business outcomes - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software offerings to help data centre managers and owners. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions To Help Optimize Data Center Uptime And Productivity - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • ФСК вложит 30 млрд руб. в создание ИТ-технопарка в Москве - 2022-09-14
    Девелоперская компания ФСК, купившая недавно телекоммуникационную группу «Филанко», инвестирует 30 млрд руб. в создание IT-технопарка в Москве, говорится в сообщении девелоперской компании. Read full information on external site
  • Data center do Twitter derrete nos EUA - 2022-09-14
    Calor de 45 graus tira DC da rede social de funcionamento na Califórnia. Read full information on external site
  • ГК ФСК создаст ИТ-технопарк в Москве. - 2022-09-14
    Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи "ФИЛАНКО" создаст ИТ-Технопарк ЛИДЕР. Технопарк ЛИДЕР будет включать в себя более 20 тыс. кв. Read full information on external site
  • Крупный застройщик инвестирует 30 миллиардов в ИТ-технопарк в Москве - 2022-09-14
    Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи «Филанко» создаст в Москве ИТ-технопарк «Лидер». Об этом «Стройгазете» сообщили в пресс-службе девелопера, уточнив, что инвестиции в проект превысят 30 млрд рублей. Read full information on external site
  • Из-за экстремальной жары вышел из строя калифорнийский дата-центр Twitter - 2022-09-14
    5 сентября экстремальная жара вывела из строя дата-центр Twitter в Калифорнии. Согласно служебной записке, с которой ознакомилось агентство CNN, Twitter потерял доступ к своему центру обработки данных (ЦОД) в Сакраменто (SMF) «из-за экстремальных погодных условий» — температура в городе достигла рекордной отметки +45 °C. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Launches New Suite Of Solutions To Help Optimize Data Center Uptime And Productivity - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell (Nasdaq: HON), a global leader in connected buildings, has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • "ФИЛАНКО" выведет ФСК в "ЛИДЕР". "". 14 сентября 2022 - 2022-09-14
    Группа компаний ФСК совместно с оператором связи "ФИЛАНКО" соз-даст ИТ-технопарк "ЛИДЕР". Общий объем инвестиций в проект, прежде всего предполагающих строительство дата-центров, составит более 30 млрд руб. Функционировать новые ЦОДы будут под торговой маркой При этом проект создания совместного дата-центра у ГК ФСК и ГК "ФИЛАНКО" возник еще в конце 2021 г., а в феврале 2022 г. оформился в совместное ООО "ФСК-ЦОД", которое группа компаний ФСК контролирует также на 70%. Read full information on external site
  • Was das Stabilisieren von Anwendungen in der Cloud kostet - 2022-09-14
    Die vertraglichen Zusagen der Betreiber von Public-Cloud-Diensten betreffen die Services, nicht die Anwendungen, die diese Services nutzen. Read full information on external site
  • Inteligencia Artificial: ¿fundamental en infraestructura crítica? - 2022-09-14
    La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es vista como tecnología clave para continuidad de la infraestructura crítica y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new suite of solutions to help optimise data centre uptime and productivity - 2022-09-14
    Honeywell has launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - 2022-09-13
    The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
  • Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - 2022-09-13
    The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
  • Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - 2022-09-13
    The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
  • Con la inauguración de su nuevo datacenter de Estrasburgo, OVHcloud presenta su última generación de datacenters hiperresistentes y sostenibles - 2022-09-13
    Esta ambiciosa política industrial permitirá al Grupo ampliar los sitios existentes, alcanzar nuevas geografías y también abordar nuevos casos de uso a través de un modelo hiperresistente y sostenible. Read full information on external site
  • Los nuevos servidores IBM LinuxONE ayudan a reducir el consumo energético - 2022-09-13
    La nueva generación de LinuxONE amplía las capacidades de IBM para ayudar a los clientes de todos los sectores a alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Launches New Suite of Solutions to Help Optimize Data Center Uptime and Productivity - 2022-09-13
    Honeywell, a global leader in connected buildings, launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Novos servidores IBM LinuxONE ajudam a reduzir o consumo de energia - 2022-09-13
    A IBM (NYSE: IBM) apresentou a nova geração de seu servidor LinuxONE, uma plataforma altamente escalável baseada em Linux e Kubernetes, projetado para suportar milhares de cargas de trabalho em um único sistema. Read full information on external site
  • Twitter datacenter melted down in Labor Day heat - 2022-09-13
    Earlier this month extreme heat downed a Twitter datacenter in California over the Labor Day weekend, leaving the website and app working on bare-bones infrastructure. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Launches New Suite of Solutions to Help Optimize Data Center Uptime and Productivity - 2022-09-13
    Honeywell launched its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimize uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better visibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Tecnologia de IA: uma parte essencial para a continuidade dos data centers - 2022-09-13
    A conversa na indústria de TI em 2022 girou em torno de sustentabilidade e data centers. Read full information on external site
  • Los nuevos servidores IBM LinuxONE ayudan a reducir el consumo energético - 2022-09-13
    La nueva generación de LinuxONE amplía las capacidades de IBM para ayudar a los clientes de todos los sectores a alcanzar sus objetivos de sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
  • Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - 2022-09-13
    The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
  • Future-proofing your Data Security: Let the "Why" Guide You - 2022-09-13
    The global cost of data breaches reached a record high in 2022. A staggering average of $4.35 million in costs associated with cyber-attacks from March 2021 to March 2022 were reported. Many businesses are asking what they can do to protect their bottom line from the devastation of cyber-attacks, or worse, significant or unrecoverable data centre downtime. Read full information on external site
  • How Galaxy Backbone’s Tier IV Datacentre will accelerate national development - 2022-09-12
    Galaxy Backbone (GBB), an integrated ICT services and solutions provider under the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, is set to launch a Tier IV Datacentre. BENJAMIN SAMSON examines how the digital infrastructure will fast tract Nigeria’s digital transition. Read full information on external site
  • 站长号文库:关于数据中心等级认证 - 2022-09-12
    企业在选择云服务提供商(CSP)时,不仅要知道自己的关键业务数据和应用程序的存储位置,而且还要了解云服务提供商数据中心的总体构成。同时,很多运营商和用户也需要了解数据中心等级认证,以及托管数据中心如何根据认证机构Uptime Institute的评级数据中心的规模等级。Read full information on external site
  • Diseño a medida de grupos electrógenos adaptados a las exigencias del Uptime Insitute - 2022-09-12
    Genesal Energy refuerza su apuesta por la innovación con su línea de grupos especiales para Data Centers. Empresas de telecomunicaciones, edificios de oficinas o residenciales o contenedores marítimos tienen grupos Genesal Energy.Read full information on external site
  • На Сахалине появится центр обработки данных мирового уровня - 2022-09-12
    Правительство региона и компания «Кей Поинт» на полях ВЭФ заключили соглашение о намерениях в области создания коммерческого ЦОДа. Подписи под документом поставили губернатор Валерий Лимаренко и генеральный директор «Кей поинт» Евгений Вирцер. Read full information on external site
  • Tier IV datacentre: A digital game changer - 2022-09-10
    With the remarkable achievements recorded in the last two to three years in the drive towards Nigeria becoming a fully digitised economy, the news that it is set to launch a world-class and tastefully built Tier IV data centre is a welcome development. Read full information on external site
  • 数据中心焦点:如何选择不间断电源 - 2022-09-09
    数字化转型热潮正迫使越来越多的公司将其业务流程迁移到基于云的虚拟环境。因此,越来越多的数据中心正在建设中,既可以提供云服务,也可以满足各个组织自身的需求。数据中心的事故数量也在增加. Read full information on external site
  • МегаФон и Key Point намерены объединить усилия по продвижению своих услуг в регионах России - spbit.ru2022-09-09
    В ходе Восточного Экономического Форума компании МегаФон и «Кей Пойнт» (Key Point) анонсировали свои планы взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в регионах России, зафиксировав эти намерения в соответствующем меморандуме. Read full information on external site
  • Towards Becoming A Fully Digitalised Economy - 2022-09-08
    With the remarkable achievements recorded in the last two to three years in the drive towards Nigeria becoming a fully digititalised economy, the news that Nigeria is set to launch a world class and tastefully built Tier IV Data centre is a welcome development especially when it is coming at a time when a lot of data is being generated across corporate organisations and industries at an alarming rate. Read full information on external site
  • Critical Insight 2022 – have you registered yet - 2022-09-08
    With an agenda that brings together key industry experts to discuss the most important issues affecting the sector today – and tomorrow – Critical Insight is a not-to-be-missed date for the digital infrastructure calendar. Read full information on external site
  • Die EPFL heizt jetzt mit der Abwärme ihres Rechenzentrums - 2022-09-08
    Die EPFL hat ihr neues Heizkraftwerk eingeweiht. Betrieben wird es nicht mehr mit Heizöl, sondern unter anderem mit Wasser aus dem Genfersee. Dieses kühlt ein Rechenzentrum, dessen Abwärme trägt dann wiederum zur Beheizung des Campus bei. Read full information on external site
  • МегаФон и Key Point намерены объединить усилия по продвижению своих услуг в регионах России - iksmedia.ru2022-09-08
    В ходе Восточного Экономического Форума компании МегаФон и «Кей Пойнт» (Key Point) анонсировали свои планы взаимовыгодного сотрудничества в регионах России, зафиксировав эти намерения в соответствующем меморандуме. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-09-08
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-09-08
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • «Ростелеком» организует точку присутствия в дата-центре Key Point - deita.ru2022-09-07
    EПАО «Ростелеком» и ООО «Кей Поинт» (Key Point) в рамках мероприятий Восточного экономического форума обсудили условия организации точки присутствия крупнейшего российского интегрированного провайдера цифровых услуг и решений в создаваемом на территории опережающего развития (ТОР) «Надеждинская» дата-центре Key Point, имеющим сертификат UPTIME Institute TIER III TCDD. Read full information on external site
  • Inteligencia Artificial genera ahorros operativos y energéticos en centros de datos - notimx.mx2022-09-07
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • HTC-ITC và mục tiêu đưa công nghệ mới tới mỗi doanh nghiệp, mỗi gia đình Việt - 2022-09-06
    Sau 15 năm phát triển đẩy mạnh ứng dụng công nghệ mới, HTC-ITC đặt ra sứ mệnh đưa công nghệ mới đến với người dân Việt Nam, với mục tiêu mỗi gia đình, mỗi doanh nghiệp sử dụng ít nhất một dịch vụ của HTC-ITC. Read full information on external site
  • Britain’s tech infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter blackouts - 2022-09-06
    The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny amid fears of winter outages and the impact of soaring energy costs. Read full information on external site
  • Better Internet connectivity for S'wak with new submarine cable, says state Comms Minister - 2022-09-06
    KUCHING: Sarawak can look forward to better Internet connectivity following the launch of a new submarine cable to Singapore via Batam and a Tier IV data centre in the state. Read full information on external site
  • Batam Sarawak Internet Cable System Launches Alongside Data Centre - 2022-09-06
    People living in Sarawak can look forward to an improved internet surfing experience with the launch of a new submarine cable and data centre. Dubbed the Batam Sarawak internet cable system (Basics), the cable connects the state to Singapore via the Indonesian city. Read full information on external site
  • Improved internet access now with launch of BaSICS - 2022-09-06
    KUCHING (Sept 6): Sarawakians can now look forward to improved internet access following the official launch of the already-completed 700km Batam Sarawak Internet Cable System (BaSICS) by Kuching-based telecommunications company ‘irix’ today. Read full information on external site
  • Unveiling tech infrastructure for national development, By Zeenat Sambo - 2022-09-06
    Data centres are supercomputers that store all online information, and the data of millions of people all around the world. Read full information on external site
  • Emerging 5G Networks: Potential Economic Benefits of Two-Phase Thermal Management - 2022-09-06
    The fourth and future industrial revolutions will set new requirements for smart cities / factories, autonomous vehicles, augmented reality, smartphones, etc., resulting in more distributed architectures, expanding the convergence of new technologies and developments thus, transforming the term Internet of Things (IoT) to Internet of Everything (IoE). Centralized cloud computing has evolved to provide scalable computation capable of processing large amounts of data, while also ensuring storage and provisioning of resources according to user requirements. Read full information on external site
  • Les projets de datacenters de proximité de nouveau sur la table - 2022-09-06
    Portés par les industriels, la grande distribution et les lieux événementiels qui ont tous fermés durant la crise pandémique, les datacenters de proximité reviennent dans les projets. Read full information on external site
  • Batam Sarawak Internet Cable System Launches Alongside Data Centre - 2022-09-06
    People living in Sarawak can look forward to an improved internet surfing experience with the launch of a new submarine cable and data centre. Read full information on external site
  • Inteligencia Artificial genera ahorros operativos y energéticos en centros de datos - 2022-09-06
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la IA: parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-09-06
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • BaSICs Cable System Has Launched - 2022-09-06
    KUCHING: Sarawak can look forward to better Internet connectivity following the launch of a new submarine cable to Singapore via Batam and a Tier IV data centre in the state. Read full information on external site
  • Britain’s technology infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter power cuts - 2022-09-05
    Read full information on external site
  • PodChats for FutureCIO: Architecting for sustainable data centres - 2022-09-05
    Back in February 2012, Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook (now Meta), stated “there is a huge need and a huge opportunity to get everyone in the world connected, to give everyone a voice and to help transform society for the future.Read full information on external site
  • Britain’s technology infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter power cuts - 2022-09-05
    The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny because of fears of winter blackouts and the impact of the soaring cost of energy. Read full information on external site
  • Teksan’s uninterruptible power for data centres - 2022-09-05
    Data centre security and continuous developments are among the top priorities of companies today. Teksan draws attention with its innovative products and guarantees the energy security of data centres in many countries worldwide with its project-specific solutions, expert team, and experience. Read full information on external site
  • Wiit acquisisce Lansol datacenter e rafforza la posizione in Germania - 2022-09-05
    WIIT, attiva nel mercato dei servizi cloud computing per le imprese focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di hybrid cloud e hosted private cloud per le applicazioni critiche, società quotata sul segmento Euronext Star Milan del mercato Euronext Milan, organizzato e gestito da Borsa Italiana, comunica che, in data odierna, è stato sottoscritto dalla propria controllata tedesca myLoc managed IT AG un accordo vincolante per l’acquisto del 100% del capitale sociale di LANSOL Datacenter GmbH. Read full information on external site
    Такое решение было принято в ходе совещания с участием заместителя Председателя Правительства РФ Дмитрия Чернышенко и заместителя Председателя Правления Сбербанка Станислава Кузнецова, которое прошло 2 сентября на базе строящегося в Балакове регионального Центра обработки данных Сбера. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин. На совещании также присутствовали Игорь Комаров, полномочный представитель Президента РФ в Приволжском федеральном округе, врио губернатора Саратовской области Роман Бусаргин и другие, сообщается на сайте банка. Read full information on external site
  • Britain’s technology infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter power cuts - 2022-09-05
    The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny because of fears of winter blackouts and the impact of the soaring cost of energy. Read full information on external site
  • Сервисы единой цифровой платформы «Гостех» разместятся на мощностях Центра обработки данных Сбера в Балакове - 2022-09-05
    Такое решение было принято в ходе совещания с участием заместителя Председателя Правительства РФ Дмитрия Чернышенко и заместителя Председателя Правления Сбербанка Станислава Кузнецова, которое прошло 2 сентября на базе строящегося в Балакове регионального Центра обработки данных Сбера. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин. На совещании также присутствовали Игорь Комаров, полномочный представитель Президента РФ в Приволжском федеральном округе, врио губернатора Саратовской области Роман Бусаргин и другие. Read full information on external site
  • Tecnologia De Inteligência Artificial (Ia): Uma Parte Essencial Para A Continuidade Dos Data Centers - 2022-09-05
    A conversa na indústria de TI em 2022 girou em torno de sustentabilidade e data centers. A maior pressão dos clientes por abordagens mais ecológicas está levando os data centers a implementarem estratégias “holísticas” que contemplam reduzir suas pegadas de carbono. Nesse contexto, a Inteligência Artificial (IA) pode contribuir muito para essa equação. Read full information on external site
  • Tecnologia De Inteligência Artificial (Ia): Uma Parte Essencial Para A Continuidade Dos Data Centers - 2022-09-05
    A conversa na indústria de TI em 2022 girou em torno de sustentabilidade e data centers. A maior pressão dos clientes por abordagens mais ecológicas está levando os data centers a implementarem estratégias “holísticas” que contemplam reduzir suas pegadas de carbono. Read full information on external site
  • Ensuring efficient digital infrastructure in Nigeria: The PPP imperative - 2022-09-05
    Digital economy sector has continued its trend of playing a critical role in the growth of Nigeria’s economy. BENJAMIN SAMSON in this report examines how Galaxy Backbone is championing efficient deployment of digital infrastructure in Nigeria through Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Read full information on external site
  • UK data centres at risk of outages this winter - 2022-09-05
    The resilience of data centres across the UK powering public services will be put to the test this winter, due to rising energy costs. Read full information on external site
  • Britain’s technology infrastructure in focus amid fears of winter power cuts - 2022-09-05
    The resilience of Britain’s technology infrastructure is under scrutiny because of fears of winter blackouts and the impact of the soaring cost of energy. Read full information on external site
  • Cowen berät BE Investment-Partners und Gründer Thomas Krug beim Verkauf der LANSOL Datacenter GmbH an WIIT S.p.A. - 2022-09-05
    Cowen hat BE Investment-Partners GmbH („BE Invest“) und Gründungsgesellschafter Thomas Krug beim Verkauf der LANSOL Datacenter GmbH an WIIT S.p.A. (ISIN: IT0005440893; WIIT.MI) beraten. Read full information on external site
  • IA y Machine Learning para adelantarnos al futuro del data center - 2022-09-02
    Los data centers que no apliquen estas tecnologías de manera efectiva dejarán de ser operativa y económicamente viables. Read full information on external site
