April 2023

  • Intentional Diversity in the Data Center: 4 Steps to Maximize Performance - datacenterknowledge.com 2023-04-29
    While there are multiple failovers that can prevent data center outages, the key to ensuring network resiliency is intentional diversity. Learn the key steps that every data center should take. Read full information on external site
  • La empresa mexicana de infraestructura digital KIO inauguró su data center en Bogotá - larepublica.co 2023-04-28
    El complejo posee cuatro fases independientes de construcción, seis salas de 190 m2² por fase y está certificado por el Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • DataCenter Forum, evenimentul care reunește actorii din cloud și centre de date - start-up.ro 2023-04-28
    Tema Energy, un dezvoltator român de centre de date, organizează pe 16 mai 2023 ediția a cincea a DataCenter Forum, singurul eveniment dedicat pieței de data centere și cloud din România, ce reunește cei mai importanți jucători din industrie. Read full information on external site
  • Datacenter United achieves first Tier IV Certified data center in Belgium - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2023-04-28
    Datacenter United sees the value of Tier Certification as undeniable and intends to work with Uptime on future projects as it continues to strengthen its position as a leading provider of high-quality, reliable proximity data center services in Belgium and beyond. Read full information on external site
  • APAC data centre operators face increasing number of cybersecurity threats - intelligentdatacentres.com 2023-04-28
    Ian Lim, Field Chief Security Officer, Asia Pacific, Palo Alto Networks, explores the possible repercussions of cybersecurity incidents on data centre players in the APAC region, given the increasing importance of data centres for storing and analysing large volumes of data. Read full information on external site
  • APAC data centre operators face increasing number of cybersecurity threats - intelligentcio.com 2023-04-28
    Ian Lim, Field Chief Security Officer, Asia Pacific, Palo Alto Networks, explores the possible repercussions of cybersecurity incidents on data centre players in the APAC region, given the increasing importance of data centres for storing and analysing large volumes of data. Read full information on external site
  • GBM ofrece a las empresas un respaldo en sus sistemas de TI para recuperación de desastres - itnews.lat 2023-04-27
    En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
  • 데이터센터 가동 중단 원인 10가지 "인적 실수부터 화재까" - itworld.co.kr 2023-04-26
    데이터센터 가동 중단의 심각성은 낮아지고 있지만, 중단 관련 비용은 계속해서 상승 추세다. ‘중대한 사이트 가동 중단의 가장 큰 원인’은 정전이다. 네트워크 장애와 IT 시스템 문제 역시 데이터센터 중단의 원인이 되며 사람의 실수도 종종 중단의 원인으로 작용한다. Read full information on external site
  • Edged Energy and Merlin Properties develop Southern Europe data centres - capacitymedia.com 2023-04-26
    Edged Energy and Merlin Properties near completion of three ultraefficient data centres located on the highest capacity fibre connections in Europe. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud earnings show ‘slowdown’ still not out of the question - www.itpro.com 2023-04-26
    Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there’s still some gas in the tank for cloud providers. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud, fin de la lune de miel? - solutions-magazine.com 2023-04-26
    Les migrations vers le cloud doivent faire l'objet d'un examen plus approfondi, estime Owen rogers, research director for cloud computing, Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud earnings show 'slowdown' still not out of the question - news.knowledia.com 2023-04-26
    Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there's still some gas in the tank for cloud providers. Read full information on external site
  • Consejos GBM - revistamujerdenegocios.com 2023-04-26
    Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there's still some gas in the tank for cloud providers Read full information on external site
  • Cloud earnings show 'slowdown' still not out of the question - techcentral.ie 2023-04-26
    Earnings calls from Microsoft and Google show there's still some gas in the tank for cloud providers. Read full information on external site
  • 10 Causes of Data Center Downtime “From Human Error to Fire” - tekdeeps.com 2023-04-25
    While the severity of data center outages is declining, the cost of outages continues to rise. ‘The number one cause of critical site outages’ is power outages. Read full information on external site
  • Europa will, dass mehr Städte die Abwärme von Rechenzentren nutzen - global.techradar.com 2023-04-25
    Aber die meisten Unternehmen sind besorgt, dass sie die Rechnung bezahlen müssen. Read full information on external site
  • Em 2023, a economia digital brasileira exige data centers seguros - revistafatorbrasil.com.br 2023-04-25
    O mar de dados em que estamos submergidos expande-se sem cessar. Em 2025, segundo estudo da TechTarget de novembro de 2020, os dados coletivos da humanidade alcançarão a marca de 175 zetabytes. Read full information on external site
  • KIO expands Latin America footprint with first Colombian acquisition - intelligentcio.com 2023-04-25
    KIO, I Squared Capital’s data centre and digital infrastructure platform for Latin America, has announced the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of a new data centre Campus in Colombia. Read full information on external site
  • KIO expands Latin America footprint with first Colombian acquisition - intelligentdatacentres.com 2023-04-25
    KIO, I Squared Capital’s data centre and digital infrastructure platform for Latin America, has announced the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of a new data centre Campus in Colombia. Read full information on external site
  • Data center demand continues to surge, with workforce and energy challenges on the rise, finds JLL - fmlink.com 2023-04-25
    Over the last decade, companies have been looking to the cloud as a way of accelerating the shift toward digital but were held back by inevitable change barriers that come with business transformation. Read full information on external site