  • HSBC Việt Nam hợp tác cùng Viettel trong dự án trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững - 2022-09-02
    Khoản tín dụng xanh này sẽ hỗ trợ Viettel IDC mua sắm thiết bị và máy móc nhằm phát triển một trung tâm dữ liệu bền vững tại Hà Nội. Read full information on external site
  • ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - 2022-09-02
    В рамках визита в Саратовскую область заместитель Председателя Правительства России, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО Сбербанк в городе Балаково. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной Думы РФ Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
  • Центр обработки данных в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - 2022-09-02
    Саратов. 2 сентября. НТА-Приволжье — В рамках визита в Саратовскую область заместитель председателя правительства России, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО Сбербанк в городе Балаково. Read full information on external site
  • Gesucht: Neue Metriken für die Nachhaltigkeit von Rechenzentren - 2022-09-02
    „Es gibt zwei große Nachhaltigkeitskomplexe, die die Rechenzentren und Cloud-Provider angehen müssen“, sagt Mark Butcher, Gründer des Beratungsunternehmens Posetiv Cloud: „Wasser- und Stromverbrauch.“ Read full information on external site
  • ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - 2022-09-02
    В рамках визита в Саратовскую область заместитель председателя Правительства России, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО Сбербанк в городе Балаково. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной думы РФ Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
  • Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - 2022-09-02
    Заместитель Председателя Правительства России Дмитрий Чернышенко провёл рабочую встречу с Заместителем Премьер-министра Республики Куба Рикардо Кабрисасом. Read full information on external site
  • Нетера откри втора дейта център сграда в София - 2022-09-02
    Тя е близо до първия център за данни на компанията в столицата и ще използва цялата вече изградена мрежа и инфраструктура. Read full information on external site
  • Quantum Loophole to Address Future of Data Centers - 2022-09-02
    Quantum Loophole Inc., a developer of first-of-its-kind Gigawatt-scale master-planned data center communities, announced two of its executives will serve on panels at DataCloud USA. Read full information on external site
  • Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - 2022-09-02
    В рамках поездки в Саратовскую область Заместитель Председателя Правительства, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО «Сбербанк» в Балакове. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной Думы Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
  • Вице-премьер РФ Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России. - 2022-09-02
    В рамках поездки в Саратовскую область Заместитель Председателя Правительства, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО "Сбербанк" в Балакове. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Поддержку реализации проекта также оказал Председатель Государственной Думы Вячеслав Володин. Read full information on external site
  • ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - 2022-09-02
    Дмитрий Чернышенко провел совещание по вопросу использования ЦОД Саратовской области для геораспределенного размещения сервисов, реализуемых на платформе «Гостех» и Гособлаке. Read full information on external site
  • Дмитрий Чернышенко: ЦОД в Саратове станет крупнейшим в России - 2022-09-02
    В рамках поездки в Саратовскую область Заместитель Председателя Правительства, куратор Приволжского федерального округа Дмитрий Чернышенко посетил строительную площадку регионального центра обработки данных ПАО «Сбербанк» в Балакове. Старт его строительству в сентябре 2021 года дал Председатель Правительства Михаил Мишустин. Read full information on external site
  • Key Point: 35 дата-центров за 5 лет! - 2022-09-02
    В июне 2022 г. на конференции «ЦОД: модели, сервисы, инфраструктура» в Санкт-Петербурге была анонсирована амбициозная программа строительства сети региональных дата-центров Key Point. Подробностями делятся руководители двух компаний, реализующих этот проект. Read full information on external site
  • Are underwater data centres really coming? - 2022-09-02
    The first US commercial underwater data centre could be up and running by the end of this year – but it won’t be Microsoft, with its Project Natick, leading the way. Read full information on external site
  • Testy infrastruktury centrum danych - 2022-09-02
    Budowa obiektu data center to złożony proces, w którym krzyżuje się wiele wzajemnie na siebie oddziałujących branż. Zakłócenie pracy jednego z systemów lub pojedynczego komponentu infrastruktury może skutkować wyłączeniem obiektu i przerwą wartą nawet setki milionów złotych. Read full information on external site
  • Data center operators cautiously support nuclear - 2022-09-01
    The value, role, and safety of nuclear power has strongly divided opinion, both in favor of and against, since the 1950s. Read full information on external site
  • Estratégias para superar a escassez de talentos nos Data Centers - 2022-09-01
    Um estudo do Uptime Institute estima que a demanda global por profissionais de data centers será de 2,3 milhões em 2025. Read full information on external site
  • Stemming the Tide of Attrition in STEM - 2022-09-01
    Before the pandemic, there was already a blaring deficit of females in STEM roles. According to a 2020 Uptime Institute report, 75% of participating firms reported that in their design/build operations, women were represented in just 20% of existing roles. Read full information on external site
  • 数据中心备用电源系统 解决停机问题的标准 - 2022-09-01
    随着公司必须提供更高水平的正常运行时间,数据中心备用电源受到更多关注。 它们也变得越来越复杂,管理员可以使用多种系统类型和行业标准来确保无故障运行。Read full information on external site
  • Studie: Was das Stabilisieren von Anwendungen in der Cloud kostet - 2022-09-01
    Die vertraglichen Zusagen der Betreiber von Public-Cloud-Diensten betreffen die Services, nicht die Anwendungen, die diese Services nutzen. Read full information on external site
  • Is loadbank testing necessary for containerised data centres? - 2022-09-01
    Typically housed within shipping containers, containerised data centres can be deployed easily, powered up quickly and scaled without delay in line with changing requirements. For the data centre sector itself, containerised solutions are widely used to accommodate surplus demand for data centres that need to grow but cannot yet do so, and often deliver a continuity of performance when a primary data centre needs critical maintenance or refurbishment. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric refuerza su formación para profesionales de centros de datos - 2022-09-01
    La Schneider Electric University ayuda a los profesionales de los centros de datos a actualizarse ofreciéndoles orientación gratuita sobre las últimas iniciativas en materia de tecnología, sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética. Read full information on external site
  • An Introductory Guide to the Types of Data Centers - 2022-09-01
    Data centers come in various shapes and sizes. For instance, some types of data centers require minimal or even zero capital. On the other hand, other types offer you full control over your IT infrastructure. Read full information on external site

November 2022

  • Backup power: the cost of failure - 2022-11-30
    The latest data from the Uptime Institute suggests that the cost of data centre outages is on the up, with power failure the number one cause. Read full information on external site
  • [기획특집] ‘데이터센터’ 전성시대, IDC 건립 러시 - 2022-11-30
    증권·자산운용사 높은 투자가치에 대거 참여…수도권 집중현상 문제로 떠올라 Read full information on external site
  • Iperconnessione, certificazione e sostenibilità: i pilastri del nuovo data center di IRIDEOS - 2022-11-30
    Avalon 3 è il data center di ultima generazione realizzato a Milano da IRIDEOS che vanta caratteristiche costruttive e di design ispirate ai più elevati standard infrastrutturali e ai principi green legati all’efficienza energetica e al ridotto impatto ambientale. Read full information on external site
  • The continued rise of colocation services - 2022-11-30
    India is the midst of a huge digital revolution. Every function and every activity is getting digitized. The huge advances in digitization can be seen from the fact that today India is a leader in real-time digital payments, and clocks almost 40% of such transactions. Read full information on external site
  • Consumo energético y la eficiencia en centros de datos serán relevantes en 2023 - 2022-11-30
    Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
  • BDX南京数据中心 NKG1 获得 W.Media 2022 年东北亚地区可持续设计和建造项目奖 - 2022-11-29
    摘要:W.Media奖是亚太地区数字基础设施行业最负盛名的奖项之一,获奖者由各关键技术领域的杰出行业专家组成的评审小组评选出来。Read full information on external site
  • Five predictions that will shape cybersecurity and the hybrid working landscape in 2023 - 2022-11-29
    Organisations are feeling pressure as the potential for business disruption increases. With ‘freak’ weather causing data centres to overheat over the summer, and concerns over winter power outages in the face of the energy crisis, business resilience is in the spotlight - it’s become clear that we must expect the unexpected. By Russ Kennedy, Chief Product Officer at Nasuni. Read full information on external site
  • MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - 2022-11-29
    With this new milestone, MDXi Appolonia becomes the leading data center provider in Ghana with the top 4 certifications in the industry. Read full information on external site
  • MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - 2022-11-29
    MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • IT’s Role in Sustainability and E-Waste - 2022-11-29
    In an era when enterprises are concerned about sustainability, IT is still a primary source of electronic waste. How concerned should IT be about sustainability and e-waste? Read full information on external site
  • MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana - 2022-11-28
    MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Data Center Evolution – Business & Operation with Sustainability - 2022-11-28
    A Data Centre is a facility that centralises an organization’s shared IT operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing, and disseminating data and applications. They are interconnected by thousands of miles of fiber optic cable across the globe. Read full information on external site
  • MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - 2022-11-28
    MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - 2022-11-28
    MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - 2022-11-28
    MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute untersucht Co-Location in Ballungsräumeno - 2022-11-28
    Welchen Bedingungen sehen sich Co-Location-Provider gegenüber, die in Innenstädten Rechenzenren betreiben? Read full information on external site
  • MainOne’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility Certification (TCCF), Now Most Certified Data Center in Ghana - 2022-11-28
    MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • MainOne, an Equinix Company’s MDXi Appolonia Achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification, now most Certified Data Center in Ghana) - 2022-11-28
    MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has just received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification, TCCF, from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Cinco tendencias de la industria de Centros de Datos para 2023 - 2022-11-28
    Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía, por parte de la industria, en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
  • Подводните интернет кабели са защитени от слънчеви бури, увери Google - 2022-11-26
    Интернет няма да изчезне от подобни явления, сочи изследване. Read full information on external site
  • Эксперты Google подтвердили защищённость подводных интернет-кабелей от сильных солнечных бурь - 2022-11-26
    Современный мир чрезвычайно зависит от сотен интернет-кабелей, соединяющих страны и континенты. Read full information on external site
  • ABB technology supports one of Shanghai's largest data centers - 2022-11-25
    ABB power solutions are supporting one of Shanghai's largest data centers, used by Tencent and China Telecom. Read full information on external site
  • T Systems Rechenzentrum ausgezeichnet, Premiere für Biere - 2022-11-25
    Verfügbarkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Service: Rechenzentrum in Biere ausgezeichnet. Read full information on external site
  • Олег Бороненко, Казтелепорт: мы активно развиваем бизнес-направление центров обработки данныхe - 2022-11-25
    Коммерческий директор АО «Казтелепорт» рассказал о новом Tier III ЦОД в Алматы. Read full information on external site
  • 5 tendencias del consumo y eficiencia energética de los centros de datos para el 2023 - 2022-11-25
    Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
  • Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu ước đạt 1.614 tỷ USD năm 2030 - 2022-11-25
    Thị trường điện toán đám mây toàn cầu đang có sự bùng nổ vô cùng mạnh mẽ trong thời gian qua. Không đứng ngoài cuộc, nhiều dịch vụ đám mây do người Việt phát triển cũng đang có những bước tiến lớn trên thị trường. Read full information on external site
  • Linxdatacenter протестировал российские серверы GAGAR>N - 2022-11-25
    Провайдер ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter завершил тестирование серверного оборудования российского разработчика и производителя GAGAR>N. Read full information on external site
  • Протестированы российские серверы - 2022-11-25
    Провайдер ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter завершил тестирование серверного оборудования российского разработчика и производителя GAGAR>N. Read full information on external site
  • Boost for Shanghai data center to help keep China’s billion+ internet users connected - 2022-11-25
    ABB power solutions support one of Shanghai’s largest data centers, used by Tencent and China Telecom / Maximizing reliability, stability and uptime / Improving energy efficiency and reducing maintenance costs. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv vê o uso da energia e a eficiência assumirem grande importância à medida que a indústria de data centers se aproxima de 2023 - 2022-11-25
    Os data centers passarão por uma crescente regulamentação e supervisão de terceiros em 2023 uma vez que o mundo continua a confrontar a indústria pelo aumento no consumo de energia e de água considerando o atual panorama de mudanças climáticas. Read full information on external site
  • In The Spotlight - Equinix - 2022-11-25
    At Manchester Digital, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. Read full information on external site
  • How to enhance card-cage/chassis cooling capabilities - 2022-11-24
    By improving the basic card-edge wedgelock, the thermal resistance from card to cage is reduced and heat has an easier time escaping a PC board. Read full information on external site
  • Boost for Shanghai data centre to help keep China’s billion+ internet users connecteds - 2022-11-24
    ABB power solutions support one of Shanghai’s largest data centres, used by Tencent and China Telecom. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: Energy use, efficiency loom large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-24
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Innovations in data centre cooling - 2022-11-24
    he global data centre industry is one of the fastest growing technology-driven industries. With emerging digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, virtual reality, IoT and advanced cloud services, one could say the industry is riding a wave of high-performance computing (HPC). Read full information on external site
  • Reduzir impacto ambiental é tendência em Data Centers para 2023, diz Vertiv - 2022-11-24
    Gerenciar o consumo e a pegada de carbono está conduzindo as tendências em direção à regulamentação, à padronização e à busca por alternativas aos geradores. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Analisa Que O Uso Da Energia E A Eficiência Estão Assumindo Grande Importância À Medida Que A Indústria De Data Centers Passará Por Regulamentação Em 2023 - 2022-11-24
    Gerenciar o consumo e a pegada de carbono está conduzindo as tendências em direção à regulamentação, à padronização e à busca por alternativas aos geradores Read full information on external site
  • Novinka od APC maximalizuje provozuschopnost a odolnost DC - 2022-11-24
    Společnost Schneider Electric uvedla na trh novou generaci jednotek distribuce napájení do IT stojanů, APC NetShelter Rack PDU Advanced, které poskytují provozovatelům datových center větší flexibilitu při plnění nových požadavků uživatelů na napájení moderních IT aplikací s vysokou výkonovou hustotou. Read full information on external site
  • Specialists labour shortage - 2022-11-23
    A rising concern expected to further exacerbate in the next three years. Read full information on external site
  • ‘Going Green Is Future For Data Centres In Africa’ - 2022-11-23
    The group chief executive officer of the best-connected Tier III Carrier and Cloud neutral data centre in West Africa, Rack Centre, Jasper Lankhorst, has restated the company’s commitment to the green economy even as it has vowed to continually enhance its drive for sustainability in its operations. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - 2022-11-23
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • BARC India Embarks on a Large-Scale Infrastructure Revamp with Yotta - 2022-11-22
    World’s largest TV audience measurement player taps India’s Tier IV Operations certified data center for a future-ready digital transformation. Read full information on external site
  • Managing consumption and carbon footprints indentified as driving trends for data centers in 2023: Verti - 2022-11-22
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Colombia está en la mira de los inversionistas en centros de datos - 2022-11-22
    Si las inversiones en centros de datos en Latinoamérica pudiesen visualizarse con un mapa de calor, países como Brasil, México, Chile y Argentina se destacarían por su intensidad. Read full information on external site
  • El sector del CPD hace balance de los últimos 10 años: de nicho a actor clave de la transformación digital - 2022-11-22
    Data Center Market ha reunido a los principales protagonistas del sector de los centros de datos para analizar la evolución de una industria que hace apenas unos años pasaba desapercibida y ahora acapara grandes titulares como eje vertebrador de la economía mundial. Read full information on external site
  • Raxio data center in Ethiopia receives Uptime Institute certification - 2022-11-22
    Raxio Data Centre in Ethiopia (“ET1”) officially became the first Tier III certified independent data centre in the country after receiving the Uptime Institute Tier III Certification on 21 October 2022. Read full information on external site
  • A importância das métricas de sustentabilidade nos data centers - 2022-11-21
    À medida que o mundo se torna mais automatizado e digital, o setor dos data centers (DC) está a crescer rapidamente para o poder suportar. Read full information on external site
  • Шесть Неочевидных Вещей, На Которые Стоит Обратить Внимание При Выборе Российского Облака - 2022-11-21
    Когда бизнес выбирает отечественное облако для миграции, чаще всего обращает внимание на сервисный портфель поставщика услуг, SLA, наличие лицензий, количество дата-центров. Read full information on external site
  • Microsoft Announces First Data Center Academy in Asia - 2022-11-21
    The Datacenter Academy in Singapore will be the cloud giant’s twelfth academy dedicated to educating the next generation of data center leaders. Read full information on external site
  • Константин Лопаткин, "Айтеко.Cloud": В последнее время случился бум миграции из зарубежных облаков на отечественные решения. "". 15 ноября 2022 - 2022-11-21
    О развитии российского рынка облачных сервисов в условиях ухода зарубежных игроков, наиболее востребованных услугах и перспективах Cloud-сегмента в 2023 году в интервью TAdviser рассказал Константин Лопаткин, руководитель облачного бизнеса "Айтеко.Cloud" (генеральный директор ООО "СБКлауд"). Read full information on external site
  • Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “đa đám mây” - 2022-11-18
    Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “đa đám mây” Read full information on external site
  • 華南銀行獲第15屆台灣企業永續獎3項大獎 - 2022-11-18
    減慢全球氣候方案發展步伐的千億美元阻礙 Read full information on external site