  • 10 Fakten zu Datacenter-Ausfällen - computerwoche.de 2023-04-24
    Eine aktuelle Analyse gibt Aufschluss über die Frequenz und Schwere von Rechenzentrumsausfällen sowie deren finanzielle Konsequenzen. Read full information on external site
  • 数据中心运营:削减成本和节能的三大步骤 - citnews.com.cn 2023-04-24
    现在是优化数据中心运营策略以降低成本和节约能源的时候了。随着全球经济改变数字基础设施行业的格局,资本和能源成本正在影响数据中心运营费用。Read full information on external site
  • 智能PDU:数据中心面临的三大电能质量挑战 - citnews.com.cn 2023-04-24
    当今的数据中心普遍存在电能质量监控问题,而解决这个问题可以节省时间和运营成本。Read full information on external site
  • Tema Energy, dezvoltator de centre de date, afaceri de peste 12,7 mil. euro în 2022, plus 47%. Mihai Manole, managing partner: Este cea mai bună performanţă financiară a companiei, în contextul creşterii pieţei de centre de date din România - zf.ro 2023-04-24
    Tema Energy, furnizor de tehnologie specializat în construcţia de centre de date pe care le execută cu personal propriu, de la design şi proiectare până la livrare, instalare, start-up şi servicii de întreţinere şi suport, a închis anul 2022 cu afaceri de peste 12,7 mil. euro (63 mil. lei), înregistrând o creştere de 47% faţă de anul precedent, arată un comunicat transmis de reprezentanţii companiei. Fondată în 2002, Tema Energy a lucrat cu peste 600 de clienţi şi a gestionat peste 100 de proiecte de centre de date. Read full information on external site
  • SFE Insight | Harnessing Scotland's data centre potential, by James King - sfe.org.uk 2023-04-24
    One of the big challenges around sustainability for businesses is turning it from a ‘nice to have’ into a ‘need to have’. For many businesses in today’s economic environment, top and bottom lines are being tested by the cost crisis, and net zero considerations can easily fall down the agenda. Read full information on external site
  • Cerrar la brecha de género en tecnología para las nuevas generaciones de niñas y mujeres jóvenes - itnews.lat 2023-04-24
    Según la Unicef, sólo el 18% de las mujeres en todo el mundo eligen carreras STEM comparado con el 35% de los hombres. Read full information on external site
  • Em 2023, a economia digital brasileira exige data centers seguros para concretizar seu potencial - segs.com.br 2023-04-24
    Por mais que tenham perfis diferentes entre si, os data centers igualam-se na busca pela máxima resiliência. Estudo do Uptime Institute de maio de 2022 revela que, entre 1.000 gestores globais de data centers entrevistados, 25% afirmaram ter sofrido perdas de mais de 1 milhão de dólares com períodos de downtime no ano de 2021. Read full information on external site
  • Em 2023, a economia digital brasileira exige Data Centers seguros para concretizar seu potencial - inforchannel.com.br 2023-04-24
    O mar de Dados em que estamos submergidos expande-se sem cessar. Em 2025, segundo estudo da TechTarget de novembro de 2020, os dados coletivos da humanidade alcançarão a marca de 175 zetabytes. Read full information on external site
  • ЕС ще включи центровете за данни в системата за екоизмерване и ще ги задължи да отдават отпадната топлина за обществено ползване - kaldata.com 2023-04-23
    Европейският парламент и Европейският съвет постигнаха окончателно съгласие по текста на Директивата за енергийната ефективност (ДЕЕ). Read full information on external site
  • Europe Wants More Cities To Use Data Center Waste Heating - mydroll.com 2023-04-23
    The EU – and Germany in particular – has caused some consternation in the data center industry with plans to reduce the continent’s environmental impact. Read full information on external site
  • Europe wants more communities to use waste heat from data centers - bollyinside.com 2023-04-23
    Plans by the EU and Germany in particular to reduce the continent’s impact on the environment have caused some worry in the data center business. Read full information on external site
  • Евросоюз обяжет дата-центры отдавать мусорное тепло на нужды общества - bb.lv/statja 2023-04-22
    Европарламент и Евросовет, наконец, согласовали текст Директивы по энергетической эффективности (EED). Как сообщает ComputerWeekly, документ обязывает операторов ЦОД в Евросоюзе обеспечить свободный доступ к данным о воздействии их проектов на окружающую среду. Read full information on external site
  • Europe wants more cities to use data center waste heating - techradar.com 2023-04-22
    But most firms are worried they'll have to foot the bill. Read full information on external site
  • Europe wants more cities to use data center waste heating - sepe.gr 2023-04-22
    The EU - and Germany in particular - has caused some consternation in the data center industry with plans to reduce the continent's environmental impact. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - ebizlatam.com 2023-04-22
    El servicio de Disaster Recovery busca ofrecerle a las empresas un respaldo en sus sistemas de TI. Eric Arosemena, gerente regional de Centros de Datos de GBM. Read full information on external site
  • Magnet cumple 20 años instalando confianza - infochannel.info 2023-04-21
    Inició con la idea de ser el mejor implementando cableado estructurado; hoy equipa desde distintas disciplinas a centros de datos de México y Brasil. Read full information on external site
  • Chuyên gia CMC Telecom mách cách lựa chọn Data Center tiêu chuẩn - vietnamnet.vn 2023-04-21
    “Các trung tâm dữ liệu được ví như tiện ích thứ năm, quan trọng như nước, điện, khí đốt và viễn thông. Việc doanh nghiệp biết cách lựa chọn Data Center (DC) đúng chuẩn rất quan trọng”, anh Phạm Huy Hoàng - PGĐ Khối Hạ tầng DC CMC Telecom cho biết. Read full information on external site
  • Chuyên gia CMC Telecom mách cách lựa chọn Data Center tiêu chuẩn - baonhanh247.com 2023-04-21
    “Các trung tâm dữ liệu được ví như tiện ích thứ năm, quan trọng như nước, điện, khí đốt và viễn thông. Việc doanh nghiệp biết cách lựa chọn Data Center (DC) đúng chuẩn rất quan trọng”, anh Phạm Huy Hoàng - PGĐ Khối Hạ tầng DC CMC Telecom cho biết. Read full information on external site
  • IONOS and Fasthosts receive Tier IV certification for Worcester data centre - intelligentdatacentres.com 2023-04-21