  • Innovative guides and grips enhance card-cage/chassis cooling capabilities - 2022-11-18
    Transferring component and circuit heat from its various sources to that mystical, magical, cooler place called “away” in order to keep a board or assembly cool is an ongoing battle. Read full information on external site
  • Los data center podrán reducir su consumo eléctrico gracias a la refrigeración líquida directa - 2022-11-18
    Gracias a la implementación de la refrigeración líquida directa puede rebajarse la factura eléctrica entre un 10 % y un 20 %. Read full information on external site
  • เวอร์ทีฟ เผย 5 เทรนด์สำคัญของดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ ในปี 2566 - 2022-11-17
    ในปี 2566 จะมีการเพิ่มกฎระเบียบและการกำกับดูแลบุคคลที่สามสำหรับการใช้งานดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เนื่องจากโลกกำลังเผชิญกับปัญหาการใช้พลังงานและน้ำในอุตสาหกรรมดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์มากกว่าเดิมท่ามกลางการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศอย่างต่อเนื่อง โดยผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ระดับโลกที่ เวอร์ทีฟ (NYSE: VRT) ซึ่งเป็นผู้ให้บริการระดับโลกด้านโครงสร้างพื้นฐานดิจิทัลที่สำคัญและโซลูชันด้านความต่อเนื่อง ได้ให้ความเห็นเอาไว้เกี่ยวกับผลกระทบของดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ต่อชุมชนและสิ่งแวดล้อมที่วงการอุตสาหกรรมกำลังให้ความสนใจกันอย่างมาก ซึ่งถือเป็นเทรนด์หนึ่งจากทั้งหมด 5 เทรนด์ที่กำลังจะเกิดขึ้นในปี 2566 Read full information on external site
  • Основные принципы масштабируемости и устойчивости облаков - 2022-11-16
    С развитием облачных сервисов появилось много способов повышения их устойчивости и производительности. Потребителям важно понимать суть этих способов, поскольку частота сбоев в облаках, скорее всего, будет нарастать, как и влияние последствий таких сбоев. Read full information on external site
  • Digital twin technology enables facility efficiency - 2022-11-15
    Get a better handle on real-time information Read full information on external site
  • WIIT schließt Siebenjahresvertrag mit InfoCert für Managed Hybrid Cloud Services ab - 2022-11-15
    Die WIIT S.p.A.*, einer der führenden europäischen Cloud-Computing-Anbieter auf dem Markt für Hybrid Cloud und Hosted Private Cloud mit Spezialisierung auf Business Continuity Services und geschäftskritische Anwendungen für Unternehmen, hat einen Auftrag von InfoCert S.p.A. Read full information on external site
  • Carbon.Crane - Szénlábnyom a világhálón - 2022-11-15
    Digitális működésüket a vállalatok okkal tartják zöld megoldásnak, de webes jelenlétük szénlábnyoma sokszor nagyobb, mint azt elsőre gondolnák. Egy magyar karbonmonitorozó szolgáltatással mostantól pontosabb képet kaphatnak online interakcióik környezeti hatásáról. Read full information on external site
  • Irideos inaugura Avalon 3, il più grande data center iperconnesso di Milano - 2022-11-14
    Irideos, polo italiano ICT dedicato alle aziende e alla Pubblica Amministrazione ha inaugurato il nuovo data center Avalon 3, il più grande data center certificato e iperconnesso di Milano, parte di Avalon Campus, il più grande punto di interconnessione Internet del Paese. Read full information on external site
  • Four ways nickel-zinc batteries can save data centers money - 2022-11-14
    The (financial) power of good chemistry with nickel-zinc batteries. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: năm 2023 hiệu quả sử dụng năng lượng sẽ tăng cao - 2022-11-14
    Theo Vertiv, trong bối cảnh biến đổi khí hậu đang diễn ra, thế giới tiếp tục vật lộn với sự gia tăng mức tiêu thụ điện và nước trong ngành, các trung tâm dữ liệu sẽ phải đối mặt với nhiều quy định cũng như sự giám sát của bên thứ ba vào năm 2023. Read full information on external site
  • Kemkominfo: Indonesia Bakal Punya Pusat Data Nasional Pertama di Bekasi - 2022-11-14
    Indonesia mulai membangun Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) pertama di Indonesia yang terletak di Deltamas, Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Read full information on external site
  • เวอร์ทีฟเผยอัตราการใช้พลังงานและประสิทธิภาพพุ่งทะลุขีดจำกัดในอุตสาหกรรมดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์เมื่อเข้าสู่ปี 2566 - 2022-11-14
    ในปี 2566 จะมีการเพิ่มกฎระเบียบและการกำกับดูแลบุคคลที่สามสำหรับการใช้งานดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เนื่องจากโลกกำลังเผชิญกับปัญหาการใช้พลังงานและน้ำในอุตสาหกรรมดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์มากกว่าเดิมท่ามกลางการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศอย่างต่อเนื่อง โดยผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ระดับโลกที่เวอร์ทีฟ (NYSE: VRT) ซึ่งเป็นผู้ให้บริการระดับโลกด้านโครงสร้างพื้นฐานดิจิทัลที่สำคัญและโซลูชันด้านความต่อเนื่อง ได้ให้ความเห็นเอาไว้เกี่ยวกับผลกระทบของดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ต่อชุมชนและสิ่งแวดล้อมที่วงการอุตสาหกรรมกำลังให้ความสนใจกันอย่างมาก ซึ่งถือเป็นเทรนด์หนึ่งจากทั้งหมด 5 เทรนด์ที่กำลังจะเกิดขึ้นในปี 2566 Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Sees Energy Use Efficiency Loom Large as Data Centre Industry Turns to 2023 - 2022-11-14
    Managing consumption and carbon footprint driving trends toward regulation, standardisation, and the search for generator alternatives. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv sees energy use, efficiency loom large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-14
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv dự báo Hiệu quả sử dụng năng lượng sẽ tăng cao khi ngành Trung tâm dữ liệu bước sang năm 2023 - 2022-11-14
    Quản lý mức tiêu thụ và lượng khí thải carbon sẽ thúc đẩy các xu hướng hướng tới quy định, tiêu chuẩn hóa và tìm kiếm các giải pháp thay thế máy phát điện Read full information on external site
  • Irideos inaugura Avalon 3, il più grande data center iperconnesso di Milano - 2022-11-14
    Irideos, polo italiano ICT dedicato alle aziende e alla Pubblica Amministrazione ha inaugurato il nuovo data center Avalon 3, il più grande data center certificato e iperconnesso di Milano, parte di Avalon Campus, il più grande punto di interconnessione Internet del Paese. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv voorspelt trends voor de datacenterbranche - 2022-11-14
    Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
  • Regelgeving datacenters wordt strakker - 2022-11-14
    Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: regelgeving in de datacenterbranche onvermijdelijk - 2022-11-14
    Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
  • 2023 staat in het teken van energiebesparing en efficiëntieslagen - 2022-11-14
    Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv voorspelt trends voor de datacenterbranche - 2022-11-14
    Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Dit is het gevolg van het toenemende energie- en waterverbruik van de datacenterbranche bovenop de aanhoudende klimaatverandering. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv subraya el uso de la energía y la eficiencia como cuestiones clave para los centros de datos en 2023 - 2022-11-14
    La gestión del consumo y de la huella de carbono impulsan tendencias hacia la regulación, estandarización y búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv voorspelt trends voor de datacenterbranche - 2022-11-14
    2023 staat in het teken van energiebesparing en efficiëntieslagen. Read full information on external site
  • Data centre outages are costing more, with power failure the culprit - 2022-11-14
    One of the more consistent problems that the data centre industry faces is the issue of outages. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv voorspelt trends voor datacenterbranche - 2022-11-14
    Datacenters krijgen in 2023 te maken met strengere overheidsregelgeving en intensiever toezicht. Dit is het gevolg van het toenemende energie- en waterverbruik van de datacenterbranche bovenop de aanhoudende klimaatverandering. Read full information on external site
  • Centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023 - 2022-11-14
    La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv เผย ผลกระทบ จากการใช้พลังงานของ ดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เป็น 1 ใน 5 เทรนด์ที่จะเกิดขึ้นในปี 2566 - 2022-11-13
    Vertiv (เวอร์ทีฟ) เผย ผลกระทบ จากอัตราการใช้พลังงานที่พุ่งทะลุขีดจำกัดในอุตสาหกรรม ดาต้า เซ็นเตอร์ เมื่อเข้าสู่ปี 2566 เทรนด์เรื่องการจัดการปริมาณการใช้เชื้อเพลิงและคาร์บอนฟุตปริ๊นท์จะกลายมาเป็นกฎระเบียบ มาตรฐานรวมถึงการสรรหาเครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้าทางเลือกใหม่ ๆ อีกด้วย Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - 2022-11-12
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv sees energy consumption as the primary concern as the data center industry looks toward 2023 - 2022-11-12
    Controlling consumption and carbon footprint drives trends towards regulation, standardization and the search for generator alternatives. Read full information on external site
  • Что ждет рынок облачных технологий в Казахстане - 2022-11-11
    Облачные технологии сегодня стали важной частью жизни человека – они задействованы в экономике, медицине, образовании, бизнесе, науке и промышленности. Cloud-сервисы привлекают внимание как представителей малого и среднего бизнесов, так и государственных структур. Read full information on external site
  • Increased regulation amidst climate change will grip data centres in 2023, Vertiv forecasts - 2022-11-11
    Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change, one of the key trends identified by Vertiv global data centre experts. Read full information on external site
  • Что ждет рынок облачных технологий в Казахстане? - 2022-11-11
    Облачные технологии сегодня стали важной частью жизни человека — они задействованы в экономике, медицине, образовании, бизнесе, науке и промышленности. Cloud-сервисы привлекают внимание как представителей малого и среднего бизнесов, так и государственных структур. Read full information on external site
  • Energy efficiency looms large for data centre industry - 2022-11-11
    Managing consumption and carbon footprint driving trends toward regulation, standardisation, and the search for generator alternatives. Read full information on external site
  • Energieverbrauch der Rechenzentrumsbranche in 2023: Mehr Effizienz und Alternativen gefordert - 2022-11-11
    Rechenzentren werden im Jahr 2023 zunehmend reguliert und durch Dritte kontrolliert werden, da sich die Welt vor dem Hintergrund des fortschreitenden Klimawandels weiterhin mit dem steigenden Energie- und Wasserverbrauch der Branche auseinandersetzen muss. Read full information on external site
  • Digitronica Solution e WIIT Channel Services: firmato accordo di distribuzione - 2022-11-11
    Le due società collaboreranno per supportare i Rivenditori e gli Operatori ICT nella fornitura di servizi Cloud e di Cybersecurity. Read full information on external site
  • Digitronica Solution S.r.l. e WIIT Channel Services siglano un accordo di distribuzione - 2022-11-11
    Digitronica Solution S.r.l. e WIIT Channel Services annunciano che le due società collaboreranno per supportare i Rivenditori e gli Operatori ICT nella fornitura di servizi Cloud e di Cybersecurity WIIT, con 17 Data Center di proprietà. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv, el uso de la energía y la eficiencia clave para el sector de los centros de datos - 2022-11-11
    La gestión del consumo y de la huella de carbono impulsa las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores según Vertiv. Read full information on external site
  • Что ждёт рынок облачных технологий в Казахстане? - 2022-11-11
    Облачные технологии сегодня стали важной частью жизни человека — они задействованы в экономике, медицине, образовании, бизнесе, науке и промышленности. Read full information on external site
  • Negócios em Pauta 12 a 16/11/2022 - 2022-11-11
    A – Ferrari usada por Schumacher em 2003 é leiloada. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv predicts increased DC regulation and oversight for 2023 - 2022-11-11
    According to new insights from Vertiv, data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv predicts increased DC regulation and oversight for 2023 - 2022-11-11
    According to new insights from Vertiv, data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv predicts increased DC regulation and oversight for 2023 - 2022-11-11
    According to new insights from Vertiv, data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • HostDime's Tier IV Mexico data center will have a rooftop helicopter pad - 2022-11-10
    Construction is due to start on Andromeda facility in 2023 Read full information on external site
  • Sacrifice speed to cut cloud carbon and costs - 2022-11-10
    Organizations can cut cloud carbon emissions and costs by migrating workloads to different regions, if users can tolerate extra latency. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv dự báo Hiệu quả sử dụng năng lượng sẽ tăng cao khi ngành Trung tâm dữ liệu bước sang năm 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Trong bối cảnh biến đổi khí hậu đang diễn ra, thế giới tiếp tục vật lộn với sự gia tăng mức tiêu thụ điện và nước trong ngành, các trung tâm dữ liệu sẽ phải đối mặt với nhiều quy định cũng như sự giám sát của bên thứ ba vào năm 2023. Read full information on external site
  • green4T é a 1ª empresa do Brasil e da América Latina a possuir Certificação ASA - 2022-11-10
    Com novo título, empresa se torna a única do Brasil com conhecimento teórico e prático necessário para oferecer um programa abrangente de sustentabilidade de data center de escala mundial. Read full information on external site
  • As the Data Center Industry Looks Ahead to 2023, Vertiv Believes Energy Use and Efficiency Will Be Crucial - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Kawasan Deltamas Jadi Lokasi Pertama Pembangunan Pusat Data Nasional - 2022-11-10
    Pembangunan Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) pertama mulai dilakukan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) pada Rabu (9/11/2022). Read full information on external site
  • Ending the age of data centre ‘five nines’ - 2022-11-10
    High 99.999% availability pledges play well with cloud and data centre customers, but some downtime is always necessary. Read full information on external site
  • Ending the age of data centre ‘five nines’ - 2022-11-10
    High 99.999% availability pledges play well with cloud and data centre customers, but some downtime is always necessary. Read full information on external site
  • La Tencología De La Inteligencia Artificial - 2022-11-10
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI, aquella aplicación de computadoras y equipos de telecomunicación para almacenar, recuperar, transmitir y manipular datos, con frecuencia utilizando en el contexto de los negocios u otras empresa, ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Comó Ha Aumentado La Pandemia La Necesidad De Certificaciones En Centros De Datos? - 2022-11-10
    Por: Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM.Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • As the Data Center Industry Looks Ahead to 2023, Vertiv Believes Energy Use and Efficiency Will Be Crucial - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv identifies five data centre industry trends for 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Eficiencia energética, regulación y edge, tendencias data center para 2023 - 2022-11-10
    La gestión del consumo y de la huella de carbono impulsa las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores, de acuerdo con las tendencias que marca Vertiv para los centros de datos del año que viene. Read full information on external site
  • Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Efficiency looms large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-10
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • green4T é a 1ª empresa a possuir Certificação ASA - 2022-11-09
    Com novo título, empresa se torna a única do Brasil com conhecimento teórico e prático necessário para oferecer um programa abrangente de sustentabilidade de data center de escala mundial. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Sees Energy Use Efficiency Loom Large as Data Centre Industry Turns to 2023 - 2022-11-09
    Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv sees energy use, efficiency loom large as data center industry turns to 2023 - 2022-11-09
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv highlights five data centre trends for 2023 - 2022-11-09
    Data centres will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Pusat Data Nasional Pertama Senilai Rp 2,5 T Dibangun di Bekasi - 2022-11-09
    Jakarta - Pembangunan Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) pertama mulai dilakukan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo). Investasi sebesar 164,5 juta Euro atau setara Rp 2,5 triliun (kurs 1 Euro = Rp 15.736) digelontorkan untuk bangun fasilitas pusat data tersebut di Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: Centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, în 2023 - 2022-11-09
    În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: Centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, în 2023 - 2022-11-09
    În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
  • Industria centrelor de date va fi mai reglementată, din cauza consumului de energie și apă - 2022-11-09
    În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice, arată un studiu realizat de experții Vertiv. Read full information on external site
  • Centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări şi o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terţe părţi, în 2023 - 2022-11-09
    In 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări şi o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terţe părţi, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creşterea consumului de energie şi de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
  • Proyek Pusat Data Nasional Percepat Transformasi Digital - 2022-11-09
    Cikarang, - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) tengah menyiapkan pembangunan empat Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis digital. Read full information on external site
  • Proyek Pusat Data Nasional Percepat Transformasi Digital - 2022-11-09
    Cikarang, - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) tengah menyiapkan pembangunan empat Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis digital. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: Reglementările mai aspre sunt inevitabile pe piaţa centrelor de date, care consumă acum până la 3% din totalul energiei electrice, cu prognoze de 4% până în 2030 - 2022-11-09
    În 2023, centrele de date se vor confrunta cu reglementări și o supraveghere sporită din partea unor terțe părți, pe măsură ce lumea continuă să se confrunte cu creșterea consumului de energie și de apă al acestei industrii, pe fondul schimbărilor climatice în curs. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Sees Energy Use, Efficiency Loom Large as Data Center Industry Turns to 2023 - 2022-11-09
    Data centers will experience increased regulation and third-party oversight in 2023 as the world continues to grapple with the industry’s rising energy and water consumption against the backdrop of ongoing climate change. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new Data Center Suite - 2022-11-08
    Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • GDA says German Energy Efficiency Act is a 'data center prevention law' - 2022-11-08
    The Energy Efficiency Act (ENEfG), currently in draft form, sets out a legal framework for energy efficiency, but it includes measures such as a flat rate for PUE and mandatory heat reuse, which will be impossible to implement, according to the German Datacenter Association (GDA). Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new Data Center Suite - 2022-11-08
    Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data centre managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Sirti Digital Solutions al fianco del Ministero della Difesa per l’adeguamento tecnologico del Data Center di Palazzo Guidoni - 2022-11-08
    L’incarico prevede l’intervento di Sirti Digital Solutions per l’evoluzione degli impianti di alimentazione e di condizionamento del Data Center di Palazzo Guidoni, nuova sede del Segretariato Generale della Difesa e ubicato presso l’Aeroporto ‘F. Baracca’ in RomaRead full information on external site
  • Sirti Digital Solutions adeguerà i Data Center del Ministero della Difesa - 2022-11-08
    L’incarico prevede l’intervento di Sirti Digital Solutions per l’evoluzione degli impianti di alimentazione e di condizionamento del Data Center di Palazzo Guidoni, nuova sede del Segretariato Generale della Difesa e ubicato presso l’Aeroporto ‘F. Baracca’ in Roma Read full information on external site
  • Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - 2022-11-07
    Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta, svjetskog lidera u standardizaciji performansi digitalne infrastrukture Read full information on external site
  • Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - 2022-11-07
    Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta, svjetskog lidera u standardizaciji performansi digitalne infrastrukture Read full information on external site
  • Zain hosts Boubyan Bank at its world-class datacenter - 2022-11-07
    Kuwait: Zain, the leading digital service provider in Kuwait, announced a new collaboration with Boubyan Bank to host its IT infrastructure at Zain’s world-class datacenter facility via the company’s colocation service. Read full information on external site
  • Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - 2022-11-07
    Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta Read full information on external site
  • Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma dobio TIER III certifikat - 2022-11-06
    Data Centar Hrvatskog Telekoma u Selskoj ulici u Zagrebu zadovoljio je najveće sigurnosne, tehnološke i industrijske standarde te dobio TIER III certifikat od UpTime Instituta, svjetskog lidera u standardizaciji performansi digitalne infrastrukture Read full information on external site
  • Zain hosts Boubyan Bank at its world-class datacenter - 2022-11-06
    Kuwait: Zain, the leading digital service provider in Kuwait, announced a new collaboration with Boubyan Bank to host its IT infrastructure at Zain’s world-class datacenter facility via the company’s colocation service. Read full information on external site
  • Why sweating your assets no longer makes financial sense - 2022-11-04
    Sweating your IT assets beyond the average three year lifespan may have made financial sense ten years ago, when businesses were looking to keep a lid on costs for as long as possible before investing in a hardware refresh, but today this is no longer a feasible option. Read full information on external site
  • Why sweating your assets no longer makes financial sense - 2022-11-04
    Sweating your IT assets beyond the average three year lifespan may have made financial sense ten years ago, when businesses were looking to keep a lid on costs for as long as possible before investing in a hardware refresh, but today this is no longer a feasible option. Read full information on external site
  • The White House’s quantum dilemma - 2022-11-02
    Good morning! Companies have been discussing potential quantum computing restrictions with the government for a long time, but the Commerce Department now wants to roll out new controls as early as this year. It might not be as easy as it sounds. Read full information on external site
  • 如何提高数据中心效率并削减能源费用?- 2022-11-02
    大多数数据中心运营商和企业只是在其可持续发展报告(和战略)中披露设施指标,而忽略了 IT 运营效率. Read full information on external site
  • 如何提高数据中心效率并削减能源费用?- 2022-11-02
    大多数数据中心运营商和企业只是在其可持续发展报告(和战略)中披露设施指标,而忽略了 IT 运营效率. Read full information on external site
  • Romarg Anunță Măsuri Și Investiții Pentru Consolidarea Securității Cibernetice În Fața Atacurilor Ddos Și Phishing?- 2022-11-02
    ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
  • ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค สร้างแพลตฟอร์มความรู้ระดับมือโปร ช่วยแก้ปัญหาขาดแคลนผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์?- 2022-11-02
    ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค ยูนิเวอร์ซิตี้ หรือมหาวิทยาลัย ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้ผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ โดยให้คำแนะนำฟรีเกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงาน Read full information on external site
  • Belgian Breakthrough - 2022-11-01
    Ogy Smet, CTO, Datacenter United, offers insight into how the organisation has become the first Tier IV certified data centre in Belgium - awarded by Uptime Institute - helping it to strengthen its market position and achieve its ambitions. Read full information on external site
  • Sustentabilidade: qual o papel dos Data Centers num futuro com a pegada zero de carbono? - 2022-11-01
    Painel será realizado dentro do DCD>Connect, evento presencial, no dia 7 de novembro, às 17:00, no Hotel Transamérica em São Paulo Read full information on external site
  • How many ways can you cut your UPS emissions? - 2022-11-01
    UPS systems produce a very small part of the emissions from a data center, but operators are being very inventive in ways to reduce them Read full information on external site
  • The data center climate reckoning is here - 2022-11-01
    A hearty welcome to November from your Protocol Climate team! Today we’re taking a look at the upcoming midterms, including a hot climate proposition in California that’s dividing Big Tech. Read full information on external site
  • Data centers aren’t prepared for the climate crisis - 2022-11-01
    Even as climate change increases the risks of floods, fires, and droughts, there are steps that data centers large and small can take to minimize their future vulnerability. Read full information on external site

October 2022

  • Zscaler's Cloud-Based Cybersecurity Outages Showcase Redundancy Problem - 2022-10-31
    While fewer cloud providers are suffering outages, customers should prepare for the uncommon event, especially when relying on cloud services for security. Read full information on external site
  • Harden Physical Security to Boost Your Data Center's Uptime: Here's How - 2022-10-31
    Mark Feider of Genetec reveals hidden benefits of unifying physical security efforts for data centers to achieve maximum uptime. Read full information on external site
  • Призоваха за защита на центровете за данни от EMP оръжия - 2022-10-31
    Електромагнитните импулси могат да повредят електрическата мрежа и електрониката. Read full information on external site
  • ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค สร้างแพลตฟอร์มความรู้ระดับมือโปร ช่วยแก้ปัญหาขาดแคลนผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ - 2022-10-31
    ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค (Schneider Electric) ผู้นำด้านดิจิทัลทรานส์ฟอร์เมชั่นด้านการจัดการพลังงานและระบบออโตเมชั่น ประกาศถึงการอัปเดตต่อเนื่องสำหรับ Schneider Electric University ซึ่งเป็นแพลตฟอร์มด้านความรู้ในระบบดิจิทัลที่ได้รับการรับรองจาก CPD และเปิดกว้างสำหรับผู้จำหน่ายทุกค่าย โดยพร้อมบริการใน 14 ภาษา และสามารถเข้าถึงจากทั่วโลกทางออนไลน์ได้ฟรี ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้กับผู้ที่เกี่ยวข้องในอุตสาหกรรม พร้อมติดตามความรู้เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงานที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทุกภาคส่วน Read full information on external site
  • US has emerged as ‘most prominent’ cloud market in the world - 2022-10-31
    The U.S. is the most mature data center development and operations market. The growing popularity of IoT, the emergence of 5G networks, and the demand for streaming online entertainment content at high speeds are the significant factors driving the growth of the data center construction market in the US, according to Research and Markets. Read full information on external site
  • 两年三起数据中心火灾 Uptime发布数据中心火灾风险 最佳实践 - 2022-10-31
    2022年10月,韩国SK C&C大楼数据中心发生火灾。8 月,谷歌的一个数据中心因电气爆炸(特别是电弧闪光)而起火并导致三人受伤。2021 年,法国 OVHcloud SBG2数据中心被大火完全摧毁。据 Uptime Institute 称,数据中心火灾可能很少发生,但一旦发生,其后果通常是毁灭性的. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric University สร้างแหล่ง เรียนรู้ออนไลน์ สำหรับสายดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ - 2022-10-31
    Schneider Electric (ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค) ผู้นำด้านดิจิทัลทรานส์ฟอร์เมชั่นด้านการจัดการพลังงานและระบบออโตเมชั่น ประกาศถึงการอัปเดตต่อเนื่องสำหรับ Schneider Electric University ซึ่งเป็นแพลตฟอร์มการ เรียนรู้ออนไลน์ ที่ได้รับการรับรองจาก CPD และเปิดกว้างสำหรับผู้จำหน่ายทุกค่าย โดยพร้อมบริการใน 14 ภาษา และสามารถเข้าถึงจากทั่วโลกทางออนไลน์ได้ฟรี ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้กับผู้ที่เกี่ยวข้องในอุตสาหกรรม พร้อมติดตามความรู้เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงานที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทุกภาคส่วน Read full information on external site
  • ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค สร้างแพลตฟอร์มความรู้ระดับมือโปร ช่วยแก้ปัญหาขาดแคลนผู้เชี่ยวชาญดาต้าเซ็นเตอร์ - 2022-10-31
    ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค (Schneider Electric) ผู้นำด้านดิจิทัลทรานส์ฟอร์เมชั่นด้านการจัดการพลังงานและระบบออโตเมชั่น ประกาศถึงการอัปเดตต่อเนื่องสำหรับ Schneider Electric University ซึ่งเป็นแพลตฟอร์มด้านความรู้ในระบบดิจิทัลที่ได้รับการรับรองจาก CPD และเปิดกว้างสำหรับผู้จำหน่ายทุกค่าย โดยพร้อมบริการใน 14 ภาษา และสามารถเข้าถึงจากทั่วโลกทางออนไลน์ได้ฟรี ช่วยเพิ่มทักษะให้กับผู้ที่เกี่ยวข้องในอุตสาหกรรม พร้อมติดตามความรู้เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีล่าสุด การสร้างความยั่งยืน และความริเริ่มด้านประสิทธิภาพพลังงานที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทุกภาคส่วน Read full information on external site
  • Прямое жидкостное охлаждение: переход неизбежен - 2022-10-31
    Изменения как в технических, так и в бизнес-требованиях подталкивают операторов ЦОДов к переходу на прямое жидкостное охлаждение. Read full information on external site
  • В США начали искать способ защитить компьютеры от электромагнитного оружия Об этом сообщает "Рамблер". - 2022-10-30
    Известно, что солнечные вспышки могут погубить спутники и нарушить работу электросетей. Read full information on external site
  • В США начали искать способ защитить компьютеры от электромагнитного оружия - 2022-10-30
    Которое можно собрать даже не имея профильное образование. Read full information on external site
  • Эксперты Uptime Institute призывают задуматься о защите ЦОД от геомагнитных бурь и электромагнитного оружия - 2022-10-29
    Как сообщается в блоге Uptime Institute, вспышки на Солнце или корональные выбросы способны вызвать геомагнитные бури, достаточные для нанесения ущерба электросетям и электронике. Read full information on external site
  • Data centers aren’t crunching their own sustainability numbers - 2022-10-28
    In an era where all the warning signs are written on the wall—from heat waves taking out data centers in the UK and wildfires threatening them in California, to operations sucking up huge amounts of water in drought-affected areas—many data centers aren’t preparing for a future where legislative responses to climate change affect their bottom line. Read full information on external site
  • 不止数据中心 中兴通讯要做“东数西算”建设主力军 - 2022-10-28
    中兴通讯日前宣布成立“东数西算”特战队,积极参与“东数西算”工程建设,要以“存得住,运的快,算得准,广应用,保密高”的五维能力,做“东数西算”建设主力军。Read full information on external site
  • ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - 2022-10-28
    Compania ROMARG, liderul serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
  • 글로벌 칼럼ㅣ디지털 트윈과 카오스 엔지니어링: 데이터센터 장애 대응 해법원문보기 - 2022-10-28
    지난 한 해 동안 디지털 전환이 엄청난 속도로 가속화됐고 원격 근무가 급격히 확산됐다. 하지만 IT 인프라는 전례 없는 수요를 감당해야 했다. 그 결과 서버 가동 시간 유지의 중요성이 두드러졌다. 인프라의 운영 중단을 예방하고, 재정적 손실을 방지하는 데 핵심이기 때문이다.원문보기. Read full information on external site
  • Gratte Brothers to support Kao Data’s high-performance data centre expansion - 2022-10-28
    Kao Data, the specialist developer and operator of high-performance data centres for enterprise, cloud, HPC and AI, has announced it has appointed Gratte Brothers (GBL), a highly experienced and fully integrated engineering and construction services company, as principal contractor for the expansion of its KLON-06 data centre in Slough. Read full information on external site
  • Five ways to build resilient data centres - 2022-10-28
    Data centres are increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather events and resiliency remains paramount. Can it be done in a sustainable way? Read full information on external site
  • Data centers : Helios lance sa plateforme Orunix Digital et entre dans Maroc Data Center - 2022-10-28
    Agissant pour le compte des fonds qu’elle représente, Helios Investment Partners annonce l’acquisition d’une participation majoritaire dans Maroc Datacenter (MDC). Read full information on external site
  • Hybrid’s Dominance Brings New Focus to the Data Center - 2022-10-28
    Hybrid is the dominant infrastructure today and likely for the foreseeable future. As such, IT and data center managers will need to ensure both data center and cloud environments are highly available and responsive. Read full information on external site
  • Helios annonce l'acquisition d'une participation majoritaire dans Maroc Datacenter - 2022-10-28
    Helios Investment Partners (agissant pour le compte des fonds qu'elle représente), société de capital investissement, leader sur les investissements et opérations en Afrique, annonce l'acquisition d'une participation majoritaire dans Maroc Datacenter (MDC), plateforme marocaine de centre de données neutre certifiée Tier III. Read full information on external site
  • Внутренние и внешние признаки надежности сети ЦОД - 2022-10-27
    Этот обзорный пост по ЦОДам инфраструктурной сети МТС подготовлен приглашенным автором, @sergbe из Санкт-Петербурга. Автор — бывший сотрудник Microsoft Ireland, работал в команде одного из крупнейших российских провайдеров облачных сервисов, проводил экскурсии по серверным залам и инженерной инфраструктуре ЦОД. Read full information on external site
  • ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - 2022-10-27
    Compania ROMARG, liderul serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
  • ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - 2022-10-27
    Compania ROMARG, liderul serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
  • Внутренние и внешние признаки надежности сети ЦОД - 2022-10-27
    Этот обзорный пост по ЦОДам инфраструктурной сети МТС подготовлен приглашенным автором, @sergbe из Санкт-Петербурга. Автор — бывший сотрудник Microsoft Ireland, работал в команде одного из крупнейших российских провайдеров облачных сервисов, проводил экскурсии по серверным залам и инженерной инфраструктуре ЦОД. Read full information on external site
  • Внутренние и внешние признаки надежности сети ЦОД - 2022-10-27
    Этот обзорный пост по ЦОДам инфраструктурной сети МТС подготовлен приглашенным автором, @sergbe из Санкт-Петербурга. Автор — бывший сотрудник Microsoft Ireland, работал в команде одного из крупнейших российских провайдеров облачных сервисов, проводил экскурсии по серверным залам и инженерной инфраструктуре ЦОД. Read full information on external site
  • Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para la mejora de la eficiencia energética - 2022-10-26
    El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Pusat Data Nasional Dibangun Mulai November 2022 - 2022-10-26
    E Peletakan batu pertama atau groundbreaking Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) akan dilakukan pada awal November 2022 untuk PDN Jabodetabek. Target pembangunan akan selesai dalam waktu 24 bulan. Read full information on external site
  • Почему и каким образом в мире хотят регулировать отказоустойчивость облачных провайдеров - 2022-10-26
    В планах зарубежных регуляторов разработать единые стандарты для взаимодействия c государственными организациями и повысить надежность облачной среды. Read full information on external site
  • ROMARG, companie românească de găzduire web, a investit peste 650.000 euro pentru consolidarea securității în fața atacurilor cibernetice - 2022-10-26
    Compania românească ROMARG, care oferă servicii de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii, a investit 650.000 de euro pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
  • ROMARG anunță măsuri și investiții pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice în fața atacurilor DDOS și Phishing - 2022-10-26
    Compania ROMARG, unul din liderii serviciilor de găzduire web și înregistrare domenii din România, cu capital 100% românesc, anunță măsuri și investiții realizate pentru consolidarea securității serviciilor de hosting web, având în vedere atacurile de tip DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) și Phishing care au crescut exponențial în ultimul an, cu peste 500%, respectiv 200%. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI en Latam - 2022-10-26
    Según un informe del Uptime Institute, para mantener operativos los centros de datos del mundo será necesario que el sector incorpore al menos 300.000 trabajadores cualificados de aquí a 2025. Read full information on external site
  • IA permite una infraestructura más eficiente y con menos fallos - 2022-10-26
    La pandemia desencadenó la aceleración de los procesos de digitalización de muchas compañías, a medida que las empresas y consumidores trasladaron sus actividades cotidianas al espacio digital con el fin de cumplir con las medidas de distanciamiento social y las regulaciones de salud. Read full information on external site
  • Columna: La IA permite una infraestructura más eficiente y con menos fallos - 2022-10-25
    La pandemia desencadenó la aceleración de los procesos de digitalización de muchas compañías, a medida que las empresas y consumidores trasladaron sus actividades cotidianas al espacio digital con el fin de cumplir con las medidas de distanciamiento social y las regulaciones de salud. Read full information on external site
  • Is your datacenter safe from the next X-class solar flare? - 2022-10-25
    And what about a madman with a truck-mounted junkyard EMP? Read full information on external site
  • Айтеко.Cloud – новый бренд ГК «Айтеко» - 2022-10-25
    Новый бренд Айтеко.Cloud предлагает услуги по аренде серверного оборудования и СХД, консолидирует предоставление облачных сервисов и услуг дата-центра через единое окно. Группа компаний «Айтеко» объединила под единым брендом облачного провайдера «СБКлауд» и дата-центр «ТрастИнфо». Read full information on external site
  • Kao Data appoints Gratte Brothers for KLON-06 expansion - 2022-10-25
    Kao Data has appointed Gratte Brothers Ltd (GBL) as principal contractor to oversee the expansion of its KLON-06 data centre in Slough. Read full information on external site
  • Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para la mejora de la eficiencia energética - 2022-10-25
    El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Rezsicsökkentés új szinten - 2022-10-25
    Az előrejelzések szerint gazdasági szempontból rendkívül nehéz idő áll előttünk, a felkészülés jegyében érdemes átnézniük a vállalkozásoknak, hogyan tudják visszafogni kiadásaikat. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-25
    En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Как "Фрегат" помог Украине стать №1 по самому быстрому интернету в мире: интервью с Мишаловым - 2022-10-24
    Украина заняла 1 место в рейтинге самого дешевого и быстрого интернета в мире. И в этом заслуга одного из топовых интернет-провайдеров страны "Фрегат", убежден соучредитель компании Вячеслав Мишалов. Read full information on external site
  • Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para centros de datos - 2022-10-24
    El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Com a fatura de energia a aquecer, como estão as empresas a reduzir consumos? - 2022-10-24
    Com os custos de energia a subir, as empresas estão atentas à subida da fatura e, algumas, preparam planos de contingência. Regressar a 100% de teletrabalho não parece estar em cima da mesa. Read full information on external site
  • Riello UPS presenta nuevos UPS que mejoran la eficiencia energética - 2022-10-24
    Según el último informe del Uptime Institute sobre caídas de centros de datos, los cortes de energía en el sitio aumentaron del 37% al 43% en el total de los fallos en 2021, por lo que Riello UPS ha presentado nuevos equipos para reducir la huella de carbono. Read full information on external site
  • Айтеко» запустила новый бренд, объединяющий облачные сервисы, услуги дата-центра, аренды оборудования, ПО и консалтинга - 2022-10-24
    Новый бренд «Айтеко.Cloud», запущенный ГК «Айтеко», предлагает услуги по аренде серверного оборудования и СХД, консолидирует предоставление облачных сервисов и услуг дата-центра через единое окно. Read full information on external site
  • Riello UPS presenta sus nuevas soluciones para centros de datos - 2022-10-24
    El crecimiento exponencial de la recopilación y uso de datos ha hecho crecer igualmente la demanda de centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Is your datacenter safe from the next X-class solar flare? - 2022-10-24
    And what about a madman with a truck-mounted junkyard EMP? Read full information on external site
  • Is your datacenter safe from the next X-class solar flare? - 2022-10-24
    And what about a madman with a truck-mounted junkyard EMP? Read full information on external site