    IONOS, a leading European digitisation partner for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), and its UK subsidiary, Fasthosts, have secured Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute for their £21 million state-of-the-art data centre, situated at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - laesquina506.com 2023-04-21
    En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
  • Cerrar la brecha de género en TI por las nuevas generaciones - thestandardcio.com 2023-04-21
    Según la Unicef, sólo el 18% de las mujeres en todo el mundo eligen carreras STEM comparado con el 35% de los hombres. Read full information on external site
  • La Unión Europea pondrá en ecoregistro los centros de datos y los obligará a dar calor residual a las necesidades de la sociedad / ServerNews - espanol.news 2023-04-21
    El Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo Europeo han acordado finalmente el texto de la Directiva de Eficiencia Energética (EED). Read full information on external site
  • Women working in the IT sector - a perspective - digitalisationworld.com 2023-04-20
    Aashna Puri, Director, Corporate Strategy & Sustainability, CyrusOne. Read full information on external site
  • Tema Energy announces a turnover of over RON 63 million by the end of 2022 - outsourcing-today.ro 2023-04-20
    Tema Energy, the most famous Romanian data center developer, announces a turnover of over 63 million lei at the end of 2022, up 47% from the previous year. Read full information on external site
  • Europe wants more cities to use datacenter waste heating. How's that going? - klse.i3investor.com 2023-04-20
    As part of its 2035 energy targets, the EU wants the heating and cooling sector to be carbon-neutral, using renewable sources including waste heat from datacenters. Germany has gone even further and tried to mandate this with targets. How's it going? Read full information on external site
  • Europe wants more cities to use datacenter waste heating. How's that going? - news.knowledia.com 2023-04-20
    There's a cost, and operators are worried it will fall on them. Read full information on external site
  • Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - itnewsafrica.com 2023-04-20
    To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
  • La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémico - ebizlatam.com 2023-04-20
    El crecimiento de los usuarios de internet en la pospandemia y los desafíos y oportunidades que representa este auge: con 800 millones de personas conectadas se hacen necesarios centros de datos resilientes, basados en la nube y personal calificado. Read full information on external site
  • Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - za.investing.com 2023-04-20
    To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
  • Europe wants more cities to use datacenter waste heating. How's that going? - theregister.com 2023-04-20
    There's a cost, and operators are worried it will fall on them. Read full information on external site
  • Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - itweb.co.za 2023-04-19
    To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
  • Why Do You Need To Be Data-Centric? - itweb.africa 2023-04-19
    To take the strain off your infrastructure, your costs, and your stress levels, that’s why. Read full information on external site
  • F5: How AI can be blended into IT automation security - intelligentcio.com 2023-04-19
    The evolution of AI within the cybersecurity landscape has led to the discovery and mitigation of new cyber-events and attack vectors. The result is a rush by organisations to build more automated and intelligent security defences using techniques like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Read full information on external site
  • F5: How AI can be blended into IT automation security - intelligentciso.com 2023-04-19
    The evolution of AI within the cybersecurity landscape has led to the discovery and mitigation of new cyber-events and attack vectors. The result is a rush by organisations to build more automated and intelligent security defences using techniques like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Read full information on external site
  • Datacenters et environnement : 5 chiffres de l’Alliance Green IT - silicon.fr 2023-04-19
    Utilisation des équipements, récupération de la chaleur… Focus sur quelques données de l’Alliance Green IT à propos des datacenters. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud projects keep being postponed amid economic uncertainty - theregister.com 2023-04-19
    OVH joins AWS, Microsoft and others in saying customer deals not dead... they're just resting. Read full information on external site
  • Empresas deben contar con un plan de desastres para garantizar continuidad de negocio - larepublica.net 2023-04-18
    GBM ofrece asesoría, diseño, implementación y validación de recuperación de desastres. Read full information on external site
  • Cirion Technologies ativa novo centro de processamento de Bare Metal Cloud em Fortaleza - tibahia.com 2023-04-18
    A Cirion Technologies, provedora de infraestrutura digital e tecnologia, está expandindo sua infraestrutura digital na Região Nordeste. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Qué hacer con 800 millones de personas conectadas? (las necesidades de los centros de datos) - infonegocios.biz 2023-04-17
    El crecimiento de los usuarios de internet en la post pandemia genera nuevos desafíos y oportunidades. Según un análisis de Francisco Sales, director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica, con 800 millones de personas conectadas se hacen necesarios centros de datos resilientes, basados en la nube y personal calificado. Read full information on external site
  • Útmutató egy fenntartható adatközpont megvalósításához - hirek.prim.hu 2023-04-17
    A digitális átalakulás elhozta az adatbőség korát. A nagyvállalatok továbbra is exponenciális ütemben hoznak létre adatokat azért, hogy előnyt kovácsolhassanak az újonnan megjelenő technológiákból. De ehhez olyan helyekre is szükség van, ahol megoldható az adatok tárolása és feldolgozása. Read full information on external site
  • Útmutató egy fenntartható adatközpont megvalósításához - bonline.hu 2023-04-17
    A digitális átalakulás elhozta az adatbőség korát. A nagyvállalatok továbbra is exponenciális ütemben hoznak létre adatokat azért, hogy előnyt kovácsolhassanak az újonnan megjelenő technológiákból. De ehhez olyan helyekre is szükség van, ahol megoldható az adatok tárolása és feldolgozása. Read full information on external site
  • Útmutató egy fenntartható adatközpont megvalósításához - techmonitor.hu 2023-04-17
    A digitális átalakulás elhozta az adatbőség korát. A nagyvállalatok továbbra is exponenciális ütemben hoznak létre adatokat azért, hogy előnyt kovácsolhassanak az újonnan megjelenő technológiákból. De ehhez olyan helyekre is szükség van, ahol megoldható az adatok tárolása és feldolgozása. Read full information on external site
  • Continuidad del negocio: la importancia de un plan de recuperación de desastres - itwarelatam.com 2023-04-17
    Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
  • Los desafíos que enfrentan los datacenters en un mundo en que aumentan los datos exponencialmente - iproup.com 2023-04-16
    En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
  • La resiliencia del centro de datos en un mundo pospandémicos - miradorvirtual.com.ar 2023-04-16
    En un informe realizado en 2022 sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo pospandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
  • GBM ofrece a las empresas un respaldo en sus sistemas de TI para recuperación de desastres - tecnogus.com.co 2023-04-16
    En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
  • Data center demand grows amid AI boom, JLL - communicationstoday.co.in 2023-04-15
    The AI Goldrush is firmly on the way, JLL said in its most recent state of data center report. Read full information on external site
  • It’s time to stop being afraid of CPU power management - tekdeeps.com 2023-04-15
    Over the past few years, we’ve seen the thermal design power (TDP) of all types of chips steadily increase as chip makers struggle to keep Moore’s Law alive. Read full information on external site
  • Mexicana KIO adquiere el Zetta Data Center Complex - portafolio.co 2023-04-15
    MLa plataforma de data center e infraestructura digital deI Squared Capital para Latinoamérica llegó a Bogotá. Read full information on external site
  • Mexicana KIO adquiere el Zetta Data Center Complex - headtopics.com 2023-04-15
    La plataforma de data center e infraestructura digital deI Squared Capital para Latinoamérica llegó a Bogotá. Read full information on external site
  • A wake up call: the EU Efficiency Directive reporting will affect you - datacenterdynamics.com 2023-04-14
    The European Commission's EED reporting requirements will have far-reaching implications for the data center industry. Read full information on external site
  • 台灣大攜CloudMile萬里雲,推雲地整合解決方案 - moneydj.com 2023-04-14
    台灣大(3045)去年即宣布和AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile萬里雲合作,昨(13)日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。台灣大表示,觀察混合雲靈活且高彈性的優勢,已成為金融業與製造業數位轉型的主流需求,以自身電信科技能量結合CloudMile萬里雲豐富的跨雲整合經驗,打造「Smart IT管家」與「雲直連」產品,加乘CloudMile萬里雲的混和雲服務架構,共同推出雲地整合解決方案,助力企業輕鬆實踐智慧營運,驅動科技創新、淨零轉型。Read full information on external site
  • Tencent said to have demoted and fired tech bosses after brief outages - theregister.com 2023-04-14
    Think the news has execs at Microsoft 365 or AWS quaking in their boots? Read full information on external site
  • 台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲深化戰略結盟 - news.pchome.com.tw 2023-04-14
    台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲深化戰略結盟 Read full information on external site
  • 以科技创新践行双碳目标 金茂绿建闪耀第八届中国能源发展与创新论坛 - china-nengyuan.com 2023-04-14
    您还没有登录,登录后即可查看详细内容!Read full information on external site
  • NEXTDC achieves fresh records, Twiggy teams-up with IGO and Newmont ups ante in bid to woo Newcrest shareholders - smallcaps.com.au 2023-04-14
    ASX-100 tech company and data centre operator NEXTDC (ASX: NXT) has onboarded a record number of new customers since the end of last year, with its contract utilisation increasing 43% to 120 megawatts. Read full information on external site
  • Premium Så kan vd:ar tänka kring problemet med IT-haverier - vdtidningen.se 2023-04-14
    It-haverier är dyrt – och allra dyrast är de för företag verksamma inom bank- och försäkring. En timmes nedtid i den sektorn kostar mer än dubbelt så mycket som motsvarande nertid inom energisektorn och tre gånger så mycket som inom telekomsektorn, men det finns åtgärder man som vd kan ta för att motverka problematiken, menar Niclas Molander, regiondirektör på it-säkerhetsföretaget Netscout. Read full information on external site
  • Power Outages: did you know that high equipment availability can be planned and financed? | Siemens - professional-electrician.com 2023-04-14
    When it comes to power supplies, how many outages can you afford? Wolfgang Christ, an expert at Siemens Smart Infrastructure Electrical Products offers some key tips for electrical planners and operators. Read full information on external site
  • GBM ofrece el servicio de Disaster REcovery para empresas - mastekhw.com 2023-04-14
    En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
  • Data Center News Roundup: Ethics, Regulations, and the Cloud - datacenterknowledge.com 2023-04-14
    In this week’s top data center news stories, we look at recent data center regulation efforts, the ethics of a Microsoft data center build in Saudi Arabia, and cloud migration trends. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - norteenlinea.com 2023-04-14
    Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
  • JLL's data center outlook: Cloud computing, AI driving exponential growth for data center industry - bdcnetwork.com 2023-04-14
    JLL's data center outlook: Cloud computing, AI driving exponential growth for data center industry. Read full information on external site
  • Empresas: plan de recuperación de desastres tecnológicos y naturales para garantizar su continuidad de negocio - es.paperblog.com 2023-04-13
    En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
  • La empresa mexicana KIO se expande y adquiere a Zetta Data Center Complex - larepublica.co 2023-04-13