  • Three Data Center Fires in Two Years: Best Practices in Protecting Against Data Center Fire Risks - 2022-10-24
    Detection, suppression, mitigation, and recovery measures are essential to protect your data center from the risks of fire. Read full information on external site
  • Power Changes in the DC Industry - 2022-10-24
    Andy Lawrence, Uptime Institute’s Executive Director of Research, talks all about the power challenges facing the data center industry. Read full information on external site
  • Казахстан задает цифровую моду - 2022-10-24
    Стремительное развитие рынка ЦОДов и облачных сервисов в Республике Казахстан во многом стимулировано государственными программами. Read full information on external site
  • [마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - 2022-10-23
    하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
  • [마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - 2022-10-23
    하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
  • [마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - 2022-10-23
    하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
  • [마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - 2022-10-23
    하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
  • [마부작침] 카톡이 먹통이었던 주말, 다들 어땠나요? - 2022-10-23
    하루에도 수십, 수백 통의 카톡이 날아오고, 친구를 만나러 가기 위해 카카오 택시를 부르고, 대중교통을 이용하기 위해 카카오맵을 이용하는 삶. Read full information on external site
  • [Chorus] How was everyone on the weekend when KakaoTalk was busy? - 2022-10-22
    Dozens or hundreds of Kakao Talks come in every day, call a Kakao taxi to go see a friend, and use Kakao Map to use public transportation. It is a very familiar everyday life. Read full information on external site
  • Will climate change wreck your data center? - 2022-10-22
    As extreme temperatures become increasingly common, how can data centers handle the heat? Read full information on external site
  • Data centers should be more like alcohol, less like tobacco - 2022-10-21
    Data centers need to accept their place in a regulated world. Read full information on external site
  • Reliable solutions for continuous operations: Don't get left in the dark - 2022-10-21
    Laying down the blueprint for continuous power and operational reliability. Read full information on external site
  • Just In: South Korean Officials Raid Data Center, Promise More Regulation - 2022-10-21
    Following a major outage caused by a data center fire, South Korea cracks down on data center operations by promising more regulation of the industry in that country. Read full information on external site
  • NEXTDC opens $1.5b next gen sovereign data centre in Melbourne - 2022-10-20
    Australian data centre as a service provider NEXTDC has officially opened M3 Melbourne, the company's largest data centre facility to date. Read full information on external site
  • NEXTDC opens $1.5b next gen sovereign data centre in Melbourne - 2022-10-20
    Australian data centre as a service provider NEXTDC has officially opened M3 Melbourne, the company's largest data centre facility to date. Read full information on external site
  • NEXTDC opens $1.5b next gen sovereign data centre in Melbourne - 2022-10-20
    Australian data centre as a service provider NEXTDC has officially opened M3 Melbourne, the company's largest data centre facility to date. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell Lanza Un Nueva Suite Para Ayudar a Optimizar Tiempo Y Productividad De Centros De Datos - 2022-10-20
    Las soluciones de Honeywell ofrecen una experiencia de usuario innovadora, aumentan la resiliencia en las operaciones, mejoran la productividad de los trabajadores y proporcionan visibilidad de los KPI críticos de sostenibilidad. Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - 2022-10-20
    10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
  • Balancing your resilience needs with the requirement to reduce carbon emissions - 2022-10-20
    Distributing workloads across multiple locations helps users achieve resiliency. Users should be aware, however, that greater duplication can mean both higher costs, and greater carbon emissions. A new report from the Uptime Institute has explored this issue. Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据第三份ESG报告发布 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - 2022-10-20
    上证报中国证券网讯(刘怡鹤 记者 陈其珏)近日,秦淮数据集团发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
  • Computing exams, AI, water and datacentres – Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast - 2022-10-19
    In this episode of the Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast, Clare McDonald, Brian McKenna and Caroline Donnelly discuss the 2021 A-level and GCSE computing results, what algorithms are and are not good for, and the water consumption habits of datacentres, and their environmental impact. Read full information on external site
  • Weighing up the nuclear option for powering datacentres - 2022-10-19
    In the political thriller Occupied, Norway declares a halt to oil and gas in favour of thorium-fuelled nuclear energy, alarming countries from the European Union (EU) to Russia. Read full information on external site
  • Uptime Institute tool shows emissions savings of migrating workloads - 2022-10-19
    Why not shift your AWS instances from Frankfurt to Stockholm? Read full information on external site
  • VNPT Cloud - Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “đa đám mây” - 2022-10-19
    Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
  • Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - 2022-10-19
    Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
  • Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - 2022-10-19
    Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
  • Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - 2022-10-19
    Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - 2022-10-19
    10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告 Read full information on external site
  • Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - 2022-10-19
    Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
  • Bí quyết sinh tồn cho doanh nghiệp trong thế giới “Đa đám mây” - 2022-10-19
    Khi công nghệ ngày càng phát triển, yêu cầu về số lượng nghiệp vụ gia tăng, ngày càng nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn chuyển đổi sang môi trường “Đa đám mây”. Read full information on external site
  • New Operational Resilience Regulations Loom amid Financial Sector’s Ongoing Outage Problem - 2022-10-19
    Serious outages have plagued Financial sector institutions over the last few years. FSIs are now entering a new regulatory landscape that demands preparation and change. Read full information on external site
  • The data centre skills shortage and how to rectify it - 2022-10-19
    The skills shortage across the data centre space has long been considered one of the biggest challenges for the industry. Adelle Desouza – DCA Advisory Board and Founder HireHigher, offers her best practice advice for taking action to close the skills gap, whilst introducing The Rising Stars Programme of which The DCA is a supporting force. Read full information on external site
  • Услуги ЦОД подорожают? - 2022-10-19
    Стоимость услуг провайдеров коммерческих дата-центров в перспективе двух-трех лет может вырасти на 20-25%, по данным аналитиков компании Linxdatacenter. Read full information on external site
  • Multiplex tops out stage two of NEXTDC’s S3 data centre - 2022-10-19
    Multiplex has topped out the second stage of construction on the final stage of NEXTDC’s S3 data centre, located at 2 Broadcast Way, Artarmon on Sydney’s Lower North Shore. Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - 2022-10-18
    格隆汇10月18日丨秦淮数据集团(CD.US)今日正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。 Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 连续三年PUE优于行业平均水平 - 2022-10-18
    格隆汇10月18日丨秦淮数据集团(CD.US)今日正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。秦淮数据集团CEO吴华鹏表示,公司已经构建了数据中心从绿色选址、绿色建设到绿色运营全生命周期的“零碳”解决方案。2021年秦淮数据年度平均运行PUE为1.21,连续3年优于行业平均水平。Read full information on external site
  • Certificaciones de un data center, descubre cuáles son las más importantes - 2022-10-18
    En el presente artículo descubriremos cuáles son las certificaciones más comunes con las que debería contar un centro de datos, de acuerdo a las normativas y estándares internacionales de calidad. Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - 2022-10-18
    10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental,Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据发布2021 ESG报告 构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - 2022-10-18
    10月18日,秦淮数据集团(NASDAQ:CD)正式发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental,Social and Governance Report)》,这是集团连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据ESG报告:构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - 2022-10-18
    10月18日,秦淮数据集团发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》(以下简称“报告”)。这是秦淮数据连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
  • 秦淮数据ESG报告:构建数据中心全生命周期“零碳”解决方案 - 2022-10-18
    10月18日,秦淮数据集团发布《2021秦淮数据集团环境、社会及治理报告(2021 Chindata Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report)》(以下简称“报告”)。这是秦淮数据连续第三年发布ESG报告。Read full information on external site
  • Descarbonización = seguridad en Centros de Datos - 2022-10-18
    Por Marco Cosío, VP para Smart Infrastructure en Siemens México, Centroamérica y El Caribe. Read full information on external site
  • Linxdatacenter: услуги ЦОД подорожают на 20-25% - 2022-10-18
    Стоимость услуг провайдеров коммерческих дата-центров в перспективе двух-трех лет может вырасти на 20-25%, по данным аналитиков компании Linxdatacenter. Read full information on external site
  • IT Sustainability Think Tank: Assessing a supplier’s sustainability credentials - 2022-10-17
    How can IT leaders separate fact from fiction when weighing up a tech supplier’s sustainability claims? Read full information on external site
  • Evaluación de las credenciales de sostenibilidad de un proveedor - 2022-10-17
    Muchos propietarios y operadores de infraestructura digital tienen la actitud de que el uso de proveedores externos (servicios de nube y colocación, proveedores de equipos de TI, recicladores de hardware de TI y proveedores de energía) los absuelve de las responsabilidades de sostenibilidad concomitantes. Read full information on external site
  • Wie sich Rechenzentren vor Stromausfällen wappnen können - 2022-10-17
    Mit den rasanten Entwicklungen in der Energieversorgung stehen Rechenzentrumsbetreiber vor akuten Bedrohungsszenarien. Read full information on external site
  • IT sustainability think tank: assessing a supplier’s sustainability credentials - technicalripon 2022-10-17
    Many digital infrastructure owners and operators believe that using third-party providers – cloud and colocation services, IT equipment suppliers, IT hardware recyclers and energy suppliers – relieves them of the associated sustainability responsibilities. They believe that the sustainability of an outsourced operation is the responsibility of the supplier. Read full information on external site
  • Sinarmas Land and K2 Data Centres partner to develop data centres in Indonesia - 2022-10-17
    K2 DATA Centres, a subsidiary of the Kuok Group, has entered into a joint venture with Sinarmas Land : A26 -4.19% to develop and operate hyperscale data centres in Indonesia. Read full information on external site
  • Indonesian Minister of Communication & IT Inaugurated the Purwadhika Digital Technology School at The Nongsa Digital Park, Batam - 2022-10-17
    Sinar Mas Land through the Nongsa Digital Park is strengthening its position as a digital economy area that will serve as the bridge for various digital and technology companies in Indonesia and Singapore. Read full information on external site
  • DEWA discusses collaboration with SAP SE - 2022-10-16
    Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has discussed means of collaboration with SAP SE. Read full information on external site
  • DEWA extends its strategic partnership with German software firm SAP - 2022-10-15
    Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has explored means of collaboration with SAP SE, a German multinational software company. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-15
    Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
  • Các doanh nghiệp nội lợi thế giành lại "thị phần" hệ sinh thái “điện toán đám mây - Cloud” - 2022-10-15
    Bộ Trưởng TT&TT Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng kêu gọi 80% các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam ở nước ngoài hãy trở về nhà mình, dùng hạ tầng điện toán đám mây "Made in Việt Nam". Read full information on external site
  • How much water do data centres use? Most tech companies won't say - 2022-10-14
    As more data centres are being built to meet growing demand, their water use is coming under scrutiny – particularly in regions of the US affected by the ongoing megadrought. Read full information on external site
    En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Литиевые или свинцовые: какие аккумуляторы лучше взять для ЦОД? - 2022-10-14
    До недавнего времени основной «рабочей лошадкой» в источниках бесперебойного питания (ИБП) для центров обработки данных (ЦОД) были свинцово-кислотные аккумуляторы различных модификаций. Read full information on external site
  • Литиевые или свинцовые: какие аккумуляторы лучше взять для ЦОД? - 2022-10-14
    До недавнего времени основной «рабочей лошадкой» в источниках бесперебойного питания (ИБП) для центров обработки данных (ЦОД) были свинцово-кислотные аккумуляторы различных модификаций. Read full information on external site
  • Особенности и выгоды использования облака в аттестованном сегменте дата-центра (ЦОД) - 2022-10-14
    Работа с большими объемами конфиденциальных данных требует особых условий. К примеру, такие данные необходимо безопасно хранить, обеспечить к ним защищенный круглосуточный доступ. Решением может стать размещение в аттестованном сегменте дата-центра. Read full information on external site
  • GITEX Global: DIFC Achieves Uptime Institute Tier III Design, Construction and Gold Operational Sustainability Certification Awards - 2022-10-14
    Dubai International Financial Centre continued to mark its data centre excellence by announcing a new certification from Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-14
    Según un informe del Uptime Institute, para mantener operativos los centros de datos del mundo será necesario que el sector incorpore al menos 300.000 trabajadores cualificados de aquí a 2025. Read full information on external site
  • GRC to Discuss Environmental Benefits of Single-Phase Immersion Cooling - 2022-10-14
    GRC’s Chief Revenue Officer Jim Weynand will join data centre and telecom experts to discuss immersion cooling as a key component in reducing the consumption of natural resources by telco infrastructure. Read full information on external site
  • Hoe data beschermen nu servicestoringen toenemen? - 2022-10-14
    Hoewel veel bedrijven tijdens de Europese hittegolven last hadden van meldingen van it-serviceonderbrekingen, worden die incidenten nu al overschaduwd. Read full information on external site
  • El defensor del Pueblo visitó el Centro Nacional de Datos Arsat - 2022-10-14
    Gabriel Savino estuvo en el predio de Benavídez, en provincia de Buenos Aires, acompañado de funcionarios de la Dirección de Informática para avanzar en el proceso de digitalización de las gestiones del organismo protector de derechos. Read full information on external site
  • Orange Jordan receives Tier III Operational Sustainability Gold Certification - 2022-10-13
    Orange Jordan’s data center recently received the Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability granted by the Uptime Institute, an unbiased advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of business-critical infrastructure. Read full information on external site
  • Orange Jordan receives Tier III Operational Sustainability Gold Certification - 2022-10-13
    Orange Jordan’s data center recently received the Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability granted by the Uptime Institute, an unbiased advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of business-critical infrastructure. Read full information on external site
  • Rechenzentren Gegen Stromausfall Und Energiepreissteigerungen Wappnen - 2022-10-13
    Viele Branchen sind auf eine unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung angewiesen. Drohen begrenzte Energieversorgung oder gar Stromausfälle hat das Auswirkungen auf die gesamte Wirtschaft – national und weltweit. Wie können sich Betreiber und Unternehmen also absichern? Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo la pandemia aumentó la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-13
    Por Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
  • GITEX Global: DIFC Achieves Uptime Institute Tier III Design, Construction And Gold Operational Sustainability Certification Awards - 2022-10-13
    At GITEX Global 2022, Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the leading global financial centre in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region, continued to mark its data centre excellence by announcing a new certification from Uptime Institute, internationally recognised as the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority. Read full information on external site
  • GITEX Global: DIFC Achieves Uptime Institute Tier III Design, Construction And Gold Operational Sustainability Certification Awards - 2022-10-13
    At GITEX Global 2022, Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the leading global financial centre in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region, continued to mark its data centre excellence by announcing a new certification from Uptime Institute, internationally recognised as the Global Digital Infrastructure Authority. Read full information on external site
  • Cinco claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-13
    En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - 2022-10-13
    Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - 2022-10-13
    Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - 2022-10-13
    Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - 2022-10-13
    Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • Honeywell launches new suite of data center solutions - 2022-10-13
    Honeywell has announced the launch of its Data Center Suite, a portfolio of outcome-based software solutions that help data center managers and owners optimise uptime, worker productivity, critical asset health and operational expenses while providing better vizibility into sustainability KPIs. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) - 2022-10-12
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Optimize Multicloud Ops Through Pragmatic Observability - 2022-10-12
    As growing numbers of organizations have embraced the deployment of hybrid and multicloud architectures, the issue of complexity is presenting a dilemma. Read full information on external site
  • Constructing Data Centers With Security in Mind - 2022-10-12
    Data centers are critical to business and everyday life. More will be built as the world’s digital needs expand, and energy considerations must play a central role in this growth. Read full information on external site
  • Was das Stabilisieren von Anwendungen in der Cloud kostet - 2022-10-12
    Die vertraglichen Zusagen der Betreiber von Public-Cloud-Diensten betreffen die Services, nicht die Anwendungen, die diese Services nutzen. Read full information on external site
  • Certificaciones, ¿sabe por qué los centros de datos las requieren? - 2022-10-12
    El mundo tras el Covid-19 consume más datos. ¿Sabe cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? Read full information on external site
  • Get the most out of your network with Cisco DNA Center - 2022-10-12
    Information Technology has been at the center of business transformation for a while now. Organizations look up to IT for business innovation, productivity improvements, and competitive edge. Most recently, businesses relied on IT to not just survive but thrive during disruptions caused by global shutdowns and supply chain issues. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-12
    En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Orange Jordan receives Tier III Operational Sustainability Gold Certification – Roya News English - 2022-10-12
    Orange Jordan’s data center recently received the Tier III Gold Certification of Operational Sustainability granted by the Uptime Institute, an unbiased advisory organization focused on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of business-critical infrastructure. Read full information on external site