    La nueva adquisición de la empresa es un proyecto de innovación tecnológica, creado por TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - zoomempresarial.pe 2023-04-13
    Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
  • It's time to stop fearing CPU power management - klse.i3investor.com 2023-04-13
    Feature Over the past few years, we’ve seen the thermal design power (TDP) of all manner of chips creeping steadily higher as chipmakers fight to keep Moore's Law alive, while continuing to deliver higher core counts, faster frequencies, and instructions per clock (IPC) improvements on schedule. Read full information on external site
  • Tema Energy, dezvoltator român de centre de date, a obținut anul trecut cele mai bune rezultate: afaceri de 63 mil. lei, un plus de 47% - economica.net 2023-04-13
    Tema Energy, dezvoltator român de centre de date, anunță afaceri de peste 63 de milioane de lei la finalul lui 2022, în creștere cu 47% față de anul precedent. Read full information on external site
  • 台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲深化戰略結盟 - ctee.com.tw 2023-04-13
    台灣大哥大自去年宣布與亞洲領先的AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile 萬里雲合作,13日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。Read full information on external site
  • 台灣大與CloudMile深化結盟 推出雲地整合解方 - idn.com.tw 2023-04-13
    記者謝政儒綜合報導】台灣大哥大自去年宣布和亞洲領先的AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile萬里雲合作,今(13)日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。台灣大哥大觀察混合雲靈活且高彈性的優勢,已成為金融業與製造業數位轉型的主流需求,以自身電信科技能量結合CloudMile萬里雲豐富的跨雲整合經驗,打造「Smart IT管家」與「雲直連」產品,加乘CloudMile萬里雲的混和雲服務架構,共同推出雲地整合解決方案,助力企業輕鬆實踐智慧營運,驅動科技創新、淨零轉型。Read full information on external site
  • IONOS & Fasthosts achieve Tier IV certification in Worcester - datacentrereview.com 2023-04-13
    IONOS and UK subsidiary Fasthosts have announced that their data centre in Worcester Six Business Park has achieved Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Cloud-Betrieb nach Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft - cloudcomputing-insider.de 2023-04-13
    In diesen Tagen feiert OVHcloud ein besonderes Jubiläum: 20 Jahre eigenentwickelte Wasserkühlungstechnologie. Read full information on external site
  • 台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲深化戰略結盟 - wantrich.chinatimes.com 2023-04-13
    台灣大哥大自去年宣布與亞洲領先的AI與雲端服務供應商CloudMile 萬里雲合作,13日雙方更進一步深化戰略結盟,攜手舉辦「金融X智造轉型實戰峰會」。 Read full information on external site
  • The data centre operators investing in DDoS mitigation - datacentrereview.com 2023-04-13
    For commercial data centre operators, business is good. Inventory and workloads are growing while the percentage of vacant capacity is shrinking, indicators of success that have led to a projected industry revenue of nearly £50 billion by 2025. Read full information on external site
  • Tema Energy announces a turnover of over RON 63 million by the end of 2022 - business-review.eu 2023-04-13
    Tema Energy, the most famous Romanian data center developer, announces a turnover of over 63 million lei at the end of 2022, up 47% from the previous year. Read full information on external site
  • HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - itbrief.com.au 2023-04-13
    HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
  • HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - channellife.com.au 2023-04-13
    HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
  • HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - cfotech.com.au 2023-04-13
    HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
  • HDR designs two NEXTDC data centres colocated in Melbourne - datacenternews.asia 2023-04-13
    HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
  • Addressing the data centre industry’s skills shortage - intelligentdatacentres.com 2023-04-13
    Creating a culturally diverse industry and appealing to the younger generation is of critical importance for closing the skills gap. Adelle Desouza, Founder, HireHigher, talks about how we can ensure the data centre space is a career of choice for young people and why we should be upskilling current talent to future-proof the industry. Read full information on external site
  • 台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲深化戰略結盟 - turnnewsapp.com 2023-04-13
    台灣大哥大與CloudMile 萬里雲13日宣布深化戰略結盟,壯大雲服務生態系。圖/台灣大哥大提供)Read full information on external site
  • AI rises as hyperscale and edge drive data centre demand, finds JLL - capacitymedia.com 2023-04-13
    The mass adoption of cloud computing and AI is driving exponential growth for the data centre industry, according to JLL’s latest Global Data Center Outlook report. Read full information on external site
  • HDR-designed NEXTDC facilities to bolster data-driven design revolution - busycontinent.com 2023-04-13
    HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
  • Afacerile Tema Energy, în creștere cu 47% - revistabiz.ro 2023-04-13
    Tema Energy, dezvoltator român de centre de date, a înregistrat afaceri de peste 63 de milioane de lei la finalul lui 2022, în creștere cu 47% față de anul precedent. Read full information on external site
  • OVH punts hybrid water and immersion cooling for high performance systems - theregister.com 2023-04-13
    Air by itself just doesn't cut it anymore. Read full information on external site
  • Data center ops: How AI and ML are boosting efficiency and resilience - venturebeat.com 2023-04-13
    Nascent use cases for AI use in the data center include efficiency risk analysis, capacity planning, security and budget impact forecasting. Read full information on external site
  • 数据中心液冷温控行业研究:温控液冷,AIGC按下加速键 - t.cj.sina.com.cn 2023-04-12
    后摩尔定律时代下 CPU/GPU 芯片的功耗随着算力能力的提高而大幅提升,Intel、AMD 主流系列处理器功耗已达到 350W/400W,Nvidia H100 计算卡最大功耗可至 700W,已经突破传统风冷系统散热能力范畴。 Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - pressperu.com 2023-04-12
    En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Cómo afectan las inundaciones a las empresas? - peru21.pe 2023-04-12
    GBM es la compañía líder que ofrece ayuda a las empresas en lo referente a la recuperación de desastres. Read full information on external site
  • 科华数据:以自主核心技术构筑算力平台底座 - hea.china.com 2023-04-12
    数字化时代下,人工智能、云计算、大数据、5G等新技术得到快速发展和广泛应用,算力需求也在快速增长。Read full information on external site
  • 科华数据:以自主核心技术构筑算力平台底座 - zhonghongwang.com 2023-04-12
    数字化时代下,人工智能、云计算、大数据、5G等新技术得到快速发展和广泛应用,算力需求也在快速增长。Read full information on external site
  • Sustainability & skills: the priorities for data centre operators in 2023 - datacentrereview.com 2023-04-12
    Danel Turk, Global Segment Leader for Data Centres at ABB, answers some crucial questions about the big challenges facing data centre operators this year, and what they can do to overcome them. Read full information on external site
  • Ausfallrate sinkt langsam – Kosten pro Ausfall steigen - datacenter-insider.de 2023-04-12
    Rechenzentren- und IT-Service-Ausfälle sind häufig. Die Abhängigkeit von IT-Services erhöht die Kosten von Service-Unterbrechungen. Schulung hilft. Das sind einige wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem neuen Outage-Report des Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • 科华数据:以自主核心技术构筑算力平台底座 - finance.eastmoney.com 2023-04-12
    数字化时代下,人工智能、云计算、大数据、5G等新技术得到快速发展和广泛应用,算力需求也在快速增长。Read full information on external site
  • 科华数据:以自主核心技术构筑算力平台底座 - cs.com.cn 2023-04-12
    数字化时代下,人工智能、云计算、大数据、5G等新技术得到快速发展和广泛应用,算力需求也在快速增长。Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - revistaeconomia.com 2023-04-12
    Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
  • Why is it important for companies to have a disaster recovery plan to guarantee their business continuity? - impactotic.co 2023-04-12
    Currently there are multiple factors that can interfere with the normal operation of a business, from natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes or floods, social problems such as public riots or communication problems that affect servers to cyber attacks. This is why it is important to identify the risk of possible scenarios in order to then prepare the appropriate operational response, previously evaluated and accepted by the business. Read full information on external site
  • Backup power is primary power - missioncriticalmagazine.com 2023-04-12
    Municipal power grids are generally not reliable enough for critical applications. Read full information on external site
  • It's time to stop fearing CPU power management - theregister.com 2023-04-12
    It's (probably) not going to kill your latency and it could save you a buck. Read full information on external site
  • IONOS and Fasthosts achieve Tier IV certification at Worcester data centre - thebusinessmagazine.co.uk 2023-04-12
    European digitalisation partner IONOS and its UK subsidiary Fasthosts have secured Tier IV certification for their £21 million data centre, opened in October 2022 at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - businessempresarial.com.pe 2023-04-11
    Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
  • 云解决方案如何帮助企业更轻松地保护应用,并做到防患于未然 - doit.com.cn 2023-04-11
    亚马逊高级副总裁兼杰出工程师James Hamilton 现代企业为确保软件系统的持续可用而承受着巨大的压力。系统宕机不仅会给企业造成数百万美元的经济损失 Read full information on external site
  • 亚马逊云科技带来提高IT韧性的三种方法 - t.cj.sina.com.cn 2023-04-11
    文:亚马逊高级副总裁兼杰出工程师James Hamilton现代企业为确保软件系统的持续可用而承受着巨大的压力。系统宕机不仅会给企业造成数百... Read full information on external site
  • 提高IT韧性的三种方法 云解决方案如何帮助企业更轻松地保护应用,并做到防患于未然 - 365master.com 2023-04-11
    亚马逊高级副总裁兼杰出工程师James Hamilton现代企业为确保软件系统的持续可用而承受着巨大的压力。系统宕机不仅会给企业造成数百万美元 Read full information on external site
  • 10 cosas que debe saber sobre las caídas del centro de datos - cioperu.pe 2023-04-11
    La gravedad de las caídas del centro de datos parece estar disminuyendo, mientras que el costo de las caídas continúa aumentando. Las fallas de energía son "la principal causa de cortes significativos en el sitio”. Read full information on external site
  • IONOS and Fasthosts achieve tier IV certification for Worcester data centre - digitalisationworld.com 2023-04-11
    IONOS, a leading European digitalisation partner for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), and its UK subsidiary, Fasthosts, have secured Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute, for their £21M state-of-the-art data centre, situated at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
  • IBM Furthers Flexibility, Sustainability and Security within the Data Center with New IBM z16 and LinuxONE 4 Single Frame and Rack Mount Options - smetechguru.co.za 2023-04-11
    IBM has unveiled new single frame and rack mount configurations of IBM z16 and IBM LinuxONE 4, expanding their capabilities to a broader range of data center environments. Read full information on external site
  • Just because on-prem is cheaper doesn't make the cloud a money pit - news.knowledia.com 2023-04-11
    Oh and expect to DCs to get more expensive not less moving foward, analysts warn. Read full information on external site
  • Just because on-prem is cheaper doesn’t make the cloud a money pit - klse.i3investor.com 2023-04-11
    Oh and expect to DCs to get more expensive, not less, analysts warn. Read full information on external site
  • Data centers estão em transformação e pequenas mudanças podem fazer uma grande diferença - tek.sapo.pt 2023-04-11
    Pensados de raiz para gerar menor impacto ambiental, ou transformados passo a passo, os data centers são uma das áreas de maior investimento em sustentabilidade na tecnologia. Em Portugal essa também é a realidade, veja alguns exemplos. Read full information on external site
  • Data centers estão em transformação e pequenas mudanças podem fazer uma grande diferença - ardina.news 2023-04-11
    Pensados de raiz para gerar menor impacto ambiental, ou transformados passo a passo, os data centers são uma das áreas de maior investimento em sustentabilidade na tecnologia. Em Portugal essa também é a realidade, veja alguns exemplos. Read full information on external site
  • 电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - chinaaet.com 2023-04-11
    本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
  • IONOS achieves certification for Worcester data centre - dcnnmagazine.com 2023-04-11
    IONOS and Fasthosts have secured Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute for its £21 million state-of-the-art data centre, situated at Worcester Six Business Park. Read full information on external site
  • 电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - chinaaet.com 2023-04-11
    本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