  • 위엠비, 대만 국태(Cathay)금융 그룹 통합관제시스템 사업 수주 - 2022-10-11
    [아이티데일리] 빅데이터 기반 IT통합운영관리 전문 기업 위엠비가 해외의 금융업계 사업을 연이어 수주했다. 이번에는 대만 최대 규모의 금융 그룹인 국태(國泰, Cathay) 금융 그룹이 대상이다. Read full information on external site
  • 霍尼韦尔全新管理平台解决方案助力数据中心优化运营 - 2022-10-11
    全球楼宇互联行业领导者霍尼韦尔(纳斯达克代码:HON)近日推出数据中心管理平台(Data Center Suite),这是一款以结果为导向的软件解决方案组合,能够帮助数据中心管理人员和业主优化正常运行时间,提高工作效率,确保关键资产健康状态,降低运营成本,同时提高可持续性发展KPI的可见性。Read full information on external site
  • Rechenzentren: von Stromausfall und Energiepreissteigerungen bedroht - 2022-10-11
    Das Szenario eines Stromausfalls oder die Befürchtung erheblicher Energiepreissteigerungen sind in der öffentlichen Diskussion immer häufiger zu hören. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-11
    Por Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
  • Готовы к рывку - 2022-10-11
    Во многих странах Центральной Азии и Закавказья созрели предпосылки для стремительного развития индустрии ЦОДов. Таков вывод прошедшего в начале октября в Ташкенте Евразийского форума Data Center & Cloud. Read full information on external site
  • Компактно, удобно и надежно: как ENERGON внедряла «литий» в дата-центре - 2022-10-11
    Решения на основе литиевых аккумуляторов — не самые дешевые. Но, если мы возьмем отсутствие необходимости в обслуживании на протяжении многих лет, а также стоимость арендной платы, то в итоге «литий» оказывается более выгодным, чем «свинец». Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-11
    En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-11
    En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-10
    En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Microgrids and data centers: How to increase high availability while achieving decarbonization objectives - 2022-10-10
    The N+K microgrid can provide an effective alternative to the traditional N+1 or 2N resiliency. Here’s how it works. Read full information on external site
  • Российский разработчик модульных ЦОД GreenMDC утроит производственные мощности - 2022-10-10
    Российский разработчик и поставщик модульных центров обработки данных GreenMDC сообщил о переводе производственных мощностей на новую технологическую площадку, масштабы которой позволят увеличить объём одновременно выпускаемых изделий в три раза. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-10
    En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Las certificaciones juegan un papel fundamental en los centros de datos - 2022-10-10
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA): Parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-10-10
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA): Parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-10-10
    El tema de conversación de 2022 en la industria de TI ha girado en torno a la sostenibilidad y los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-09
    Los gobiernos, los reguladores y los clientes de TI seguirán buscando una garantía de que los centros de datos sean diseñados y operados para mantener la disponibilidad durante pandemias futuras. Read full information on external site
  • Cinco claves para atraer y retener al talento que trabaja en los centros de datos - 2022-10-09
    En las empresas de todos los sectores se está produciendo una conversación universal sobre cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Kudos to Kudos Data Center for Tier Certification - 2022-10-07
    With a wide range of customers, from those who operate in various industries and markets to hyperscale cloud service providers, Sonda is dedicated to enabling customers with secure, reliable, redundant, and flexible computing environments and solutions that meet the highest standards in the world." Read full information on external site
  • TECSENS despliega su infraestructura de voz en España - 2022-10-07
    Es fundamental para cumplir con las premisas anteriormente mencionadas (flexibilidad, eficiencia y alta disponibilidad) contar con un centro de datos diseñado, adaptado y orientado a las necesidades del servicio a alojar. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-07
    En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-07
    En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • Билайн бизнес и «Кей Поинт» займутся развитием цифровой среды Дальнего Востока - 2022-10-07
    Билайн бизнес (структурное подразделение ПАО «ВымпелКом») и компания «Кей Поинт» (бренд Key Point) при поддержке Корпорации развития Дальнего Востока и Арктики реализуют масштабный проект по созданию центра обработки данных (ЦОД) на территории опережающего развития «Надеждинская» (Приморский край). Read full information on external site
  • Telco industry bosses to meet in Warsaw to tackle energy crisis - 2022-10-07
    Representatives of Europe’s largest telecom companies will meet in Warsaw from October 11-12 to discuss their role in solving the problem of rising energy prices. Read full information on external site
  • A pandemia aumentou a necessidade de certificação dos datacenters - 2022-10-07
    Um dos principais efeitos da pandemia foi a clara compreensão da criticidade da tecnologia no suporte à vida diária. Read full information on external site
  • La tecnología de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA): parte fundamental de la continuidad de los centros de datos - 2022-10-07
    La IA puede ser una valiosa herramienta para lograr el mantenimiento con base en el análisis de datos y para detectar los problemas potenciales en el equipo incluso antes de que se conviertan en un problema. Read full information on external site
  • 5 claves para la búsqueda de talento en TI - 2022-10-07
    En las empresas de todos los sectores hay una conversación universal. Cómo combatir una escasez de talento sin precedentes. Read full information on external site
  • データセンターは増えても人が足りない“スキルギャップの闇” - 2022-10-06
    Schneider Electricは無償のオンライン学習プログラムを提供し、データセンター業界が抱える「スキルギャップ」の解消を目指す。なぜこの問題の解決が必要なのか。Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Las certificaciones juegan un papel fundamental en los centros de datos - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Data centers weather solar storms - 2022-10-06
    Geomagnetic storms can cause disruption and damage, yet few assess the risk or implement protections Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Linuxone 4: Big Blue mit mehr Energie-Effizienz und Klimaschutz - 2022-10-06
    IBM hat eine neue Generation seines auf Linux und Kubernetes basierenden Großrechners „Linuxone“ vorgestellt. Das erste Modell dieser Baureihe trägt den stolzen Namen „Emperor“. Read full information on external site
  • Antony Blinken visita el Centro de Despacho del Coordinador Eléctrico - 2022-10-06
    Un lugar especial ha ocupado la mitigación del cambio climático y la transición energética en la agenda del secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Antony Blinken, en Chile. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Care Este Definitia Pue Pentru Centrele De Date? - 2022-10-06
    PUE reprezintă eficiența consumului de energie electrică. Nu este un secret că centrele de date sunt mari consumatori de energie și că infrastructura IT a acestora este alcătuită din echipamente deosebit de consumatoare de energie. Prin înțelegerea și urmărirea parametrului PUE a centrelor de date, managerii pot începe să înțeleagă cât de eficientă este infrastructura IT și dacă aceasta devine mai eficientă sau mai puțin eficientă în timp. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Las certificaciones juegan un papel fundamental en los centros de datos - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Despacho de energía en Chile recibe a Secretario de Estado de EU, Antony Blinken - 2022-10-06
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional recibe al Secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos - 2022-10-05
    En el marco de su visita oficial a Chile, el Secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Antony J. Blinken, llegó esta tarde hasta las nuevas dependencias del Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional para recorrer el Centro de Despacho Nacional de Energía (CDC), ubicado en Pudahuel, actualmente el más moderno de su tipo en Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • Towards Circular Data Center Economy at Data Center Changemakers Denmark - 2022-10-05
    Read full information on external site
  • A escassez de equipamentos de data center pode diminuir em breve, mas não por boas razõess - 2022-10-05
    À medida que a demanda por eletrônicos enfraquece, fornecedores podem mudar para a produção de componentes de infraestrutura. Read full information on external site
  • Апартаменты YE’S перешли в облако Linxdatacenter - 2022-10-05
    Международная сеть апарт-отелей YE’S взяла в аренду интернет-канал и облачные вычислительные мощности по модели IaaS у провайдера ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter. Об этом CNews сообщили представители Linxdatacenter. Эти ресурсы позволят предоставлять современные цифровые сервисы клиентам сети отелей. Read full information on external site
  • Galaxy Backbone Targets 14 More States To Complete Nationwide Infrastructure Deployment By 2023 - 2022-10-05
    In its quest to connect the entire country through digital infrastructure deployment, digital infrastructure service provider, Galaxy Backbone Limited has made a commitment to 14 more states remaining in its digital quest. Read full information on external site
  • Апартаменты YE’S перешли в облако Linxdatacenter - 2022-10-05
    Международная сеть апарт-отелей YE’S взяла в аренду интернет-канал и облачные вычислительные мощности по модели IaaS у провайдера ИТ-решений для бизнеса Linxdatacenter. Об этом CNews сообщили представители Linxdatacenter. Эти ресурсы позволят предоставлять современные цифровые сервисы клиентам сети отелей. Read full information on external site
  • Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - 2022-10-04
    Augančios elektros energijos kainos verčia už galvų griebtis nuosavą IT infrastruktūrą turinčius verslus. Read full information on external site
  • Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - ФОТО (R) - 2022-10-04
    В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - ФОТО (R) - 2022-10-04
    В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - 2022-10-04
    В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - 2022-10-04
    В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - 2022-10-04
    В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Евразийский “Data Center & Cloud Forum” проходит в Ташкенте - 2022-10-04
    В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский Форум "Data Center and Cloud Forum", посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • DeG obtains a Level 3 Operational Sustainability Certificate - 2022-10-04
    Sharjah24: The Department of e-Government (DeG) has obtained a certificate of operational sustainability of the third level “Tier III gold” from the Uptime International Institute, which is specialised in classifying data centers. Read full information on external site
  • Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - 2022-10-04
    Augančios elektros energijos kainos verčia už galvų griebtis nuosavą IT infrastruktūrą turinčius verslus. Read full information on external site
  • Un posible proyecto respetuoso para los antiguos Docks Comerciales del Puerto de Valencia. La empresa Nixval propone un “data center” combinando la conservación de patrimonio con un nuevo uso. - 2022-10-04
    Así es el proyecto de la valenciana Nixval para un 'data center' en los Docks. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-04
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-04
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • Los centros de datos se han vuelto más esenciales para las economías pospandémicas - 2022-10-04
    La cantidad total de datos creados, copiados y consumidos en todo el mundo alcanzó los 79 zettabytes y se espera que la cifra llegue a los 181 zettabytes para 2025. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-04
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-04
    Una de las grandes repercusiones de la pandemia fue el renovado enfoque en la criticidad de la tecnología como un apoyo para la vida diaria. Read full information on external site
  • В Ташкенте проходит евразийский Data Center & Cloud Forum - 2022-10-04
    В Ташкенте проходит Евразийский форум Data Center and Cloud Forum, посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Lessons from Hurricane Ian for 30% of cloud users to learn - 2022-10-04
    Natural disasters, such as Hurricane Ian, cause serious damage to business continuity beyond human costs. If an enterprise’s infrastructure is damaged, it can take days or weeks to recover, and the cost of downtime can exceed $100,000 per hour. Read full information on external site
  • Οι επαναστάσεις ξεκινούν με τα πράσινα data centers - 2022-10-04
    H αποδοτικότερη λειτουργία των data centers αποτελεί ένα βασικό ζητούμενο τα τελευταία χρόνια, το οποίο καθίσταται ακόμα πιο επιτακτικό μέσα στο πλαίσιο και της ενεργειακής κρίσης που βιώνουμε. Read full information on external site
  • Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - 2022-10-03
    Augančios elektros energijos kainos verčia už galvų griebtis nuosavą IT infrastruktūrą turinčius verslus. Read full information on external site
  • Облачные вычисление и строительство дата-центров в фокусе форума «Data Center and Cloud Forum» - 2022-10-03
    Сегодня в Ташкенте стартовал Евразийский Форум «Data Center and Cloud Forum», посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Тошкентда Евроосиё «Data Center & Cloud Forum» бўлиб ўтмоқда - 2022-10-03
    Тошкентда маълумотларни қайта ишлаш ва сақлаш марказлари (ДПC) ва булутли ҳисоблаш учун технологик ечимларга бағишланган «Data Center & Cloud Forum» Евроосиё форуми бўлиб ўтмоқда. Read full information on external site
  • «Data Center and Cloud Forum»: Компания Huawei представила проекты строительства дата-центров в Узбекистане, а также развития облачных сервисов - 2022-10-03
    В Ташкенте организован Евразийский Форум «Data Center and Cloud Forum», посвященный технологическим решениям для центров обработки и хранения данных (ЦОД) и облачным вычислениям. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud computing and construction of data centers in the focus of the Data Center and Cloud Forum - 2022-10-03
    The Eurasian Data Center and Cloud Forum dedicated to technological solutions for data processing and storage centers (DPC) and cloud computing started today in Tashkent. Read full information on external site
  • دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث - 2022-10-03
    كتب وكالة أنباء الإمارات دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث..اخبار عربية عبر موقع نبض الجديد - شاهد وتوفر شهادة Uptime Institute للاستدامة التشغيلية "TCOS" لمالكي مركز البيانات المعتمدين والمشغلين تقييما شاملا للعمليات التشغيلية والمخاطر الكامنة والمحتملة فضلا عن كونها تعد دليلة أساسية لكفاءة تصميم المركز وفعاليته وضمان تقديم أعلى مستويات.... نشر في الأثنينتقديم أعلRead full information on external site
  • دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث - 2022-10-03
    محصلت دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث “Tier III gold” من معهد Uptime International المتخصص في تصنيف مراكز البيانات. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo ha aumentado la pandemia la necesidad de certificaciones en centros de datos? - 2022-10-03
    Por Daniel de Vinatea, Sales Operations and Delivery & Execution Director para Vertiv LATAM. Read full information on external site
  • دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية - 2022-10-03
    أبوظبي - مباشر: نالت دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث Tier III gold" من معهد أبتامي -uptime- العالمي المتخصص بتصنيف مراكز البيانات. Read full information on external site
  • دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية بالشارقة تحصل على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية - 2022-10-03
    أبوظبي - مباشر: نالت دائرة الحكومة الإلكترونية على شهادة الاستدامة التشغيلية من المستوى الثالث Tier III gold" من معهد أبتامي -uptime- العالمي المتخصص بتصنيف مراكز البيانات. Read full information on external site
  • About a third of cloud users need to learn resiliency lessons from Hurricane Ian - 2022-10-02
    Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
  • 【IT觀點】邊緣運算演變 新思維部署數據中心(下)- 2022-10-02
    Por 邊緣部署可簡單分為四類,即設備邊緣、微邊緣、分散式邊緣數據中心和區域邊緣數據中心。Read full information on external site
  • About a third of cloud users need to learn resiliency lessons from Hurricane Ian - 2022-10-02
    Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
  • Así es el proyecto de la valenciana Nixval para un 'data center' en los Docks - 2022-10-02
    Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
  • مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف Uptime_Tier_ 3 العالمية - 2022-10-02
    الجزائرالآن _تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك علىفي الجزائر .شهادة تصنيف “ Uptime Tier 3 Design “ العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمديعRead full information on external site
  • مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 العالمية - 2022-10-02
    السوناطراك تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف " Uptime Tier 3 Design " العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر . مع العلم أن شهادة Tier III من Uptime Institute ، تسلم بشكل خاص إلى مراكز البيانات التي تتوفر على المقاييس العالمية العالية المتعلقة بتحسين آليات وعمليات الأمان والمرونة التي يتم تنفيذها داخل مراكز البيانات، فهي تهدف إلى ضمان توفر خدمة مراكز البيانات وجودتها وأمانها. بعد الانتهاء من مراحل التدقيق والتطوير من طرف المديرية المركزية للرقمنة ونظم Read full information on external site
  • مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف”Uptime Tier 3 Design”العالمية - 2022-10-02
    تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center" الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design " العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر. Read full information on external site
  • مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف”Uptime Tier 3 Design”العالمية - 2022-10-02
    تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center" الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design " العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر. Read full information on external site
  • تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 العالميةمركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادةالعالمية - 2022-10-02
    Now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit the network. Read full information on external site
  • سوناطراك تحصل على شهادة تصنيف عالمية - 2022-10-02
    تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف عالمية بإعتباره أحد المراكز الأكثر أمانا ومرونة في العالم. وحسب بيان للمجمع فقد تحصل مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف “Uptime Tier 3 Design “. Read full information on external site
  • شهادة تصنيف عالمية لمركز البيانات لسوناطراك - 2022-10-02
    شارك أعلن مجمع “سوناطراك” عن حصول مركز البيانات Data Center الرئيسي للمجمع على شهادة تصنيف “ Uptime Tier 3 Design “ العالمية و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر . Read full information on external site
  • شهادة تصنيف عالمية لسوناطراك في هذا التخصص - 2022-10-02
    تحصل مركز البيانات “Data Center” الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك، على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design العالمية، و هو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر. Read full information on external site
  • Sonatarch: Le Datacenter obtient la certification “Tier III” - 2022-10-02
    Le groupe Sonatrach a annoncé, aujourd’hui dimanche, que son centre de données “Data center” a reçu un certificat international de classification “Uptime Tier 3 Design”. Read full information on external site
  • Sonatrach : obtention d’un certificat de classement international - 2022-10-02
    Le centre de données principal de Sonatrach a obtenu un certificat de classement mondial comme l’un des centres les plus sécurisés et les plus résilients au monde. Read full information on external site
  • حصول سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design - 2022-10-02
    تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين “Uptime Tier 3 Design” العالمية, وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر, حسبما جاء اليوم الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. وأوضح ذات البيان أن شهادة “Tier 3 من Uptime Institute” تسلم بشكل خاص إلى مراكز البيانات التي تتوفر على المقاييس العالمية العالية … Read full information on external site
  • حصول سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف Uptime Tier 3 Design - 2022-10-02
    تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين “Uptime Tier 3 Design” العالمية, وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر, حسبما جاء اليوم الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. وأوضح ذات البيان أن شهادة “Tier 3 من Uptime Institute” تسلم بشكل خاص إلى مراكز البيانات التي تتوفر على المقاييس العالمية العالية … Read full information on external site
  • مركز البيانات لمجمع سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة تصنيف “أبتايم” العالمية - 2022-10-02
    تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين “Uptime Tier 3 Design” العالمية, وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر، حسبما جاء اليوم الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. Read full information on external site
  • Sonatrach obtient un certificat de classement international - 2022-10-02
    Le géant algérien des hydrocarbures est en bonne santé. La conjoncture actuelle est très favorable à cette grande entreprise. Read full information on external site
  • مركز بيانات سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة أبتايم العالمية - 2022-10-02
    يُعتبر أول مركز من نوعه يُعتمد في الجزائر مركز بيانات سوناطراك يحصل على شهادة أبتايم العالمية تحصل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاي Uptime Tier 3 Design العالمية وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر حسب ما جاء أمس الأحد في بيان للمجمع العمومي. Read full information on external site
  • مركز بيانات سوناطراك ينتزع شهادة تصنيف «آب تايم» العالمية - 2022-10-02
    تحصّل مركز البيانات الرئيسي لمجمع سوناطراك على شهادة تصنيف أبتايم تير 3 ديزاين «Uptime Tier 3 Design» العالمية، وهو أول مركز بيانات يعتمد في الجزائر، حسبما جاء أمس في بيان للمجمع العمومي. Read full information on external site
  • Nuosavi duomenų centrai verslus verčia elektros kainų įkaitais - 2022-10-02
    Le centre de données principal de Sonatrach a obtenu un certificat de classement mondial comme l’un des centres les plus sécurisés et les plus résilients au monde. Read full information on external site

December 2022

  • Вымпелком и Key Point Group подписали в Екатеринбурге третье соглашение о стратегическом партнерстве - 2022-12-30
    ПАО «ВымпелКом» (бренд «билайн») и компания «Кей Поинт Групп» (бренд «Key Point Group») подписали соглашение об условиях сотрудничества по созданию в Екатеринбурге центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
  • Estima consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia en 2023 - 2022-12-30
    Los avances en el diseño y la fabricación de chips que limitaron el consumo energético de los servidores durante la primera década. Read full information on external site
  • Chile's Sonda secures third tier IV certification for Kudos datacenter - 2022-12-29
    Chilean systems integrator Sonda obtained a third tier IV certification for its Kudos datacenter, in the Quilicura municipality of Santiago. Read full information on external site
  • 防中断实践方案!如何防止数据中心中断 - 2022-12-29
    导读:中断的原因各不相同。从网络故障到硬件或软件故障,再到断电、网络攻击和人为错误,导致数据中心中断的原因有很多 Read full information on external site
  • 如何防止数据中心中断?- 2022-12-29
    每次数据中心中断都代价高昂。随着数字化步伐的加快,维持正常运行时间的压力极具挑战性 Read full information on external site
  • 数据中心行业进入2023年 效率问题日益突出?- 2022-12-29
    2023年,数据中心将经历更多的监管和第三方监督,因为在持续气候变化的背景下,世界继续努力应对该行业不断上升的能源和水资源消耗。Read full information on external site
  • Nationwide Pet Insurance Review?- 2022-12-29
    For the past three years, market research firm DALBAR has recognized Nationwide for customer experience excellence. Other organizations have also acknowledged the company, including the advisory organization Uptime Institute and the job recruiting platform Handshake. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: Von mehr Regulierung bis zum Metaverse - 2022-12-29
    Rechenzentrumsexperten aus dem Hause Vertiv stellen fest: Der Fokus auf die Gesamtauswirkungen von Rechenzentren auf die Umwelt und die Gesellschaft verstärkt sich und gehört definitiv zu den fünf Branchentrends, die sie für das kommende Jahr ausgemacht haben. Read full information on external site
  • Softline открывает центр обработки данных в Минске - 2022-12-28
    ГК Softline, поставщик решений и сервисов в области цифровой трансформации и информационной безопасности, 28 декабря 2022 года сообщил TAdviser об открытии центра обработки данных в Минске. Read full information on external site
  • Softline открывает центр обработки данных в Минске - 2022-12-28
    Компания Softline, работающая в области информационных технологий и предлагающая широкий спектр инфраструктурных и прикладных IT-решений для корпоративного рынка, сообщила об открытии центра обработки данных в Минске (Республика Беларусь). Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv 2023年資料中心「五大趨勢」預測 - 2022-12-27
    針對資料中心產業未來一年(2023年)的趨勢發展,Vertiv提出五大預測見解。Read full information on external site
  • ¿Qué ocurrirá con los centros de datos en 2023? - 2022-12-27
    Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
  • TAiSEIA推動PUE評鑑 日月光奪金獎 - 2022-12-26
    高雄K24廠資訊機房能源使用效率1.51 優於國際水準 抱回TaiSEIA首座金質獎 Read full information on external site
  • 日昇意定機電顧問服務 打造Tier III資料中心 - 2022-12-26
    在節能減碳趨勢下,資料中心營運以追求更低PUE值為目標,PUE值越低,代表機房空調冷卻的耗電更少。Uptime Institute機房認證的Tier III,也被業界奉為標準,這些對日昇意定科技顧問創辦人朱國權而言均非難事。Read full information on external site
  • 科技 2023年資料中心 五趨勢一次看 - 2022-12-26
    關鍵數位基礎架構與連續性解決方案全球供應商Vertiv(NYSE: VRT)專家每年都會針對資料中心未來一年的重要趨勢提供見解,Vertiv最新點出2023年資料中心「五大趨勢」,預計在2023年,資料中心業者的用電量與碳足跡管理方式將帶動新法規與新標準的發展,並驅使他們尋找可取代發電機的新備用電源。Read full information on external site
  • Вымпелком и Key Point Group подписали третье соглашение о стратегическом партнерстве - 2022-12-26
    ПАО «ВымпелКом» (бренд «билайн») и компания «Кей Поинт Групп» (бренд «Key Point Group») подписали соглашение об условиях сотрудничества по созданию в Екатеринбурге центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
  • Не стройкой единой: как диверсификация бизнеса помогает ГК ФСК открывать новые горизонты - 2022-12-26
    Для одного из крупнейших в Москве девелоперов — ГК ФСК — 2022 год был успешным и плодотворным. Read full information on external site
  • 資料中心2023年5大趨勢 台廠供應鏈雨露均霑 - 2022-12-26
    針對資料中心產業2023年的趨勢發展,Vertiv提出5大預測見解。(業者提供) Read full information on external site
  • La importancia de las métricas de sostenibilidad en los centros de datos - 2022-12-23
    A medida que el mundo se vuelve más digital y automatizado, el sector de los centros de datos ha de crecer rápidamente para sostener este volumen de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Empresa de tecnologia conquista certificação global de prédio sustentável - 2022-12-23
    Companhia recebeu da GBC Brasil a certificação máxima Leed, que faz parte de um movimento global de reconhecimento a iniciativas sustentáveis. Read full information on external site
  • Nut en noodzaak van redundantie - 2022-12-23
    Redundantie is een groot goed in de huidige digitale economie. Read full information on external site
  • Google consomme énormément d’eau dans ses datacenters - 2022-12-23
    Les habitants de The Dalles, dans l’Oregon, découvrent la quantité d’eau que les centres de données de Google ont utilisée pour refroidir les ordinateurs à l’intérieur de ces bâtiments caverneux — une information qui était auparavant considérée comme un secret commercial. Read full information on external site
  • Refrigeration failure at Hong Kong datacenter takes out Alibaba Cloud and others - 2022-12-22
    Alibaba Cloud lost its cool over the weekend after a refrigeration failure rendered several services unavailable at one of the cloud provider's Hong Kong availability zones. Read full information on external site
  • Googles datacentre sluger milliarder af liter vand: Forbruger over en fjerdedel af det samlede vandforbrug i amerikansk by - 2022-12-22
    Der skal en del liter vand til at køle datacentre ned med, og nu er det kommet frem, hvor meget giganten Google rent faktisk forbruger. Read full information on external site
  • Heat Waves Are Shutting Down Data Centers and Breaking the Internet - 2022-12-22
    As the frequency of heat waves grows worldwide, critical pieces of technology infrastructure are melting down more and more often. Read full information on external site
  • Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - 2022-12-22
    Data centres prepare for the worst as National Grid warns of winter power failures. Read full information on external site
  • Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - 2022-12-22
    As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
  • Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - 2022-12-22
    As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
  • Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - 2022-12-22
    As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
  • Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - 2022-12-22
    As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
  • Diesel generators ready to power NHS and military as blackouts loom - 2022-12-22
    As the frost chills the ground, Britain’s data centre operators are preparing for a long, testing winter to keep millions connected through the dark and cold. Read full information on external site
  • How to lower IT's digital carbon footprint - 2022-12-22
    Digital technologies have a hidden environmental cost that too-few leaders have on their radar. Learn which technologies have a digital carbon footprint and what IT can do to help. Read full information on external site
  • Estiman consumo energético cobrará importancia a medida que centros de datos se acerque al 2023 - 2022-12-22
    Santo Domingo, – Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
  • Estima consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia en 2023 - 2022-12-22
    Los avances en el diseño y la fabricación de chips que limitaron el consumo energético de los servidores durante la primera década. Read full information on external site
  • Heat Waves Are Shutting Down Data Centres and Breaking the Internet - 2022-12-22
    Climate change is throwing a wrench into an unexpected place: the workings of data centres. Read full information on external site
  • Google Gunakan 4 Miliar Air Galon untuk Kebutuhan Pusat Data - 2022-12-21
    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Google menggunakan lebih dari empat miliar galon air di pusat datanya di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2021. Dengan rincian 3,3 miliar berada di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan 971 juta di seluruh dunia. Read full information on external site
  • Google Gunakan 4 Miliar Air Galon untuk Kebutuhan Pusat Data - 2022-12-21
    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Google menggunakan lebih dari empat miliar galon air di pusat datanya di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2021. Dengan rincian 3,3 miliar berada di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan 971 juta di seluruh dunia. Read full information on external site
  • Telecentras pradeda dviejų valstybės duomenų centrų statybą Vilniuje - 2022-12-21
    AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras (Telecentras) pasirašė sutartį su UAB „Agentus” ir UAB „KV Baltic” dėl dviejų valstybės duomenų centrų statybos. Read full information on external site
  • Refrigeration failure at Hong Kong datacenter takes out Alibaba Cloud and others - 2022-12-21
    Unlike Oracle and Google, this time there's no heatwave to blame. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric stellt intelligente Stromverteilerleisten für High-Density-Umgebungen vor - 2022-12-21
    Schneider Electric, führend in der digitalen Transformation von Energiemanagement und -automatisierung, präsentiert seine neuesten Rack-Stromverteilerleisten (PDUs). Read full information on external site
  • La consommation d'eau des centres de données de Google est énorme - 2022-12-21
    Les centres de données du géant du Web utilisent des millions de mètres cubes chaque année. Read full information on external site
  • Hong Kong datacenter loses its cool, takes out Alibaba - 2022-12-20
    Unlike Oracle and Google, this time there's no heatwave to blame. Read full information on external site
  • Hong Kong datacenter loses its cool, takes out Alibaba - 2022-12-20
    Unlike Oracle and Google, this time there's no heatwave to blame. Read full information on external site
  • Telecentras statys du valstybės duomenų centrus Vilniuje, pasirašyta rangos sutartis - 2022-12-20
    AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras (Telecentras) pasirašė sutartį su UAB „Agentus“ ir UAB „KV Baltic“ dėl dviejų valstybės duomenų centrų statybos. Read full information on external site
  • Вымпелком и Key Point Group подписали в Екатеринбурге третье соглашение о стратегическом партнерстве - 2022-12-20
    ПАО «ВымпелКом» (бренд «билайн») и компания «Кей Поинт Групп» (бренд «Key Point Group») подписали соглашение об условиях сотрудничества по созданию в Екатеринбурге центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Read full information on external site
  • Die Hardware geht auf Tauchstation, die Immersionskühlung wird hot - 2022-12-20
    Das Interesse ist da, die Technik auch. Na endlich: Immer mehr Datacenter-Betreiber wollen in die Immersionskühlung eintauchen, um der Energiekrise zu entkommen. Read full information on external site
  • «Атомдата»: как «Росатом» создает центры обработки данных, питающихся от АЭС - 2022-12-20
    Цифровизация всех сфер нашей жизни ведет к стремительному росту объема данных, которые требуют обработки. Read full information on external site
  • В результате судебного разбирательства выяснилось, что на один ЦОД Google приходится четверть объёма потребления питьевой воды американского городка - 2022-12-20
    Google раскрыла объёмы потребления воды своих ЦОД. На этот шаг компания пошла после судебного процесса между местной газетой The Oregonian и властями Даллеса (штат Орегон), которые пытались сохранить данную информацию в секрете. Read full information on external site
  • [데이터센터 ①] 수요 확대에 따른 IDC 건립 붐 - 2022-12-20
    [아이티데일리] 인터넷데이터센터(IDC)의 황금기가 계속되고 있다. IDC는 국내 IT 산업이 태동한 1960년대부터 2020년대에 들어선 오늘날까지 수많은 기술 트렌드의 기반이 되고 있다. 출처 : 아이티데일리 Read full information on external site
  • Google's data center water usage is revealed - and it's a lot - 2022-12-20
    Search giant's data centers use billions of gallons every year. Read full information on external site
  • Alibaba Outage Caused by Cooling Unit - 2022-12-20
    Cloud giant Alibaba’s outage on Sunday was caused by a malfunctioning refrigeration unit, say company officials. Read full information on external site
  • データセンターの「効率が良い」「障害に強い」をそのまま信じてはいけない理由 - 2022-12-19
    データセンター設計の認定機関が実施した調査によると、データセンターの電力使用効率やレジリエンスは一見すると向上している。しかし、注意深く見る必要がある。Read full information on external site
  • Aims data center aims for excellence (Updtime Case Study - 2022-12-19
    Aims Cyberjaya is located bu the Malaysian government as a technology hub. Read full information on external site
  • Top 10 datacentre stories of 2022 - 2022-12-19
    The energy crisis has wreaked havoc on the UK datacentre market in various ways this year, with supply and pricing issues blighting operators and their business interests. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv Estima Que El Consumo Energético Y La Eficiencia Cobrarán Importancia A Medida Que... - 2022-12-19
    Santiago, Chile [2022] – Los centros de datos experimentarán una mayor regulación y supervisión de terceros en 2023, a medida que el mundo siga haciendo frente al creciente consumo de agua y energía por parte de la industria en el marco de un constante cambio climático. Read full information on external site
  • Google datacenters use 'a quarter of all water' in one US city - 2022-12-19
    Thirsty officials drained of arguments after media outlet legal battle to free the information. Read full information on external site
  • Google’s data centers use “a quarter of all water” in Oregon. - 2022-12-19
    Google revealed how much water its data centers consume, following a legal battle between local media and the city of The Dalles, Oregon, to keep the information confidential. Read full information on external site
  • 國泰青埔資訊中心機房 獲雙認證 - 2022-12-19
    國泰桃園青埔資訊中心今年正式竣工,耗時4年打造、佔地超過3,000坪。其中五層樓規劃為青埔資訊中心機房,亦是國內第一家取得國際權威機房認證機構「 Uptime Institute」雙認證的金融業機房。2018年取得 Tier 3「設計認證」、竣工後再度取得同等級的「建置認證」,2023年第三季正式啟用,只提供國泰金控及各子公司做為往後營運發展與數位金融創新業務所用,要給國泰客戶高穩定且24小時不中斷的資訊服務。Read full information on external site
  • ¿Qué sucederá con los centros de datos este 2023? - 2022-12-18
    La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización de los centros de datos. Read full information on external site
  • Việt Nam có thêm một trung tâm dữ liệu "khủng" đạt chuẩn quốc tế này - 2022-12-17
    Trung tâm dữ liệu mới này có quy mô 7.800m2 và diện tích sàn sử dụng lên đến 12.400m2. Read full information on external site
  • Việt Nam có thêm một trung tâm dữ liệu "khủng" đạt chuẩn quốc tế này - 2022-12-17
    Trung tâm dữ liệu mới này có quy mô 7.800m2 và diện tích sàn sử dụng lên đến 12.400m2. Read full information on external site
  • VNG khánh thành trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - 2022-12-17
    Chiều nay 16.12, công ty cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP HCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • VNG khánh thành trung tâm dữ liệu đáp ứng nhiều tiêu chuẩn, quy mô hơn 1.600 tủ đặt máy chủ - 2022-12-17
    VNG vừa khai trương trương Trung tâm dữ liệu và sản xuất phần mềm đặt tại KCX Tân Thuận, TP. HCM. Read full information on external site
  • VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - 2022-12-16
    Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - 2022-12-16
    Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - 2022-12-16
    Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • Ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu quy mô lớn nhất Việt Nam - 2022-12-16
    DNVN - Ngày 16/12, Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP Hồ Chí Minh), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • 金融股 Uptime雙認證 國泰金青埔資訊中心機房明年Q3啟用 - 2022-12-16
    國泰金(2882)桃園青埔資訊中心今年正式竣工,耗時4年打造、佔地超過3,000坪,其中5層樓規畫為青埔資訊中心機房,亦是國內第一家取得國際權威機房認證機構「Uptime Institute」雙認證的金融業機房。2018年取得Tier 3「設計認證」、竣工後再度取得同等級的「建置認證」,將於2023年第3季正式啟用,只提供國泰金控及各子公司做為往後營運發展與數位金融創新業務所用,要給國泰客戶高穩定且24小時不中斷的資訊服務。Read full information on external site
  • Việt Nam có thêm trung tâm dữ liệu quy mô khu vực - 2022-12-16
    Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG đạt quy mô 1.600 tủ rack, đón xu hướng phát triển kinh tế số mạnh mẽ tại Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv estima que el consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia a medida que la industria de los centros de datos se acerque al 2023 - 2022-12-16
    La gestión de la huella de carbono y del consumo impulsan las tendencias hacia la regulación, la estandarización y la búsqueda de alternativas a los generadores. Read full information on external site
  • Trung tâm dữ liệu có quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam ra mắt - 2022-12-16
    Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TPHCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • 中華電信協助國泰金控打造國內金融業首座Tier Ⅲ等級建造認證機房 - 2022-12-16
    中華電信為國內最大規模、專業領先的IDC服務提供商,具備智慧機房豐富的設計、建置、維運與認證實務經驗。在疫情嚴峻的大環境下,發揮資通訊優勢,於109年11月攜手國泰金控打造「桃園青埔資訊中心」,並於111年11月取得Uptime Institute國際認證機構的Tier Ⅲ等級建造認證,成為國內首例取得此國際認證之金融業資訊機房。Read full information on external site
  • 金融股 Uptime雙認證 國泰金青埔資訊中心機房明年Q3啟用 - 2022-12-16
    國泰金(2882)桃園青埔資訊中心今年正式竣工,耗時4年打造、佔地超過3,000坪,其中5層樓規畫為青埔資訊中心機房,亦是國內第一家取得國際權威機房認證機構「Uptime Institute」雙認證的金融業機房。2018年取得Tier 3「設計認證」、竣工後再度取得同等級的「建置認證」,將於2023年第3季正式啟用,只提供國泰金控及各子公司做為往後營運發展與數位金融創新業務所用,要給國泰客戶高穩定且24小時不中斷的資訊服務。Read full information on external site
  • 中华电信协助国泰金控打造国内金融业首座Tier Ⅲ等级建造认证机房 - 2022-12-16
    中华电信为国内最大规模、专业领先的IDC服务提供商,具备智慧机房丰富的设计、建置、维运与认证实务经验。在疫情严峻的大环境下,发挥资通讯优势,于109年11月携手国泰金控打造「桃园青埔资讯中心」,并于111年11月取得Uptime Institute国际认证机构的Tier Ⅲ等级建造认证,成为国内首例取得此国际认证之金融业资讯机房。Read full information on external site
  • VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô 'khủng' - 2022-12-16
    (VNF) - Công ty Cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TP. HCM). Bước đầu, VNG Data Center sẽ cung cấp 410 tủ rack (tủ lắp đặt servers), sau đó sẽ mở rộng lên đến 1.600 tủ rack, quy mô này thuộc hàng lớn nhất Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
  • Penyedia Layanan Cloud Computing (ELIT) Ikutan IPO, Tawarkan Harga di Kisaran Rp 120-150 - 2022-12-16
    JAKARTA, - PT Data Sinergitama Jaya Tbk (ELIT) atau Elitery bersiap menggelar penawaran umum perdana (initial public offering/IPO) sebanyak-banyaknya 500 juta saham baru dengan nilai nominal Rp 25 setiap saham. Read full information on external site
  • Trung tâm dữ liệu mới quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam có gì đặc biệt? - 2022-12-16
    Trung tâm dữ liệu mới và đạt chuẩn quốc tế của VNG - VNG Data Center, có quy mô 7.800 m2 và diện tích sàn sử dụng lên đến 12.400 m2. Read full information on external site