  • Just because on-prem is cheaper doesn’t make the cloud a money pit - theregister.com 2023-04-11
    Oh and expect to DCs to get more expensive, not less, analysts warn. Read full information on external site
  • TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB le dan la bienvenida a KIO, empresa mexicana que adquiere el ZETTA DATA CENTER COMPLEX - amchamcolombia.co 2023-04-11
    Zetta Data Center Complex, un proyecto de alta innovación de tecnología, desarrollado por TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB, cuenta con certificación Tier III en diseño por parte del Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • How data centre operators can tackle skills and sustainability - dcnnmagazine.com 2023-04-11
    How can data centres cope with the skills shortage? Read full information on external site
  • TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB le dan la bienvenida a KIO , empresa mexicana que adquiere el Zetta Data Center Complex - lanotaeconomica.com.co 2023-04-11
    TC Latin America Partners y el Grupo ZFB, se complacen en darle la bienvenida a Colombia a KIO, empresa mexicana que desde hoy se instala en Zona Franca de Bogotá, al firmar un acuerdo para la adquisición del nuevo complejo ZETTA DATA CENTER COMPLEX. Read full information on external site
  • HDR designs two NEXTDC colocation data centres - crn.com.au 2023-04-11
    Engineering, architecture and construction design firm HDR has designed two NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne, aiming to house Australia’s largest cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
  • HDR-designed NEXTDC data centres to house Australia’s largest cloud ecosystem - architectureanddesign.com.au 2023-04-11
    Two purpose-built NEXTDC colocation data centres in Melbourne, designed by global engineering, architecture and construction firm, HDR and constructed by Kapitol Group, will house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Read full information on external site
  • 电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - eetrend.com 2023-04-10
    本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
  • 电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - xunjk.com 2023-04-10
    本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
  • 电能质量监测第1部分:符合标准的电能质量测量的重要性 - ednchina.com 2023-04-10
    本文讨论了电能质量(PQ)测量在当今电力基础设施中的重要性,并回顾了PQ监测的应用领域。本文将介绍IEC电能质量标准及其参数。最后,本文总结了A类和S类电能质量仪表的主要区别。后续文章将阐述关于“如何设计符合标准的电能质量仪表”的推荐解决方案。Read full information on external site
  • KIO acquires data center operator Zetta - leadersleague.com 2023-04-10
    KIO, I Squared Capital's Data Center and Digital Infrastructure platform for Latin America, has acquired 100% of the outstanding shares of Zetta Complex Operation. Read full information on external site
  • ¿Por qué es importante que las empresas cuenten con un plan de recuperación de desastres para garantizar su continuidad de negocio? - linkempresarial.pe 2023-04-10
    Cortes de energía, eventos naturales o de seguridad, podrían afectar de manera imprevista las operaciones de cualquier empresa en cualquier industria. Read full information on external site
  • Empresas deben contar con un plan de recuperación de desastres - jcmagazine.com 2023-04-10
    En la actualidad son múltiples los factores que pueden interferir con la operación normal de un negocio, desde desastres naturales tales como terremotos, huracanes o inundaciones, problemas sociales como revueltas públicas o problemas de comunicación que afecten los servidores hasta ataques cibernéticos. Es por esto que es importante identificar el riesgo de posibles escenarios para entonces preparar la respuesta operativa apropiada, previamente evaluada y aceptada por el negocio. Read full information on external site
  • Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - businessempresarial.com.pe 2023-04-07
    Con su nuevo Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, amplía el portafolio de sus productos. Read full information on external site
  • 施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - gongkong.com 2023-04-06
    “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
  • 施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - gkong.com 2023-04-06
    “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
  • 施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - iianews.com 2023-04-06
    “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
  • 施耐德电气:以标准化、透明化的ESG指标赋能数据中心可持续发展 - 2025china.cn 2023-04-06
    “双碳”目标下,绿色经济迎来了蓬勃发展,可持续发展已然成为企业的必然使命。从2023年《政府工作报告》中指出“加强生态环境保护,促进绿色低碳发展“到近期生态环境部ESG专项工作机构的设立,在政策和市场的双重驱动下,环境、社会和治理(ESG)无疑正受到各方关注与重视。对于企业而言,积极践行ESG理念将进一步提升可持续发展能力,推动企业高质量发展。Read full information on external site
  • WIIT – Il data center di Milano ottiene la certificazione Tier 4 da Uptime Institute - marketinsight.it 2023-04-06
    WIIT annuncia che il nuovo Data Center di Milano ha ottenuto la certificazione Tier IV Constructed Facility da Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • 20 Jahre wässerige Serverkühlung bei OVHcloud - datacenter-insider.de 2023-04-06
    Der europäische Cloud-Anbieter OVHcloud kann in diesem Monat bereits auf 20 Jahre Wasserkühlung in seinen Rechenzentren blicken. Read full information on external site
  • WIIT: completata a Milano la seconda certificazione Tier 4 in Italia - investireoggi.it 2023-04-06
    WIIT S.p.A. (“WIIT” o la “Società”; ISIN: IT0005440893; WIIT.MI), uno dei principali player europei nel mercato dei servizi Cloud Computing per le imprese focalizzato sull’erogazione di servizi continuativi di Hybrid Cloud e Hosted Private Cloud per le applicazioni critiche, società quotata sul segmento Euronext STAR Milan del mercato Euronext Milan, organizzato e gestito da Borsa Italiana S.p.A., annuncia che il nuovo Data Center di Milano (“MIL2”) ha ottenuto la certificazione Tier IV Constructed Facility da Uptime Institute. Read full information on external site
  • Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - tynmagazine.com 2023-04-06
    Por Francisco Sales, director de Servicios en Vertiv Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • 6 ways to overcome data center staffing shortages - techtarget.com 2023-04-05
    Retirements, skills gaps and tight budgets are all factors in recent data center staffing shortages. Focus on recruitment, training and other areas to attract more candidates. Read full information on external site
  • Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - lacapital.com.mx 2023-04-05
    México registra 100 millones de usuarios de Internet en 2023. Read full information on external site
  • 关于数据中心中断需要知道的10件事 - citnews.com.cn 2023-04-05
    Uptime Institute表示,数据中心中断的修复成本更高, 但其严重程度正在降低,发生的频率也在降低。Read full information on external site
  • Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - itnews.lat 2023-04-05
    En un informe realizado en 2022, sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo postpandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez, la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Read full information on external site
  • Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - gadgerss.com 2023-04-04
    Claro se encuentra próximo a inaugurar su Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, con el cual da un paso más para consolidarse como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud con lo que además se suma a la red de Data Centers que opera América Móvil en todo Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - pressperu.com 2023-04-04
    Claro se encuentra próximo a inaugurar su Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, con el cual da un paso más para consolidarse como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud con lo que además se suma a la red de Data Centers que opera América Móvil en todo Latinoamérica. Read full information on external site
  • Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - technopatas.com 2023-04-04
    Con su nuevo Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, amplía el portafolio de sus productos. Read full information on external site
  • 关于预制集装箱数据中心的常见误区 - jifang360.com 2023-04-04
    摘要:通常只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,可助力您的业务在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现快速上线。告别漫长等待,告别场地限制与空间浪费,告别复杂扩展难题……没错,这正是预制模块化解决方案的优点所在。同时我们也意识到,对于这种明明已存在十多年,却仍被业界视为“新技术”的方案,大家可能还持有一些疑虑。Read full information on external site
  • 关于预制集装箱数据中心的常见误区 - fromgeek.com 2023-04-04
    通常只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,可助力您的业务在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现快速上线。Read full information on external site
  • 关于预制集装箱数据中心的常见误区 - news.yesky.com 2023-04-04
    通常只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,可助力您的业务在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现快速上线。Read full information on external site
  • Igniting the IBM Ecosystem with New IBM z16 and IBM LinuxONE 4 Single Frame and Rack Mount Options - IBM.com 2023-04-04
    At IBM, we obsess over what our clients need—not just to meet today’s business challenges, but what will help them capitalize on future opportunities. Read full information on external site
  • Cirion Technologies fortalece presença em Fortaleza - opovo.com.br 2023-04-04
    O Bare Metal Cloud é uma nova forma de explorar o recurso, e possibilita latência mínima, aumenta velocidade de provisionamento, autonomia de uso e de gestão. Read full information on external site
  • Best practices for network edge data centers - blog.se.com/datacenter 2023-04-04
    PwC predicts that the global market for edge data centers will nearly triple to $13.5 billion in 2024 from $4 billion in 2017. Read full information on external site
  • Claro se consolida como un fuerte competidor en servicios cloud - rumboeconomico.com 2023-04-04
    Con su nuevo Data Center, de última generación, en Lima, amplía el portafolio de sus productos. Read full information on external site
  • Características de un data center resiliente en un mundo postpandémico - computerworldmexico.com.mx 2023-04-04
    En un informe realizado en 2022, sobre el acceso y uso de Internet en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, el PNUD indicó que el periodo postpandémico introdujo nuevas formas de trabajo y aprendizaje, como consecuencia de las limitaciones de movilidad exigidas; además, junto con la cobertura de Internet existente, permitió por primera vez, la conexión de 800 millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Estas exigencias requieren de un data center resiliente. Read full information on external site
  • KIO avanza en su expansión hacia Latam - mexicoindustry.com 2023-04-04
    KIO, la plataforma de data centers e infraestructura digital de I Squared Capital para Latinoamérica, anunció la firma de un acuerdo la adquisición de un nuevo data center en Bogotá, Colombia. Read full information on external site
  • 关于预制集装箱数据中心的常见误区 - cctime.com 2023-04-04
    通常只需常规IT设施部署的碎片时间,可助力您的业务在确保安全可靠的前提下,实现快速上线。Read full information on external site
  • Mujeres: ¿la solución a la alta demanda de talento de TI en Latam? - thestandardcio.com 2023-04-03
    La mayor demanda de profesionales de TI en Latinoamérica permite que las mujeres puedan incorporarse a un campo estable y en crecimiento. Read full information on external site
  • KIO expande presencia en Latinoamérica a través de su primera adquisición en Colombia - seguridadti.mx 2023-04-03
    Este nuevo Data Center en Colombia, este se convierte en el sexto país en el mundo donde KIO tiene operaciones, el quinto en el continente Americano y el primero en Sudamérica. Read full information on external site
  • 10 things to know about data-center outages - networkworld.com 2023-04-03
    Uptime Institute says data-center outages are costing more to fix but becoming less severe and occurring at lower rates. Read full information on external site
  • ARSAT, la empresa que es el corazón de la conectividad Nacional - diario22.ar 2023-04-02
    ARSAT, la empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones que brinda conectividad mayorista para acortar la brecha digital en el país, desde las instalaciones de Benavídez. Conócela.. Read full information on external site
  • 史上最简单的虚拟机搭建软路由+ NAS+家庭媒体中心 - news.cndns.com 2023-04-01
    如今,对于很多公司来说,招聘、培养、留住员工是一个很大的挑战。英国工业联合会表示,技能短缺是英国企业当前面临的较大的挑战,因为没有更多适合的员工满足企业的需求。英国工业联合会呼吁政府部门对于劳动力更多地进行教育和培训,以缓解人员短缺问题。该组织警告说,英国脱欧之后将改. Read full information on external site