  • VNG khánh thành trung tâm dữ liệu mới với quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - 2022-12-16
    Chiều nay 16.12, công ty cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP HCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • Thêm trung tâm dữ liệu có quy mô tủ rack lớn nhất Việt Nam - 2022-12-16
    Trung tâm Dữ liệu này đặt ở Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (Quận 7, TP.HCM), có quy mô đạt 1.600 tủ rack, lớn nhất Việt Nam hiện nay. Read full information on external site
  • VNG ra mắt trung tâm dữ liệu mới tại TP.HCM - 2022-12-16
    Công ty cổ phần VNG chính thức khai trương trung tâm dữ liệu mới ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận (quận 7, TP.HCM), đánh dấu cột mốc quan trọng trong việc cung cấp hạ tầng cho các doanh nghiệp trong và ngoài nước. Read full information on external site
  • VNG chính thức vận hành trung tâm dữ liệu Tier III tại Tân Thuận - 2022-12-16
    Trung tâm dữ liệu (VNG Data Center) đặt ở khu chế xuất Tân Thuận đạt chuẩn quốc tế Tier III cả về thiết kế (TCDD) và xây dựng (TCCF), sẽ giúp VNG tăng năng lực cung cấp hạ tầng cấp III trung lập cho các doanh nghiệp. Read full information on external site
  • Việt Nam có thêm trung tâm dữ liệu quy mô khu vực - 2022-12-16
    Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG đạt quy mô 1.600 tủ rack, đón xu hướng phát triển kinh tế số mạnh mẽ tại Việt Nam. Read full information on external site
  • Pablo Ruiz Escribano La diversidad en el talento es fundamental para crear centros de datos sostenibles - 2022-12-15
    El mercado de los centros de datos está en pleno auge. El crecimiento masivo en los mercados FLAP (Frankfurt, Londres, Ámsterdam y París) se suma al de los mercados emergentes como Madrid, Milán o Lisboa, entre otros. Read full information on external site
  • Dialog Enterprise: Unlocking The Power Of Cloud Technology For Sri Lankan Enterprises - 2022-12-15
    From Large-scale Enterprises, Banks And Multinationals To Smes, Dialog Enterprise Is Creating Opportunities For Businesses To Avail Themselves Of The Best Transformative Technologies In The World. Read full information on external site
  • Consumo energético y la eficiencia cobrarán importancia en los centros de datos - 2022-12-15
    Se estima que los centros de datos actualmente son los responsables de un consumo global de electricidad de hasta un 3 % y se prevé que aumentará al 4 % para 2030. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta gets chosen by MeitY as accredited cloud service provider - 2022-12-15
    Yotta Infrastructure announced its empanelment with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) as an accredited Cloud Service Provider. Read full information on external site
  • Mihai Manole, Tema Energy, furnizor pentru centre de date: Valoarea medie a proiectelor a crescut de la maxim 1 milion de euro la 2-5 mil. Anul acesta vom avea afaceri record în ultimii 20 ani - 2022-12-14
    Tema Energy, unul dintre cei mai mari furnizori de tehnologie pentru centre de date în România, estimează o creștere a cifrei de afaceri de anul acesta cu cel puțin 25% față de 2021, la peste 11 milioane de euro, cifră record în istoria de 20 de ani a companiei. Read full information on external site
  • Dezvoltatorul de centre de date Tema Energy ţinteşte afaceri de peste 11 mil. euro în 2022, plus 25%. „Dacă în urmă cu trei-patru ani aveam multe proiecte de 300.000 - un milion de euro, acum avem tot mai multe proiecte de 2 - 5 mil. euro” - 2022-12-14
    Tema Energy, furnizor de tehnologie specializat în construcţia de centre de date pe care le execută cu personal propriu, de la design şi proiectare până la livrare, instalare, start-up şi servicii de întreţinere şi suport, estimează afaceri de peste 11 mil. euro la finalul anului în curs, în creştere cu circa 25% faţă de anul precedent, potrivit unui comunicat transmis de reprezentanţii companiei. Read full information on external site
  • Tema Energy estimează afaceri de peste 11 mil. euro anul acesta - 2022-12-14
    Tema Energy, unul dintre cei mai mari furnizori de tehnologie pentru centre de date în România, estimează o creștere a business-ului de anul acesta cu cel puțin 25% față de 2021. Creșterea este determinată de construcția de proiecte tot mai mari pentru investitori locali, dar și din Europa și SUA. Read full information on external site
  • Tema Energy, provider of data center technology, expects business to exceed €11 million this year - 2022-12-14
    Tema Energy, one of the largest data center technology providers in Romania, expects business to grow by at least 25% this year, compared to 2021. The growth is driven by the increasing construction of projects for local investors as well as from Europe and the US. Read full information on external site
  • Afacerile Tema Energy, în creștere până la 11 mil. euro - 2022-12-14
    Tema Energy, unul dintre cei mai mari furnizori de tehnologie pentru centre de date în România, estimează o creștere a business-ului de anul acesta cu cel puțin 25% față de 2021, respectiv 11 milioane de euro. Creșterea este determinată de construcția de proiecte tot mai mari pentru investitori locali, dar și din Europa și SUA. Read full information on external site
  • Roundtable: Growth Seen Across Many Flavors of Edge Computing - 2022-12-13
    Assessing the state of edge computing is never simple. As we enter 2023, the data center experts in our DCF Executive Roundtable panel say demand is strengthening across nearly all flavors of edge computing, with more growth ahead. Read full information on external site
  • Roundtable: Growth Seen Across Many Flavors of Edge Computing - 2022-12-13
    Assessing the state of edge computing is never simple. As we enter 2023, the data center experts in our DCF Executive Roundtable panel say demand is strengthening across nearly all flavors of edge computing, with more growth ahead. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta gets chosen by MeitY as accredited cloud service provider - 2022-12-13
    Yotta Infrastructure announced its empanelment with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) as an accredited Cloud Service Provider. With this development, Yotta’s extensive portfolio of cloud and cloud-enabled services can now serve the digital transformation needs of government departments, agencies, rural and urban administrative bodies, and public sector organisations. Read full information on external site
  • Yotta gets chosen by MeitY as accredited cloud service provider - 2022-12-13
    Yotta Infrastructure announced its empanelment with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) as an accredited Cloud Service Provider. With this development, Yotta’s extensive portfolio of cloud and cloud-enabled services can now serve the digital transformation needs of government departments, agencies, rural and urban administrative bodies, and public sector organisations. Read full information on external site
  • Centros de datos y cómo lidiar con la escasez de talento sin duplicar costos - 2022-12-13
    La falta de personal especializado es una realidad que afecta a todos los tipos de centros de datos, sin importar tamaño o ubicación. Read full information on external site
  • Dynamiczny rozwój centrów danych wymaga zmiany podejścia do ich zasilania - 2022-12-13
    Rosnąca skala wykorzystania Internetu Rzeczy w różnych branżach, gwałtowny wzrost znaczenia aplikacji mobilnych i tych związanych właśnie z IoT, coraz większa popularność usług strumieniowych online czy rewolucja technologiczna związana z elektromobilnością powodują zwiększenie rynku brzegowych centrów danych w perspektywie ośrodków obsługujących przetwarzanie danych na krawędzi sieci (edge computing). Read full information on external site
  • What Is a Data Center? Working, Types, Architecture, and Best Practices - 2022-12-13
    A data center houses backend computers (without a user interface) and ancillary systems like cooling and networking. Read full information on external site
  • CyrusOne Strives for Carbon Neutrality Decade Ahead of Target - 2022-12-09
    By improving energy efficiency at its facilities and purchasing more renewable sources, data center operator CyrusOne says it plans to become net neutral by 2030, a decade ahead of its original target. Read full information on external site
  • Colocation execs fret about sustainability as world eyes water, energy use - 2022-12-09
    What, you thought green tech shift will come from the good of their hearts? Read full information on external site
  • CyrusOne Strives for Carbon Neutrality Decade Ahead of Target - 2022-12-09
    By improving energy efficiency at its facilities and purchasing more renewable sources, data center operator CyrusOne says it plans to become net neutral by 2030, a decade ahead of its original target. Read full information on external site
  • Why the Metaverse Hinges on Sustainable Data Centers - 2022-12-09
    By improving energy efficiency at its facilities and purchasing more renewable sources, data center operator CyrusOne says it plans to become net neutral by 2030, a decade ahead of its original target. Read full information on external site
  • Colocation execs fret about sustainability as world eyes water, energy use - 2022-12-09
    Assessing the sustainability credentials of your company's colocation provider is currently not so simple as they don't all report the same information. However, a move to support best practices will have an advantage in future when the regulatory noose tightens. Read full information on external site
  • 中金数据昆山数据中心220千伏变电站双路正式运营,园区电容量达600MVA - 2022-12-09
    近日,中金数据昆山数据中心园区220千伏中金变电站秦峰线线路正式通电成功。至此,中金数据昆山数据中心220千伏输变电工程正式完工,进入正式运营阶段,园区实现了双路各300MVA用电容量,园区总用电容量达到600MVA(2x300MVA),进一步提升数据中心电源的稳定性和可靠性,并优化了江苏省昆山市花桥经济开发区的电网结构,为区域数字化赋能强大的能源支持,全面助力辐射长三角地区数字经济高质量转型发展。Read full information on external site
  • Data center staffing — an ongoing struggle - 2022-12-08
    As staffing requirement levels grow, a shortage of qualified staff to fill key operational roles is a major concern for data centers. Read full information on external site
  • Η Schneider Electric παρέχει μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - 2022-12-08
    Η Schneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
  • Μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία στα data centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - 2022-12-08
    Η Schneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
  • Η Schneider Electric Παρέχει Μεγαλύτερη Ευελιξία και Σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το Προηγμένο APC Net Shelter Rack PDU - 2022-12-08
    Η Schneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
  • 5 principles data centre managers must consider to address talent shortage - 2022-12-08
    A universal conversation is taking place in businesses across all industries about how to combat an unprecedented talent shortage. Read full information on external site
  • La ebullición del ecosistema de los data centers - 2022-12-08
    El tráfico mundial del intercambio de datos se incrementó hasta 10 veces en los últimos dos años, mientras que las empresas e instituciones se hallan en un proceso acelerado de digitalización de sus operaciones. Read full information on external site
  • データセンター障害の「損失」を悪化させる“真犯人”は - 2022-12-07
    データセンター設計の認定機関が実施した調査によると、データセンターの機能停止時のコストは上昇傾向にある。その理由とは。Read full information on external site
  • رئيس "إدارات" لـ"أرقام": حققنا أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول 2022.. و95 مليون ريال حجم المشاريع تحت التنفيذ - 2022-12-07
    أكد الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إدارات للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات "إدارات"، ايريك بدوي، تحقيق الشركة أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول من العام الجاري، حيث بلغت الإيرادات 28.54 مليون ريال، وبمعدل نمو بنسبة 163.5%، وصافي ربح بلغ 6.3 مليون ريال، متوقعاً تحقيق الشركة أرباح بحدود 15 مليون ريال بنهاية العام الحالي. Read full information on external site
  • Дизель-генераторные установки ГК ТСС для обеспечения резервного электропитания ЦОД - 2022-12-07
    В статье рассматриваются решения группы компаний ТСС по оснащению систем энергоснабжения центров обработки данных (ЦОД) резервными дизель-генераторными установками (ДГУ). Приведен пример реализации проекта резервирования энергосетей для Московской областной думы с помощью использования двух ДГУ на базе дизельных двигателей компании Mitsubishi. Представлены характеристики установки и базовых двигателей. Read full information on external site
  • What steps can data centres take to avoid potential blackouts this winter? - 2022-12-07
    Earlier this year, National Grid warned that in a worst-case scenario, areas across the UK could face blackouts lasting approximately three hours. However, despite the warning, it continues to be critical that data centres continue operating during this scenario — so what steps can data centres take to avoid potential blackouts this winter? Read full information on external site
  • Data centre bolsters power resilience ahead of potential winter blackouts - 2022-12-07
    DataVita has taken extra measures to safeguard the continuous operation of its DV1 facility in Chapelhall, Lanarkshire, in response to the prospect of blackouts this winter. Read full information on external site
  • DataVita Taking Extra Measures to Protect Operations - 2022-12-07
    Reports of potential blackouts this winter has sparked many businesses to reassess their preparedness. Read full information on external site
  • MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - 2022-12-07
    MDXi Appolonia, a data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Η Schneider Electric παρέχει μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - 2022-12-07
    ΗSchneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
  • MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - 2022-12-07
    MDXi Appolonia, a data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • حصريرئيس "إدارات" لـ"أرقام": حققنا أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول 2022.. و95 مليون ريال حجم المشاريع تحت التنفيذ - 2022-12-07
    أكد الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إدارات للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات "إدارات"، إيريك بدوي، تحقيق الشركة أداءً ممتازاً بالنصف الأول من العام الجاري، حيث بلغت الإيرادات 28.54 مليون ريال، وبمعدل نمو بنسبة 163.5%، وصافي ربح بلغ 6.3 مليون ريال، متوقعاً تحقيق الشركة أرباحاً بحدود 15 مليون ريال بنهاية العام الحالي. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric: Ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - 2022-12-07
    Με τις πρώτες στην αγορά συνδυαστικές πρίζες 4-σε-1, το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU απλοποιεί την επιλογή, επιταχύνει την εγκατάσταση και παρέχει ευελιξία. Read full information on external site
  • Η Schneider Electric παρέχει μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία και σιγουριά για τα Data Centers με το προηγμένο APC NetShelter Rack PDU - 2022-12-07
    ΗSchneider Electric, ο ηγέτης στον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της διαχείρισης της ενέργειας και του αυτοματισμού, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την κυκλοφορία του προηγμένου APC NetShelter Rack PDU, παρέχοντας στους ηγέτες των data centers μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για να ανταποκριθούν στις νέες απαιτήσεις δεδομένων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις. Read full information on external site
  • MDXi Appolonia achieves Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) - 2022-12-06
    MDXi Appolonia, a data centre subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in Ghana, has received its Tier III Constructed Facility certification (TCCF) from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Data sovereignty: Galaxy Backbone Datacenters as game changer for public, private organisations - 2022-12-06
    The importance of data and information security in organizations cannot be overstated. It is critical that organisations – both public and private take the needed steps to protect their priority information from data breaches, unauthorized access, and other disruptive data security threats to business and consumers. Read full information on external site
  • Schneider Electric delivers increased certainty and flexibility - 2022-12-06
    Schneider Electric has announced the launch of its APC NetShelter Rack PDU Advanced, providing data centre leaders with greater flexibility to meet the new data demands placed on businesses. Read full information on external site
  • MetalSoft aims to help manage server infrastructure through automation - 2022-12-06
    It’s tough in the current economic climate to hire and retain engineers focused on system admin, DevOps and network architecture. In a recent Gartner survey, IT executives cited talent shortages as the top barrier to adopting emerging technologies. Read full information on external site
  • ClusterPower pune ţara noastră pe harta celor mai performante servicii de infrastructură digitală - 2022-12-06
    Datacenter-ul ClusterPower, companie românească care a realizat o investiţie de peste 40 de milioane de euro într-un campus tehnologic inovativ, devine primul datacenter comercial din România certificat Tier III (TCCF) de către Autoritatea Globală pentru Infrastructură Digitală - Uptime Institute, arată un comunicat de presă remis redacţiei. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv, i data center e i trend del 2023 - 2022-12-06
    Vertiv ritiene che il consumo energetico e l’efficienza rivestiranno un ruolo sempre più importante nel settore dei data center nel 2023. Read full information on external site
  • MetalSoft aims to help manage server infrastructure through automation - 2022-12-06
    It's tough in the current economic climate to hire and retain engineers focused on system admin, DevOps and network architecture. Read full information on external site
  • 台灣大 Smart IT管家 : 彈性預算、依需調度、碳排管控一次擁有 - 2022-12-05
    Smart IT 管家為台灣大哥大推出的專業一站式軟硬體訂閱制服務。企業可將機房及設備維運交由台灣大維護,享受量身打造的彈性服務。企業可以每月支付OPEX取代過往CAPEX支出,不需為了購買軟硬體而在前期投入大筆資本,採訂閱制更可因應流量需求隨時購買適量IT資源,大幅減輕企業持有第二套系統的資金壓力,而整合於電信帳單讓繳費便利性更高。Read full information on external site
  • 气候变化会破坏您的数据中心吗?- 2022-12-05
    摘要:随着极端温度越来越普遍,数据中心如何应对高温?Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv: i cinque trend dei data center per il 2023 - 2022-12-05
    Il settore continuerà a implementare misure per l’auto-controllo e l’auto-regolamentazione, dando priorità ai progetti termici ecocompatibili. Read full information on external site
  • Vertiv, il consumo energetico e l’efficienza rivestiranno un ruolo sempre più importante nel settore dei data center nel 2023 - 2022-12-05
    La gestione dei consumi energetici e delle emissioni di carbonio favorisce la regolamentazione, la standardizzazione e la ricerca di alternative ai generatori tradizionali. Read full information on external site
  • Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - 2022-12-02
    VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
  • Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - 2022-12-02
    VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
  • Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - 2022-12-02
    VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
  • Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - 2022-12-02
    VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
  • Stellenwert von Energieverbrauch für Rechenzentrumsbranche in 2023 - 2022-12-02
    Rechenzentren würden im Jahr 2023 zunehmend reguliert und durch Dritte kontrolliert werden, da sich die Welt vor dem Hintergrund des fortschreitenden Klimawandels weiterhin mit dem steigenden Energie- und Wasserverbrauch der Branche auseinandersetzen müsse. Read full information on external site
  • HostDime releases design of new tier IV Mexico data centre - 2022-12-02
    HostDime, a pioneer in global edge data centre infrastructure, has released its design plans for its newest next-generation, purpose-built Tier IV data centre facility in Guadalajara, Mexico, which will start construction in Q1 2023. HostDime is the owner, developer and operator of this new data centre facility, nicknamed ‘Andromeda’. Read full information on external site
  • [QC] Trung tâm dữ liệu của VNG nhận chứng chỉ Uptime Tier III - 2022-12-02
    VNG Data Center vừa được Uptime Institute công nhận là trung tâm dữ liệu (TTDL) đạt tiêu chuẩn Uptime Tier III cả về thiết kế và xây dựng hạ tầng thiết bị cho TTDL. Read full information on external site
  • BoFiNet brings the internet closer to Botswana - 2022-12-02
    Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNet) is a wholesale provider of national and international telecommunication infrastructure, managing more than 10,000 km of fiber that provides connectivity throughout the country. Read full information on external site